Forum Replies Created
Hi @shaylee,
Thanks for your answer. Well, hardly resolved, I don’t know if I understand you correctly, but if I enable “Legacy Submissions” (the box marked) I don’t see the old submissions (those before April/March 2022). If I disable I see all submissions, the old as well, i.e. the opposite to what you say. And in any case, even when I see all the submission, the big problem is that the old submissions can’t be deleted.
It was when I found out that the old submissions couldn’t be deleted I made a try by clicking the button in the settings called “Delete All Ninja Forms-data at uninstalling” (a translation from Swedish so it may not be exact). And furthermore I deleted Ninja Forms completely. But still, when checking the database all the “wp_cf_form tables”, with all the info included were still there, i.e all the old submission messages.
I guess, to solve the problem I start with finding a plugin that may clean the database. Hope it work. If not I contact you on your Ninja support.
By the way, the advantage to enable “Legacy Submissions” is that it will show the trash. Good if I delete new submissions and will empty the trash. Quite as important as the first click to delete.
Does not work. The tag should be: Deleting, old submissions.
Only worked partly. Strange. I’ll try again.
Just want to add the “Tags”, as I think the issue is important because of GDPR. Missed it when I submitted the main question above. I’ll se if it works.
I doubt your suggestion will help to find an explanation. As said above (in my second comment) the problem disappears only when I deactivate aiowps. It didn’t help to only disable the security features and firewall rules. So I guess disabling the features and rules one by one should not make any difference, meaning it would show some special feature or rule having an effect on the problem.
I guess the conclusion of this also will be, as partly discussed earlier, that it is nothing wrong with the site as such (all works okey when deactivating aiowps), but the problem is a conflict between the plugins PublishPress Permissions or Theme My login and aiowps. Possibly I could get this conclusion confirmed by deactivating the plugins mentioned, but I rather not want to, because it should make documents public that shouldn’t be (and also I am not sure if all of the settings I have done with these plugins remains when activating them again).
If you think it is important to continue trying to find an explanation because of security reasons, I will continue testing based on your suggestions. But if quite sure no security risk, I think the best is to close this topic.
Thanks for your answer. I don’t expect you to come with any conlusions from my research presented below. I understand it is about too much details to discuss in this forum. But if you want to read it and perhaps have some thoughts I of course appreciate. If you read and not have any thoughts I will stop my investigations for the time being with the conclucions that the problem depends on the other plugins.
My research:
The JS concole is not something I am sure how to read/interpret. And in this case I am not sure in which step I should use it. (1) When open the Users page, (2) when open the WP Security/User account page or (3) when open the my Profile page via the WP Security/User account page? Neither if to use the F12/Concole tab view or the ctrl+shift+J view (the first alternative shows no errors the second alternative shows several errors – regardless of which step – 1, 2, or 3.) And, as said, I don’t know how to interpret the errors. The most relevant errors seems to be when using ctrl+shift+J view on the Profile page, e.g.”Error: can’t find profile directory” or “Content Security Policy: the page settings blocked the load of a recourse on inline (“default-src”)”. (The last phrase my translation).
When open via F12 and the tab for troubleshooting I find one perhaps interesting note when my Profile page is open: “Error: Incorrect contents fetched, please reload.” But I guess the explanation of this note may be that this Profile page has not the same design as the one opens when not using/deactivating aiowps, probably depending on the Theme used (Twenty Fifteen). It has the same design though as when open other users Edit User pages.
No. When deactivating aiowps, the issue disappears – i.e. the Profile page can be opened the ordinary way. (It wasn’t enough to disable security features and firewall rules, I had to deactivate.)
Just a thought – maybe the plugins PublishPress Permissions and/or Theme My Login cause the problem (these plugins are only used on the sites with the problem).
Anyway, as partly said, the focus on my question is if the problems to open my Profile page the ordinary way indicates any security risk. If not, there is no reason to put more work on the issue, because of the Profile page can be opened via WP security/user accounts.
Thanks for your answer!
No problems, I assumed I maybe misunderstood. Easy to do ??
I understand your point of view. It is only you that can make the overall judgement. I have got it all working now on all my sites, so no problems any more for me.
Thanks again!
Best regards
Yes that is correct.
I am not sure if you missed the point, when you describe where I find the feature. I know where it is, and I use it.
The problem? Not the feature as such. The scan is performed, the mail report is sent. The problem is that my IP provider since some weeks ago stops the mails. See explanation above.
I have found a work around. See above.
