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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form DB] Forms not showing up from FS Contact FormAnother update. Once I filled out the application form and sent it off, it was added automatically to Contact Form DB 2.9.16. I can now add a form to the selector for the Export and Short Code Builder page.
Data has to be present before the form can be used.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form DB] Forms not showing up from FS Contact FormI am a new user and downloaded Contact Form DB 2.9.16 on March 3 and I am experiencing the same issue as randybowler.
I am running Secure Contact Form version 4.0.41
I am running WordPress version 4.4.2.The only thing I see under Export and Short Code Builder is *Select a form*
No forms show up to select.
It would be great if you could add a second category and filter the posterboard by just that category. But I can’t figure out how to do that either.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Tell us the event management features you’d like to seeI would like repeating events for the same day. Think of a movie theater. The same movie shows at 1:00, 3:00, 5:00 and 7:00. Please let me know if you’re adding this kind of functionality.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] New Feature?It’s time consuming entering all of the times, but this is the best solution on how to calculate:
NOAA Solar Calculator
Find Sunrise, Sunset, Solar Noon and Solar Position for Any Place on Earth: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Problem with entering an addressdavejampole,
Thank you for posting that.
What I really need is the $dbvalue for Coordinates and $address. I have tried to duplicate them into the header and I have not been able to get it to work. I am not certain of the values and I cannot find anything in documentation.
At least one problem is solved!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Problem with entering an addressI have had the exact same problem. Google would put the address of the venue a block away and add incorrect details!
The only solution I could find was in Dashboard > Settings > Calendar to click the following:
Disable address autocomplete function
That solved one problem for me.
Now if I could get someone to tell me what the values are for address, and coordinates so I can repeat them in the meta.
What I am looking for is a way to show the next event in a category.
There doesn’t seem to be a way to have two short code events on the same page. It would be nice to have something like this:
[ai1ec view=”next-event” cat_id=”5″]
[ai1ec view=”agenda” cat_id=”5″]Currently this will not work for several reasons. First off, the shortcode does not exist. Second, you cannot use more than one shortcode on any page. There’s also an issue where AI1EC shortcode will not work as hoped by staying exactly as you place it on a page.
So my hope was to figure out a php include in place of shortcode to hopefully force your plug-in to stay where I want it on a page template and function the way that works best for my Web site.
Thanks bollinger. I tried your suggestion and variations on it, but I have not been able to get it to work.
Maybe Richard could get Jenna to chime in on this.
You want to charge me money just to answer a question that other WordPress Plug-ins routinely answer for free?
What I am looking for is the PHP code I could use to place the calendar in a template. As an example, here is the same question for Fast Secure Contact Form by Mike Challis:
This is the code he uses for his form:
<?php if ( isset($si_contact_form) ) { echo $si_contact_form->si_contact_form_short_code( array( 'form' => '1' ) ); } ?>
I would like to know the same information for for All-in-One Event Calendar. If your calendar does not allow it, just say so and don’t try and charge me to find the answer.
If there’s another calendar company that will let me do this, please let me know. I have no problem paying for a plug-in, I simply want to see if it will do something I need before I pay money.
Some WordPress plug-ins allow you can directly embed a php include into a template page.
Can you show me an example on how to do this with All-in-One Event Calendar?
An additional goal is to embed two calendar categories side-by-side in a page template.
I am using a dynamic widget plugin. The issue is that I can’t get AdRotate to serve some ads to that widget on a specific page, but not other ads.
My solution for this problem was to open the following:
I commented out line 918:
$msg .= __( 'Application Link', 'jobman' ) . ': ' . admin_url( 'admin.php?page=jobman-list-applications&appid=' . $app->ID ) . PHP_EOL;
I’m not sure if that will open up other problems, but it seems to have fixed the issue for now. Chime in if you have a better solution.
This really is a great plug-in.
roblagatta, I tested your temporary and it worked fine:
In line 35 of /plugins/the-events-calendar/lib/tribe-event-query.class, change:
add_filter( ‘posts_orderby’, array(__CLASS__, ‘dateOrderBy’), 10, 2);
add_filter( ‘posts_orderby’, array(__CLASS__, ‘dateOrderBy’), 1, 2);
I find things work best with Default Events Template, which is set in settings: the event calendar
I am running:
WordPress 3.3.1
The Events Calendar 2.0.4.
2010 themeRob, Currently I am looking for a new event calendar system I can roll out to several theater sites I manage that have the same need.
To make sure I see how the calendar would work, I did a clean install of WordPress 3.3.1. I chose 2010 as a theme since that matches most of the themes. I then did a clean install of The Events Calendar 2.0.4.
I then started entering in events into the system when I discovered that the Events List was listing events by posting date, not the performance date. As a courtesy I let this thread know the problem still exists with the current version of the software.
If there’s a conflict, it’s with WordPress 3.3.1 and the 2010 theme.
If there’s a solution to fix the problem, could you post it? As a newcomer to The Events Calendar, it was a bit confusing to which fix is the correct one.
I would be happy to try any fix you suggest. Perhaps it will help your engineers track down the problem and then we all win.