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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lazy Load for Videos] No highres Youtube previews since update 2.9.1Hi Kevin, thank you for your fast reply.
I’m using the latest WordPress version. Also the Classic Editor with this plugin:
Youtube Thumbnail Quality on posts is “default” and in the backend of your plugin it’s set to max.The loss in quality happened since the last update.
The issue that often after editing a post I need to trigger “Update Posts” is something I’m experiencing since a long time. I thought I’ve reported it months ago already.
Max Resolution is always active in the global backend settings, and I’ve done “update posts” multiple times. Still, even on a private browser window, the quality is degraded since the last update, see:
Let me know, if there is anything else I can contribute.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lazy Load for Videos] No highres Youtube previews since update 2.9.1Update: I’ve manually set the quality in the post to “Maximum”. Then Lazyload didn’t work on that post at all anymore. After that I manually set it back to “Default” and chose updated the “Update Posts” option in the LazyLoad settings. Then the Thumbnail was again rendered in full quality.
Something seems random here. Also I need to click on that “Update posts” button after each change to a post, because otherwise LazyLoad refuses to do anything and the video gets embedded as iframe.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by gunther12.
I second this request.
Please do NOT force us to use Smart buttons/paypal express checkout.In Europe any shop is forced by law to have the customers fill in some Checkboxes (GDPR, Terms and Conditions, Right of revocation etc.) which cannot happen if the smart buttons or paypal express are used.
That means, if you force us to use smart buttons, we in Europe cannot use your plugin anymore and comply to the law. Please consider.
Ist das jetzt in der soeben ver?ffentlichten 2.0.0 umgesetzt? In den Releasenotes findet sich dazu leider nichts.
Das sind gute Nachrichten, vielen Dank, dass ihr euch dafür eingesetzt habt, ich kann mir vorstellen, dass Paypal solche Dinge erstmal versucht durchzudrücken… Um so besser, wenn dann User und Pluginautoren gemeinsam schaffen, hier gegenzuhalten.
Weiter so und danke für den guten Support!Gibt es irgendwelche Bestrebungen das Plugin wieder nutzbar zu machen indem ihr eine M?glichkeit bietet, das oben beschriebene unsch?ne Verhalten abzustellen? Es kann doch nicht im Sinne von Paypal sein, dass wir auf der alten Version bleiben.
Ich bin jetzt auch auf die alte Version zurückgegangen.
Ich hoffe, hier gibt es bald eine L?sung für das Problem. Wirklich sehr schlechter Stil.Ich finde es einigerma?en unsch?n, wie Paypal hier versucht sein “Plus” Program zu platzieren und somit h?here Gebühren einzunehmen.
Gibt es vielleicht die M?glichkeit über einen Block in der functions.php das deaktivieren des default Gateways zu verhindern? Ansonten muss ich leider zurück auf die vorherige Version des Plugins – was ja aus Sicherheitsgründen auch nicht im Sinne des Erfinders sein kann.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Newsletter - Send awesome emails from WordPress] Change Privacy Policy TextYes, you are right, I struggeled a bit to find it int the configuration, since it’s not under settings, but under “List Building / Subscription Form fields…”.
I’ve sorted it out now, thanks!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Newsletter - Send awesome emails from WordPress] Change Privacy Policy TextYes, unfortunately.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Newsletter - Send awesome emails from WordPress] Change Privacy Policy TextSorry, but I can’t seem to find the option to customize this text in the latest version. Could you please point it out to me? I’d like to translate it via WPML also.
@diego: I’m well aware that you cannot prevent cheating with this.
But legally – in case you would have legal fight – it’s a big difference, if someone actively states “yes, I’m from this country” by clicking somewhere – or if the country is prefilled and he just clicks on buy – then he might claim he didn’t see the preselection.At least in Germany this makes a big difference – legally. Not technically.
@david thanks so much to implement the additional check. We can all only do the best we can to avoid any dissuasions coming due to this ridiculous and not well-thought-out law.
Hi David,
awesome work! That’s exactly how it should work!
I’m glad you added the check for the non EU countries as well. ??I’m really relieved now for my switch in less then one hour.
I have been migrating two complete shops to woocommerce to be able to accomplish those new regulations (and for some other reasons) – but that have been really stressful days and nights.Thank you for your great support and I wish you, that your transitions run smoothly and you have a great year 2015!
We’ll stay in touch!
All the best for you and your family,
GuntherNo, I’m not using Shipping country.
For example: I entered an order, changed the country from germany to finland, the default Entry ‘none’ (Please choose!) is selected and no error is displayed at the top:
if I reload the page, finland will be preselected and I get the message!, I did that but the labels still appear. I’ve hidden them via css but it’s somewhat nasty – would be easier and safer to have that additional div.