I too believe there are too many updates… I am of advanced age and yes, not too interested in codexes or coding. Every time I have to do an update, wordpress crashes for me and the wonderful people at GoDaddy have to fix me up again. I just get grief or snobby comments from the experts at wordpress (high tech knowledge, lousy bedside manner).
Why can’t wordpress put out more robust releases? I get the security thing, but there doesn’t seem to be the user friendly approach available. I had never heard of automatic updates. And if I have to do coding to make it happen, I’m not likely to do it – just clicking on ‘update now’ causes my system to crash…..
Sorry for the rant, I’m just super frustrated…. When I signed up for wordpress it wasn’t clear that one needs to be interested in back end coding to make the thing work, and it needs constant tinkering.