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  • Thread Starter hakre


    Because nothing is clearly documented and I found out that I used wp_ functions instead of the non-wp_ widget functions I close this as resolved and opened a new part on the Widget API in codex because an overall codex documentation about this topic is missing.

    Have you tried calling their customer support and ask them if they could restore your old version?

    Well I did not only flame, that would be far too lame, you’re right. Shit can happen.

    I was trying to say: Restore your backup.

    flame on:
    Hi pimpdaddy, hope you keep on pimpin’ while uppimpin’ your “daddy-o-so-cool” wordpress blog.
    flame off.

    I hope you read the documentation on how to properly upgrade a wordpress blog. Because then it would be no problem for you to restore the backup of your old blog and you are fine. Problems with the latest version shouldn’t touch you much.

    I dunno wether you can use an _ inside the shadowbox gallery rel option. But as I wrote, this is true for the other way round as well, therefore for shadowbox as well.

    Which version of wordpress are you guys using? Some of the prev/next links are not working under specific circumstances has been reported.

    The features you are missing have not been removed. The places where you can edited them have been moved:

    Post slugs change
    Post slugs can be edited as usual, only the location has changed:

    1. Edit the article you want the slug to be changed.
    2. Below the Title you find Permalink:
    3. At the end of this line you should be able to edit this permalink (click the link).
    4. If you have javascript enabled, the slug-part of your permalink will change into a textbox you can edit the slug now. If javascript has been switched off, the page scroll down to the end where you find a textarea titled “Post Slug” (“Titleform” in german) you can edit it now as well.

    Changing the author
    Changing the author works similar. If you do not have javascript enabled, you can scroll down to change the author (In previous versions it was on the right side you now find it below). With javascript enabled, the location is quite similar but you have to do an additional click to open the Author Pane to edit it.

    I hope this more detailed information will help you and if you like, you can help to update the wordpress documentation at – a wiki everybody can take part. Feel free to re-use my text there.

    jsherk, to pass you over a clue to your problem:

    1. A PHP script can be inside the same directory, another directory or even inside another web-roots directory and even on a remote location. This does not change a thing for PHP.
    2. If you create two times the same file (by copying them), you get two times the same code. This code executed will do two times the same things (well that is what a programming language is for).

    Now take this code:

    Blog 1
    <?php include('/home/public_html/blog1/BlogOnePosts.php'); ?>
    Blog 2
    <?php include('/home/public_html/blog2/BlogTwoPosts.php'); ?>

    Even if one file resides in blog1 and the other in blog2 directory, they still contain the same code and will return the same output if they are executed in the same thread. And thats what the are.

    So the second problem you talk about is one in your program logic.

    If remote files are on (well they should not but this is for demo), you could do it the way you wanted:

    Now take a look at this code:

    Blog 1
    <?php echo file_get_contents('https://blog1.dom/BlogOnePosts.php'); ?>
    Blog 2
    <?php echo file_get_contents('https://blog2.dom/BlogTwoPosts.php'); ?>

    And to keep things clean, please mark this thread as resolved sothat other can benefit from it as well and open a new one with your new problem to get feedback from others. That would be great! I think then more people are able to help.

    Hi, what about creating a new stats account and using that one?

    Which version of WordPress are you using and which version of plugin? Have you checked on the plugin documentation page that the plugin has been written for your wordpress version then?

    This is a nice Idea! Even if theoretically this will not solve it until the end of days it might help a lot!

    But the other way round is true as well: [gallery] in rel is only a suggestion of shadowbox so it should be replaced with your gallery-name like [mygallery] or so.

    Funkyhound, did you made an upgrade or was this a new install?

    I found some more stuff, please take a look in this thread, maybe this is the quite of a same problem: [resolved] 2.5 – Fatal Error: Cannot use string offset as an array, line 46 dashboard.php

    They got it fixed with with an option called dashboard_widget_options – but that was for the dashboard ??

    Just a guess: Maybe your hoster is a kind “one click does it all” and a global network setup prevents computers inside their data centre to connect to any mailserver out there. The admins might think that such an action prevents SPAM.

    The problem you report (connection timed out) says that wordpress email class is not able to connect to the mailserver. So because wordpress can’t wordpress can not send the mail out (clear, right?).

    Check with your hoster which options of sending out emails he is providing. Normally doing SMTP with a php mailer class did the job quite well under circumstances mail() was blocked (or crippled) but your hoster might block communication to foreign mail ports today.

    Tell your hoster you want to use the PHP mail() function and you want to send Emails out by SMTP as well.

    Well a tons of things could have gone wrong because that file quite completely handles/is the full wordpress.

    You already did the first step to debug your problem, you choosed a simple form of code profiling by calculating the execution time.

    Now you only need to find out which part inside /blog/wp-blog-header.php takes such a long time. But before you write error_logging code inside everywhere, take a look at xdebug it provides a set of open source tools for php code profiling. you can start profiling with xdebug_start_profiling() and at the end you can output an overview with xdebug_dump_function_trace().

    I hope this is helpfull for you.

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