Perhaps you may not see the problem as yours, and that may be correct. But probably you will meet this issue again, and to avoid the need to answer future support questions about this problem, it may be an idea that you change how the aiowps plugin creates and sends scan report mails. This is solely a kindly suggestion, aimed to help.
Best regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [All-In-One Security (AIOS) – Security and Firewall] Conflict with NextGenHi PolyWogg,
Thanks very much for your answer! You have a lot of good explanations how you have tested and the reason why. Now I understand what you did.
In my case though, the issue seems to have been solved. During the night, without me doing anything. And I guess the explanation. The chache, some place. I thought about that directly after the NGG update and when the problems remained. I then tried with clearing the webb cache, and also tested several times yesterday, with some time between, in case of cache on the server. But nothing changed. Then I tried this morning and all was okay again.
Have a bit bad conscience, since you have done a lot of work with your answer. On the other hand it should be good to know that also the cache may be a part of the problem solving. And of course, the way you think when problem solving will be very good to know in all problem cases.
I am pretty sure that aiowps caused the problem from start. I recently changed the antivirus and firewall program to aiowps. Before this change, the NGG update problem never has occured. No other changes have been done on the site.
I am in a hurry right now, but if more points to discuss or straighten I will come back, not sure though if I have the time before the christmas holidays.
Thanks again!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [All-In-One Security (AIOS) – Security and Firewall] Conflict with NextGenHi,
I got the same kind of problems when updating NGG. I hade noted and read this thread before I did this update, so before I performed the update, I disabled all the aiowps settings. Then I updated NGG, thereafter put all the aiowps settings back again. Now, when checking the published gallery, it doesn’t work as expected, e.g. the image thumbnails are placed below each other, not in rows as they should be, and the thumbnails can’t be enlarged.
After this I also tried with deactivating aiowps completely. But the problems with NGG remains. Finally, I deleted aiowps completely. The problems remain. Of course finished with installing aiowps again.
PolyWogg – I read your descriptions again, how you solved the problems the first time. But I am not really sure concerning some parts. You say “I deactivated everything in stages until it worked”. Did you deactivated all other plugins, except NGG, including aiowps before it started to work? Or did it start to work before you deactivated/removed aiowps? Did you in any step deactivated NGG? Would very much appreciate if you can clarify.
Perhaps you also have tested again, and found what is causing the problem?
Sounds very good. Now I understand how it works. Thanks very much for your help!
…just want to add that that site in general works okay now. Just want to be sure it has as secure protection.
I sure try. From the start I installed WordPress on the web server in the subdirectory “wordpress”. I made all the work with the site, e.g. installed plugins needed including aiowps and made all plugins settings, and of course put the content in place etc. In this situation a public visitor could only access to the site via the address
Now, when finished the work I wanted the site to be accessible directly via the domain address, i.e., so without the ending “/wordpress”. I followed the instructions on – the page: . The instructions include two main steps: to copy (not move) the index.php and .htaccess files residing in the wordpress directory and place these files/copies in the website root directory (and also for this context some more nonessential steps). What this in fact means is that after performing the steps there are two identical (nearly) .htaccess files on the web server – one in the website root directory and one in the wordpress directory. Consequently, from start both these files includes all the rules that comes from the settings made in the aiowps plugin.
I hope you now can understand my question which you quote: “If I make new settings in aiowps will these changes automatically be listed in the .htaccess file(s) they should be, I guess in both the .htaccess file in the wordpress directory and in the one in the root directory?”
As told earlier, my tests show that when now changing a setting in aiowps, this changes the rules listed in the .htaccess file in the website root directory, but not the rules in .htaccess file in the wordpress directory. So, the files will now differ. But if that is okey, all is okey.
Perhaps the answer to the question is so easy and obvious that the question is difficult to understand. But I did put it anyway because I have had several problems with the .htaccess files when changing the site url as described in the second paragraph above, and wanted to be sure all will work okey.
I hope you get it. The question can be summarized to: seems all works as it should now?
Thanks for your answer. I get some confused though. First, what do you mean with the “WordPress root directory”? The website root directory or the wordpress directory? If the website root directory, which is the “new location” for the copied .htaccess file: It is in this file the rules changes when making a change in the aiowps settings. As I understand your answer (if you are talking about the website root directory) you seem to have interpreted my last answer the opposite.
If you mean the wordpress directory, the directory for the WordPress installation, then I can’t understand your answer. This is where the “old” .htaccess file remains, it’s “old” location. If this file should change as well (it doesn’t), I don’t know, just wonder.
If I understand the core sense of your explanations correctly it should be no need to reinstall the plugin. But, have I misunderstood your answer?