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  • Hi Andy,

    the easiest thing to do: Just delete the original mimo-woocommerce-order-tracking.php file and replace it with this one. Then everything will work as expected (like hitting update for saving the tracking data without completing the order and sending emails or adding new providers).

    Regards, Rado



    Hi there,

    as @javiermates wrote in this post here, one should change line 268 from
    $order = wp_kses( $_POST["list_item"] );
    $order = wp_kses( $_POST["list_item"], array() );

    Or just download and replace your mimo-woocommerce-order-tracking.php with this one from here. It’s my suggested v. 1.0.2.

    Regards, Rado



    Hi again,

    no need for this quick fix. Just save the form (press update, not save and send from the wot meta box).
    It won’t work out of the box, because the code for saving the meta box content is wrong. Change from line 370

    			if ( isset( $_POST[ 'mimo_shipment_tracking_nonce' ] ) && wp_verify_nonce( $_POST[ 'mimo_shipment_tracking_nonce' ], 'mimo_shipment_tracking_data' ) ) return;
    			if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post_id ) ) return;
    			if ( isset( $_POST['mimo_tracking_provider_id'] ) )
    				update_post_meta( $post_id, 'mimo_tracking_provider_id', sanitize_text_field( $_POST['mimo_tracking_provider_id'] ) );
    			if ( isset( $_POST['mimo_tracking_number'] ) )
    				update_post_meta( $post_id, 'mimo_tracking_number', sanitize_text_field( $_POST['mimo_tracking_number'] ) );
    			if ( isset( $_POST['mimo_date_shipped'] ) )
    				update_post_meta( $post_id, 'mimo_date_shipped', sanitize_text_field( $_POST['mimo_date_shipped'] ) );


    	if ( isset( $_POST[ 'mimo_shipment_tracking_nonce' ] ) && wp_verify_nonce( $_POST[ 'mimo_shipment_tracking_nonce' ], 'mimo_shipment_tracking_data' ) ) {
                    if (!current_user_can('edit_post', $post_id)) return;
                    if (isset($_POST['mimo_tracking_provider_id']))
                        update_post_meta($post_id, 'mimo_tracking_provider_id', sanitize_text_field($_POST['mimo_tracking_provider_id']));
                    if (isset($_POST['mimo_tracking_number']))
                        update_post_meta($post_id, 'mimo_tracking_number', sanitize_text_field($_POST['mimo_tracking_number']));
                    if (isset($_POST['mimo_date_shipped']))
                        update_post_meta($post_id, 'mimo_date_shipped', sanitize_text_field($_POST['mimo_date_shipped']));

    Regards, Rado

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by gutding.


    there is no need for a custom shortcode. It’s already built in in WP HTML Mail (Woocommerce add-on). Just add [order-meta] to the template file.
    That’s it.

    Regards, Rado



    Hi there,

    as a quick fix, just comment out line 251 of mimo-woocommerce-order-tracking.php (inside plugin dir):
    // $order->update_status( $this->order_status );
    That will prevent updating the order status. Don’t get confused when the order status will show “finished”. It’s not. Just refresh the page and you’ll see.

    Regards, Rado

    Thread Starter gutding


    Hi Kevin,

    thanks for getting back to me so quickly.
    When I update the page the tabs content will be saved. When I create a custom tab in text mode, the content will also be saved.
    Funny observation: If you have one tab shown in Visual mode and the other in Text mode and you change the order of both, just the content will flip. The viewing mode will persist.

    Best regards, Rado

    Thread Starter gutding



    I will investigate this.

    Thread Starter gutding


    Any chance that this feature will be added anytime soon?

    Try this one:
    [acceptance acceptance-27] Please click here to confirm you have read and understand our <a href="/privacy/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">privacy policy</a>.[/acceptance]

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by gutding.

    Hallo Yvonne,

    sch?n, dass es Dir hilft.
    Dein Blogname steht allerdings nicht im Sourecode, daher kannst Du den auch nirgendwo übersetzen.
    Wenn man aber in die Ajax.php schaut, gibt es dort für die Bildung der Subject-Line einen Filter:

    $subject = apply_filters(
       sprintf(__('%s - Your data request', WP_GDPR_C_SLUG), $siteName),

    Das heisst, Du kannst in Deiner functions.php diesen Filter ansprechen:

    function my_wpgdprc_mail_subject($subject, $request, $sitename) {
    	$subject = 'Datenzugriffsanfrage von Cards & More.';
    	return $subject;

    Im Sourcecode sollte der HTML-Code vom &-Zeichen stehen.

    Sch?ne Grü?e, Rado


    1) Das klappt. Der Nutzer bekommt eine Email mit einem Link zu einer pers?nlichen Seite, auf der er seien Daten einsehen/anonymisieren kann. Das ist zwar dieselbe Seite, unter der er/sie den Antrag stellt, der Inhalt ist aber anders. Einfach ausprobieren.

    2) Das liegt daran, da? die wp-gdpr-compliance-de_DE.po, die bei der 1.34 beiliegt einige unübersetzte Strings hat. Ich habe die mal nachübersetzt. Kannst Du hier runterladen. Dann die beiden po/mo Dateien in das Verzeichnis wp-content/languages/plugins/ kopieren (die beiden alten dabei überschreiben). Dann sollte alles auf deutsch sein.

    Sch?ne Grü?e, Rado

    Thread Starter gutding


    Ok, this plugin is great but not very well maintained. So I took the liberty to change the source code directl to make it work.
    I did change the original

    public function get_element_defaults($post_id){
    		$default_class = 'product-subtitle subtitle-'.$post_id;
    		$default_id = 'product-subtitle-'.$post_id;
    		$class = apply_filters('wc_product_subtitle_class_'.$this->display_id,$default_class,$this->display_id,$post_id);
    		$id = apply_filters('wc_product_subtitle_id_'.$this->display_id,$default_id,$this->display_id,$post_id);
    		return array('elemid' =>  $id, 'elemclass' => $class);


    public function get_element_defaults($post_id){
    		$class = 'product-subtitle subtitle-'.$post_id;
    		$id = 'product-subtitle-'.$post_id;
    		if ( has_term( 'kuehlware', 'product_cat', $post_id ) ) {
    			$class = 'product-subtitle-kuehl subtitle-'.$post_id;
    		return array('elemid' =>  $id, 'elemclass' => $class);

    in the plugin file wc-product-subtitle/includes/class-tag-handler.php.
    Now it does what it should.

    Honestly, I do not really understand what you want. If it is just a Link in front of the submit button, why don’t you just add one?

    <label> Your name
        [text* your-name] </label>
    <label> Your email address
        [email* your-email] </label>
    <label> Subject
        [text your-subject] </label>
    <label> Your message
        [textarea your-message] </label>
    <p> here comes a <a href="/silly-link/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Silly Link</a>... </p>
    [submit "Send"]

    Just use an Acceptance Checkbox and put the link inside the text field.

    [acceptance acceptance-201] I have read the <a href="/your-site-here/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">privacy protection policy</a> and I accept. [/acceptance]
    [submit "Send"]
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by gutding.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by gutding.
Viewing 14 replies - 16 through 29 (of 29 total)