Hey, @caiohferreira! Thank you for the answer and for the plugin, it works really well and it’s easy to use. Even though I’m experiencing this problem, I believe it’s not being caused by Rock Convert plugin.
I’m sorry for the missing info about the issue. I’m not a developer, so I don’t understand what you mean with WordPress specs.
I use Neve Theme and Elementor. I believe one of these plugins are causing the issue.
Usually, I use Rock Convert plugin banners automatically. I don’t insert banners using shortcodes.
I reinstalled Rock Convert plugin.
When I activate it, all my h1 title tags changes (main page, pages and blog posts… everything!). When I inspect the elements using Chrome, I can see Rock Convert plugin being used to align the titles.
I use WPRocket to clean all the cache.
Anyway, thank you for your help and time.