Forum Replies Created
That post is from 2021, so I think it will be useless to ask for this as clearly it is not on Mailpoet priority, I think I will write my own function.
Sorry my Bad, client sent screenshot of email only, just checked it was in SENT folder, which is obvious.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Disable Automatic Updates logs in Debug.logI am more interested in only disabling logs about Updates and not all logs. if it is not possible than how can I disable auto updates from running ?
I don’t think hidden h1 cause any problem for google . but if you still wants to change what you can do is use single h1, then change text using JS, just add Custom HTML and add this code
function updateHeading() {
// You can use specific selector and width according to your situation
const heading = document.querySelector(‘h1’);
if (window.innerWidth <= 768) {
heading.textContent = ‘This is mobile Heading’;
heading.textContent = ‘This is Desktop Heading’;
window.addEventListener(‘resize’, updateHeading);
window.addEventListener(‘load’, updateHeading);
</script>- This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by hamid009.
so this is my setup, I have Jobs Custom Post Type, with 20 Categories, and I already created 20 Lists and added them to Subscribe link of each job form, so if someone fill mailpoet form on Job of IT category so Mailpoet will add them to IT List, now what I did I created custom shortcode using funcitons.php file,
I want to send latest 6 jobs from category to same list if new job is posted on that category, (how can I get the last sent date of mailpoet in that category so I can only send limited new jobs in case there is only 2 or 3 new jobs in that category, I haven’t explore that part, may be your developer can shed light on this part and give me some hooks etc).
Anyways this is how I am creating custom shortcode which I then add into Mailpoet email body as[custom:latest_posts "my-job-category"]
and it shows latest 6 jobs from my-job- category,when emails are sent.function mailpoet_custom_shortcode($shortcode, $newsletter, $subscriber, $queue, $newsletter_body, $arguments) {
preg_match('/[custom:latest_posts\s+("[^"]+")?]/', $shortcode, $matches);$category_slug = '';
if (!empty($matches[1])) {
$category_slug = trim($matches[1], '"');
$args = array(
'posts_per_page' => 6,
'post_type' => 'job_listing',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'tax_query' => array(
array (
'taxonomy' => 'job_listing_category',
'field' => 'slug',
'terms' => $category_slug,
'orderby' => 'date',
'order' => 'DESC',
$latest_posts = new WP_Query($args);Now problem is that I am querying and showing these jobs in my own template, so I don’t need Latest Post widget to show posts in email body, but somehow only trigger this when there is new jobs in that category.
Okay I didn’t find solution but I did trick, I added the Latest Post Widget, and change Post to 1, then changed link color to white which is my background color, and changed all other links on pages to different colors manually, now when some new jobs are posted in category it does trigger email.
but is there a neat way to do this ?
also can you tell me if there is a way to add some check in WP_Query to only send jobs which are posted after last mailpoet email ?I meant something like this short description and thumbnail or sidebar.
https://prnt.sc/aUHbmegP-DNrThanks for reply, I am using Hello Theme, I have tried incognito mode as well, and tried on another page without any other thing,
when open page in new tabs it works fine, no matter how many times, but problem occurs on refresh because chrome try to scroll to element currently showing on screen, I have checked the view source of the page floating bar html is in the end of the page and I think Elementor uses Javascript to move it upto DOM after page loads, so when we refresh page chrome tries to scroll to Floating bar which is at bottom of the page while page is loading CSS JS.I had same issue, This is due to latest version of Elementor Pro, from tools roll back latest version of Elementor Pro to 3.23.2?and it will solve the issue for now.
I was able to solve it through Javascript, thanks
Latest Elementor Pro was causing the issue, downgrading Elementor Pro fixed it. thanks.
This is what I am looking for,
Materials as new tab instead of in same description without any heading etc,
I know php and can made changes in other codes etc, is it possible to made changes in code to do this ? I have reviewed the code and it seems it is built with chakra-ui and not php, can you guide me where can I find relevant code of these tabs and downloadable materials ?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Super Page Cache] Plugin creating entry in debug logI found the code which was outputting these in default debug.log
add_current_url_to_cache() in libs/html_cache.class.php on line 178$filename = $this->add_url_to_cache( $current_url );
error_log($filename);Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Super Page Cache] Plugin creating entry in debug logjust hid website
[08-Aug-2024 11:19:10 UTC] /websitename/public_html/wp-content/wp-cloudflare-super-page-cache/website.com/cached_html_pages/90dc93fde72441e045134014b9d6b20497c61bfb.tmpForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Super Page Cache] Plugin creating entry in debug logBut will it disable the logs which I get after clicking Download Logs in Other Tabs ?
I want to keep enabled those logs thats not the problem, I am asking about the logs like
[08-Aug-2024 11:19:10 UTC] /…../wp-content/wp-cloudflare-super-page-cache/……/cached_html_pages/90dc93fde72441e045134014b9d6b20497c61bfb.tmp
which appear in default wordpress debug.log file.