Gunjan Rai kanungo
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Eptima Lite] How to remove Inner slider image?Hi pktv,
Hope you are good!!!
Try the below code in any custom CSS plugin or customize theme using #header_wrap{ background: inherit; padding: 0; }
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Analytical Lite] Formatting issue in the front pageHi shyjunair,
Hope you are well ??For this replace home.php Line : 56 with following code : –
<div class="post_excerpt jqu_cont"><?php the_excerpt(); ?></div>
this set your home style same as single, but here theme is using the_excerpt which trims all the white spaces (i.e. line brakes, paragraph brakes, spaces etc.) from the content.
For this you can write custom Excerpt HTML by turning on “Excerpt” from the screen options (at the top of screen)
Please, first read the_excerpt and it is recomended to use Child_Themes for any customization.Best,
Gunjan KanungoForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [BizStudio Lite] Audio Player Play/Pause buttons not workingHey there hazyturtle,
Hope you’re well! ??
You really made a very good website using the theme.
And for the above thing I wanna tell you that It’s not the problem with theme, but due to the social sidebar.
Anyway use the following code with any custom css plugin and get your problem solved#Social-Sidebar{ max-width: 20%; }
Have A Nice Day,
Gunjan KanungoForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Foodeez Lite] Get rid of "hamburger" menu on mobile versionHey there sbell180,
Hope you’re well! ??
First, I suggest you use a child theme or use any custom css plugin if you will customize your theme.
Add the code in your child theme’s style.css or using the plugin
#menu-main{ display: block !important; } #skenav a{ color: #fff !important; } #skehead .top-nav-menu{ width: 100% !important; }
& then open file /foodeez-lite/js/custom.js and comment the lines 83, 87 & 89 by putting forward slashes like this:
if($(window).width() < options.fwidth) { // sktMobileRes(); } $(window).resize(function() { if($(window).width() < options.fwidth) { // sktMobileRes(); }else{ // sktDeskRes(); }
and don’t forget to take backup of this file before installing update.
Take Care,
Gunjan KanungoForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Biznez Lite] Front page, how to find?Hi,
I got your problem and it seems that may be you forgot to select “Select Your Front Page Layout” to “Custom Layout” in “Front Page Options”Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Analytical Lite] Text size on menu headerYes, It is possible with simple CSS but first specify, what exactly you meant with menu header?
1. Change the redundant header i.e. breadcrumb.
Use the following CSS to hide it.cont_nav, .entry-title { display: none; }
2. Change the hover color on social media button.
Check /images folder for the social media images you will get the things you want
3. Dark grey color at footer
This is not a solid color but an image set in background so try with changing these images
– footer-bg.png used in footer-top &
– footer-last-bg.png used in the last section
4. It’s not a good idea but you aren’t using Flicker so create pintrest image similar to flicker_foot.png and save that with the name flicker_foot.png and rename the original one with a different name so that you can get use of it in future, or customize the theme otherwise.
5. Widen the entire page
when you create pages select “Full Width” option in “Page Attributes >> Template” it will change the layout to full width.
this doesn’t apply on Blog Pages.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [BizStudio Lite] Front page has disappearedHi,
Goto “Settings >> Reading >> Front Page Displays” select “A static Page” option
and set Front Page and Blog Page.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [BizStudio Lite] Change category featured image sizeHi,
Use the following CSS code using any custom CSS Plugin or write at the bottom of style.css#content .post-image a i.fade { height: 250px; }
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [BizStudio Lite] error 500 to all linksHi,
You Can Use following Custom CSS#logo img { height: 165px; width: 450px; }
just replace the value of height and width parameter with your desired value.
If you have more number of pages and large logo size(around250px) than overlapping may occur. For this adjust the class grid6, grid17 of logo and nav<div>
in header.php using Child_ThemesHi,
1) The<a>
tag containing your image is getting width:215px from the js so for this you need to check your JS code. Probably you may get it in preetyphoto2) Oops! Your code is intended to show the same layout but it isn’t. Anyway you can fix it by using this small line of code by any custom CSS plugin
.summary { clear: right; }
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Irex Lite] How Do I disable SliderFor the pictures link customization refer Front Page Picture
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Irex Lite] Front pageHi,
Use the following code using any custom css plugin
.latest_project_box .feature_image a.fullpostlink { bottom: auto; height: 100%; opacity: 0; right: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; }
Gunjan KanungoForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Irex Lite] How Do I disable SliderHi,
The things that you want are too easy, Just follow the below steps and you will get it done.1. Comment Line : 112 in SketchBoard/functions/sketch-enqueue.php by adding double-forward slashes like this
// require_once(get_template_directory().'/js/camera-slider-config.php');
Gunjan KanungoForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Invert Lite] How to change page header images?Hello,
To place individual custom images isn’t available in Invert Light, However you can “Upload Page Title & Breadcrumb Background Image”
from the Theme Options which is common to every page and post.