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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Featured Image from URL (FIFU)] my images of woocomerce disappeark
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Featured Image from URL (FIFU)] my images of woocomerce disappearSure, So nice of you
But if I open a new topic again, I am afraid you will again reply me something like this:
Hi, @hamdan7282.
Please read this:
https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/my-images-of-woocomerce-disappear-2/ok, I am creating a new product and setting an external featured image, will keep you posted. Can you also guide me about the conflict between WP Automatic Plugin and FIFU. Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Featured Image from URL (FIFU)] my images of woocomerce disappearHi marcel
I am requesting support only for the FIFU basic one. I have fifu basic active. I don’t need support for FIFU premium as i don’t have it now. my featured image of WooCommerce products disappear. Any solution.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Featured Image from URL (FIFU)] my images of woocomerce disappearI don’t have fifu premium now…
i have fifu basic one
thanks- This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by hamdan7282.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Featured Image from URL (FIFU)] my images of woocomerce disappearthe fifu premium is not active and i deleted it right now
secondly what is active is FIFU basic version. Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Featured Image from URL (FIFU)] my images of woocomerce disappearHI marcel
are you having a bad day. sorry for this.
just want to say that you haven’t even read my above status code, and the link you shared to me was your previous conversation, denying to support on premium FIFU.
Now, here I have shared the basic version of normal FIFU wp plugin, still if you don’t want to guide me, please say no positively… thanks very much ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Featured Image from URL (FIFU)] my images of woocomerce disappearHi there Marcel
I am very much apologetic to say that the guidelines are being violated from your side. If you don’t want to provide support just say ‘NO’. I will happily leave.
For my justification, I am using FIFU basic version. I have also sent the status so the support can get very clear and easy for you. Looking Forward
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Featured Image from URL (FIFU)] my images of woocomerce disappearthat’s offensive and horrendous
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Featured Image from URL (FIFU)] my images of woocomerce disappearIs there any conflict relation between author posts and disappearing of the product’s featured image.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Featured Image from URL (FIFU)] my images of woocomerce disappearhere it is:
Featured Image from URL; | FIFU 3.7.6 WordPress:5.8.1; Site:https://sairaschoice.com; Email:; Theme:Botiga; PHP:7.4.24; WooCommerce:5.7.1; Pages:9; Posts:14; Products:8; Images without dimensions:0; URLs with metadata:0; URLs:35; php-curl:yes; Plugins: - aThemes Blocks (athemes-blocks) - CheckoutWC (checkout-wc) - Cloud Media Offloader (cloud-media-offloader) - Featured Image from URL | FIFU 3.7.6 - Go Pricing - WordPress Responsive Pricing Tables (go_pricing_textdomain) - Image CDN (image-cdn) - Insert Headers and Footers (insert-headers-and-footers) - Login Security reCAPTCHA (login-security-recaptcha) - NitroPack (nitropack) - Order on Mobile for Wocoommerce (woo-order-on-whatsapp) - ShortPixel Adaptive Images (shortpixel-adaptive-images) - Super Product Variation Swatches (sps) - SVG Support (svg-support) - Trax Logistics (trax-plugin-wordpress) - WooCommerce (woocommerce) - WooCommerce Additional Variation Images (woocommerce-additional-variation-images) - WooCommerce Email Template Customizer Premium (viwec-email-template-customizer) - WooCommerce Order Barcodes (woocommerce-order-barcodes) - WooCommerce Variation Swatches and Photos (woocommerce-variation-swatches-and-photos) - WordPress Automatic Plugin (wp-automatic) - WP Add Mime Types (wp-add-mime-types) - WP Mail SMTP (wp-mail-smtp) - YellowPencil Pro (waspthemes-yellow-pencil); Active plugins: - athemes-blocks - fifu - insert-headers-and-footers - login-security-recaptcha - shortpixel-adaptive-images - super-product-swatches - svg-support - woo-order-on-whatsapp - woocommerce-email-template-customizer - woocommerce-order-barcodes - woocommerce - wp-add-mime-types - wp-automatic; fifu_auto_alt:toggleoff; fifu_auto_set:toggleoff; fifu_auto_set_blocked:; fifu_auto_set_width:0; fifu_auto_set_height:0; fifu_auto_set_blocklist:; fifu_autoplay:toggleoff; fifu_auto_category:toggleoff; fifu_column_height:64; fifu_confirm_delete_all:toggleoff; fifu_confirm_delete_all_time:; fifu_content:toggleoff; fifu_content_page:toggleoff; fifu_cron_metadata:toggleon; fifu_crop0:; fifu_crop1:; fifu_crop2:; fifu_crop3:; fifu_crop4:; fifu_crop_default:div[id^='post'],.fifu-slider,ul.products,div.products,div.product-thumbnails,ol.flex-control-nav.flex-control-thumbs; fifu_crop_delay:0; fifu_crop_ignore_parent:; fifu_crop_ratio:4:3; fifu_data_clean:toggleoff; fifu_decode:toggleoff; fifu_default_url:; fifu_dynamic_alt:toggleoff; fifu_enable_default_url:toggleoff; fifu_error_url:; fifu_fake:toggleoff; fifu_fit:cover; fifu_flickr:toggleoff; fifu_gallery_selector:ol.flex-control-thumbs; fifu_get_first:toggleoff; fifu_giphy:toggleoff; fifu_grid_category:toggleoff; fifu_hide_cpt:toggleoff; fifu_hide_page:toggleoff; fifu_hide_post:toggleoff; fifu_hover:; fifu_hover_selector:; fifu_isbn:toggleoff; fifu_isbn_blocked:; fifu_lazy:toggleoff; fifu_loop:toggleoff; fifu_media_library:toggleoff; fifu_mouse_vimeo:toggleoff; fifu_mouse_youtube:toggleoff; fifu_ovw_first:toggleoff; fifu_play_type:inline; fifu_pop_first:toggleoff; fifu_query_strings:toggleoff; fifu_reset:toggleoff; fifu_rss:toggleoff; fifu_rss_width:; fifu_run_delete_all:toggleoff; fifu_run_delete_all_time:; fifu_same_size:toggleoff; fifu_shortcode:toggleoff; fifu_slider:toggleoff; fifu_slider_auto:toggleoff; fifu_slider_ctrl:toggleoff; fifu_slider_gallery:toggleoff; fifu_slider_thumb:toggleoff; fifu_slider_pause:2000; fifu_slider_speed:1000; fifu_slider_stop:toggleoff; fifu_social:toggleon; fifu_social_image_only:toggleoff; fifu_spinner_cron_metadata:544; fifu_spinner_db:1000; fifu_spinner_image:3; fifu_spinner_nth:1; fifu_spinner_slider:3; fifu_spinner_video:3; fifu_unsplash_size:; fifu_update_all:toggleoff; fifu_update_ignore:toggleoff; fifu_valid:toggleoff; fifu_variation:toggleon; fifu_video:toggleoff; fifu_video_background:toggleoff; fifu_video_black:toggleoff; fifu_video_color:red; fifu_video_gallery_icon:toggleoff; fifu_video_list_priority:toggleoff; fifu_video_min_width:100; fifu_video_mute:toggleoff; fifu_video_play_button:toggleon; fifu_video_play_hide_grid:toggleoff; fifu_video_priority:toggleoff; fifu_video_related:toggleoff; fifu_video_thumb:toggleon; fifu_video_thumb_cpt:toggleon; fifu_video_thumb_page:toggleon; fifu_video_thumb_post:toggleon; fifu_video_zindex:1000; fifu_wc_lbox:toggleon; fifu_wc_zoom:toggleon; Image: | https://sairaschoice.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/featured-imgForPosts.webp |__ https://sairaschoice.com/the-ideal-house-home-sweet-home/ | https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/91fuwECyxWL._AC_SL680.jpg |__ https://sairaschoice.com/?post_type=product&p=655 | https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2394/4001/products/815265_1_beffc7b8-4c01-4615-a188-d6e00e81dd05_720x.jpg |__ https://sairaschoice.com/?post_type=product_variation&p=662; Video:; Slider:; Shortcode:; REST routes: - https://sairaschoice.com/wp-json/:PHP; - https://sairaschoice.com/wp-json/:JS
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Featured Image from URL (FIFU)] my images of woocomerce disappearsame this error occurred on my simple fifu, then i switched to premium, but still the same error persists. i.e, external featured image of WooCommerce product disappear
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Featured Image from URL (FIFU)] my images of woocomerce disappearIs there any conflict between author posts and the disappearing of product featured image.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Featured Image from URL (FIFU)] my images of woocomerce disappearSame Error,
My product featured images, after a while, gets automatically removed.
Looking Forward
Hi there
I couldn’t understand the working of this plugin and how its different to a code: feedcreator-1.8.0
Looking Forward
ThanksForum: Plugins
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