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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Auto Resize Page for Mobile BrowsersThis can be done using CSS3 media queries.
Give you Google topics like CSS3 Media query, or responsive web design you can find a lot of resource.
Here’s a quick article to get you started: https://kyleschaeffer.com/best-practices/responsive-layouts-using-css-media-queries/
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My site shows up as a Trendy Site builderDoes your hosting provide Trendy Site builder? Have you ever used it?
I have checked both URLs and both display your website. I would suggest linking a few screenshots here, and if possible send the same screenshots to your hosting provider’s support team, asking for them to have a look.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Why can I not add photos from media library to a gallery?I didn’t say criticise me, I said criticising the suggested solutions ?? I’m sure there is a workaround.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Why can I not add photos from media library to a gallery?This post started about a particular problem, I offered a possible solution based on the facts give and this has now descended into criticising both my suggestion as well as a 3rd party plugin.
I feel like I have to justify the plugin, it’s a damn good plugin. If you don’t like it, don’t use it. It doesn’t bother me.
Sorry for trying to help, I’ve learned my lesson to not volunteer my services again.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Why can I not add photos from media library to a gallery?It seems very doable, so instead of posting critically about it, why don’t you do it and give the code to the plugin developer for the next release?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Why can I not add photos from media library to a gallery?Didn’t want to overstate it, I guessed millions, but didn’t have actual figures ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Why can I not add photos from media library to a gallery?The problem with developing an app/plugin used by thousands of people is that you’ll invariably run into some people who would it expect it to work differently.
The reason it doesn’t and I’m pretty sure will never alter the Media Library is because in future the database structure could change, thus the plugin could end up incorrectly altering the database and borking it entirely. The plugin offers the feature of importing existing files on the server. Which is quite handy. I think the plugin in this regard operates as expected. It also allows someone to maintain a photo gallery, and then keep the media library for videos/documents as well as other images for use in posts. This is just my opinion on why it is actually a good thing that the Gallery is separate from the Media Library, I see it as a distinct advantage.
I would suggest either taking the approach of investigating a number of other solutions available, and measuring them against your ideal expected solution. For the initial short term pain you could find long term gain.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Why can I not add photos from media library to a gallery?Well NextGen is effectively another Media Library, but has better image management for large quantities of photos. I’d recommend using it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Why can I not add photos from media library to a gallery?Hi,
It’s basically that WordPress could implement something, but it mightn’t fit everyone’s usage. So rather than push everyone down one way of doing things the kind people at WordPress left it so it was very flexible. This means one can (if they have the coding ability) develop their own once off solutions which allows for a near endless way of doing things.
By doing it this way, WordPress has given rise to a plethora of Gallery Plugins, each with their own way of doing things, but each equally good in their own right. You basically need to find the one that suits you best.
My preference in order to manage my galleries is NextGen Gallery. It’s extendable and excellent at what it does.
Hope this helps you.
HarryForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Making directories for users?I’d be interested in having a look out of curiosity, so if you pastebin the code, and link it here, at least if someone is ever searching for the same solution they have a starting point.
HarryForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Making directories for users?Hi,
You can’t create a dir via a URL. Mkdir operates at a OS level to create the directory.
From your above errors, your path on your server should be something like
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Posts and pages showing only in back officeIt would appear there is an error with your theme perhaps? Which is why it is not displaying on the frontend.
What theme are you using? If possible try to enable the TwentyEleven or TwentyTwelve theme and see if the posts/pages now appear?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding pictures in blogg posts, why the strange sizing?Sorry, I’m afraid I don’t often use image plugins. For managing Galleries I use the NextGen Gallery. But usually I just use basic WordPress functionality and I add my own code.
When you add an image in the editor, you can right click the image and open up the properties window for it, and from there you can resize the image by %. Not ideal, but it may help.
Good luck. Just check the WordPress Plugins Directory.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Making directories for users?Ah sorry, should have guessed myself.
Would it be a case of that /upload/ is the absolute path rather than the relative path?
And you’re trying to create a folder outside your designated area on a shared server?
Could you look at something like wp_upload_dir()?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding pictures in blogg posts, why the strange sizing?https://en.support.wordpress.com/com-vs-org/
Read the link above, there are unfortunately some pros and cons, but the basics are that wordpress.com has many features available by default. But running your own www.ads-software.com blog allows you more freedom to add more functionality, the downside being you have to manually add some plugins you may be missing since the move over.
Hope this helps clarify things slightly, you can try the wordpress plugins directory for plugins relating to images.
Good luck!