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  • No need for apology… like you said, they ain’t payin’ the bills, so in my POV, anything you do with the plugs is a gift. I know nothing about nothing regarding php and whatever else; the ability to use this plug-in at all is something that my blog is thankful for.
    Its people like you that keep me stickin with WP, that keep me bloggin at all!.

    I feel that one of the net’s true power lay in the ability to make and retainK links with databases of info. Its stuff like this plug, that makes the intercorrelations that much easier. Perhaps, someday we’ll have………

    But I digress.

    Thanks for everything you’ve done.

    For myself, its been a long journey of thread searching and google hunting, but I’ve finally gotten some of the functionalily I’ve wanted (automatic updates of “Now Playing” on a mac) I know I still have so so so so much to learn about a lotta stuff, but its cool tto have nonetheless. Now I just have to find the free time to free myself from Kubrick!

    PS: Ain’t ya just waitin for the concept of woofie to take hold?



    EDIT: Nevermind… there’s a fix for both these problems!

    From :

    Go to your WordPress directory and add the following code to WP-config.php.

    // ***** IE-warning fix for CG-Amazon *****
    include_once(‘wp-content/plugins/cg-plugins/error-handler.php’); ‘/blockquote’


    BTW, IE isn’t the only browser affected… the mozilla-based Camino (mac browser) was giving me the same thing

    (I wouldn’t want anyone accusing me of touching IE now…)



    A couple things.

    Using WP 2.0, I get these errors on every page but the main page.

    Warning: array_filter(): The second argument, ‘Array’, should be a valid callback in /home/.amphion/hagure/ on line 152

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/.amphion/hagure/ on line 156

    Is this just me?

    Also, there seems to be an incompatibility with the style mp3 flash player. When both are activated, the little play buttons go poof. These two inconviniences have led me to deactivate the plug-ins for now.

    Either way, thanks for the hard work on the plug ins. Though I mainly use the pack for whattunes, I appreciate the work going in to this monstrous project!

    I can’t seem to edit my post anymore… weird.

    Anyway, if I comment out line 152 of capabilities.php, The message dissapoears. But I’m sure I don’t wanna do that now right?

    Warning: array_filter(): The second argument, ‘Array’, should be a valid callback in /home/.amphion/hagure/ on line 152

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/.amphion/hagure/ on line 156

    When using the CG-Amazon plugin, I get this error on the top of my Dreamhosted page. The artwork shows up fine, but I don’t know what’s causing this.

    When I installed it on my MAMP sandbox (a mirror of the online site) though, no problem.

    Any clues?

    Thank you in advance

    Probably the easiest way to get a WP running locally.
    There were some issues with Panther/Tiger and mysql in the beta version, but now with MAMP 1.0 Final, everything is working harmoniously again (WP 1.5.2).

    Just for anyone having trouble with the installation and came here through forum search:

    – MAMP’s mysql server seems to be broken under 10.4.2, despite the green light. No word on an update yet

    – Mysql 4.1.x requires a little hacking (as mentioned above) Go here for info

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Oekaki module

    hmm… might be a mac-specific issue then.

    That would do it wouldn’t it?

    On a somewhat related note to this (kind of a newbie ?)…
    Currently I have my wordpress site in a “” directory. How would I be able to keep the blog in its own directory, but still have it come up when someone types in ?

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Oekaki module

    Just a compatibility note for mac users (OS X):
    Safari: Plugin loads, but the drawing space is continually updated with a blank overlay. IE: you can draw stuff, but you can’t see it (the image will flash on and off while dragging the tool around… so close!)
    Firefox/Mozilla/Camino: Plugin doesn’t seem to load at all (at least not visibly)
    Opera: Works fine.
    IE: Works fine.
    I haven’t tested out OmniWeb or iCab (its still around right? used to be my browser of choice before Safari).
    Other than that tho (which is browser rendering issues?), great hack, great app!

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