Forum Replies Created
I discovered somewhat a solution to this problem, which is to delete both Polldaddy and Jetpack first, then reinstall Polldaddy and followed by JetPack.
The problem now is I wanted to use both JetPack and Polldaddy plugins. I’m not sure how polls work with JetPack only because I don’t see a way to add a poll to my new posts anymore now that I deleted Polldaddy. Also is it just me here or is there really no poll configuration in JetPack? If it isn’t there then I don’t see any reason to declare the function in JetPack. They should have just let Polldaddy alone taking care of it, or just merge it completely into JetPack.. I guess I’ll just use the older version 2.0.13 again.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [P2] Having trouble adding left sidebar for P2 themeI don’t want to say this but your reply isn’t as helpful as I wanted it to be. I wanted a reply from somebody who knows how to do it with this specific theme (P2), not to be told that it’s impossible.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection] How to reset Akismet stat?Well, you can just give me whatever related info you have, if you really KNOW them, so “limited info” should be not an issue here. Anyways, somehow the trick of removing the plugin, clearing the Akismet setting in the DB and then registering a new Akismet account (and getting a new API) works, so I don’t need to tell Akismet anything now. Thanks for your idea.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection] How to reset Akismet stat?Actually I still think it doesn’t matter to give or not to give the specific reason why I wanted to reset it. My point is, if any of you know something, just tell me and if you don’t know anything then don’t bother to reply. I’m only expecting as many solution as I could get, regardless the reason why I wanted it in the first place. Who knows one of the solutions I’d get here might solve my problem? Anyways I’m taking into consideration to whack the akismet setting in the db. Thanks anyways.