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  • Thread Starter haleyassoc


    Hi @gappiah,
    Thank you for your feedback.

    We have indeed already taken care of what felt like a million other Accessibility fixes. This is the last item on the list to put a cherry on top, so to speak.

    Our issue with “Menu” vs “Navigation” here is that this website is for a family-owned restaurant, so “Open Menu” has a very specific meaning and appears elsewhere in the navigation.

    We’ll try changing the name of the navigation block as you suggest and keep trying if that doesn’t fix it.

    Hi Hugo,

    How would we co about changing the VH to being 50%. We don’t like how the featured image takes up the entire screen onload.

    Here is the CSS we applied to jetpack plugin, and it is not making a change

    .single.featured-image, .site-header-image. {
    height: 50vh;
    width: auto;

    Please let us know what we are doing wrong thus far.

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