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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flamingo] Delete all spamNot to mention when you have tens of thousands, it still takes all day to go one screen at a time.
OK. Glad you got the in-line thing fixed. Now if you could just add the DLM Short description as an option on one of the templates … ??
I would love to provide a link, but the site is still under internal development and not available outside our network. Following the code, the content.php file in the template directory includes the line ‘
‘ which embeds css styles directly into the generated html. In the style.php file, at line 16, is the statement ‘<?php echo $font_family; ?> !important;
‘ Since this occurs in the html after header processing and right above the divisions using the #tab_container class, any changes to child theme CSS style sheets will be overridden.One would think, but since this CSS is embedded into the rendered HTML *after* style sheets are called, it overrides anything I can put in custom css.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Staff Directory] grid display and adding link to each staff pagesIn the plugin directoy \classes\ subdirectory, the following modification works:
Staff-Directory_shortcode.php -> line 230-236
Replace the $output .= <<<EOT through EOT; with the following$post_link = get_permalink(get_the_ID()); $output .= <<<EOT <div class="single-staff"> <a href="$post_link"> $photo_html <div class="name">$name</div> <div class="position">$position</div> </a> </div> EOT;
The first line gets the permalink for the staff member, then I wrap the photo, name, position in the output with a HREF tag.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Staff Directory] grid display and adding link to each staff pagesOK. *SORRY*.
I am working on several issues at once and didn’t realize this was concerning the staff plugin directly. In the throes of aggravation, I deleted all the changes I did to the staff directory plugin when I reset the development site. I am currently working on getting it redone now. Hopefully I can replicate what I did and will post solution later. The code I posted earlier is still rather cool to modify certain ‘page.php’ output without affecting updates on anything else.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Staff Directory] grid display and adding link to each staff pagesOK. Interesting thing. After much trial, tribulation, installs, removes, etc…, I had to completely rebuild my development sight and start from scratch since I blew the data. No theme would display and page content.
So, I get what I want from RPB. When no activating hover, Links work anywhere on the picture. Activating hover, links work only when over the Title. Why ?? Don’t know, didn’t investigate. I do know, however, that I also added the plugins ‘Custom Post Type UI’ and ‘Custom Post Type Permalinks’ and created ‘Staff’ as a custom post type and used that post type in the portfolio on RPB.
I did pursue how to get better customizations without messing up other pages if the theme gets updated. for example on the ‘Staff’ issue, copy the ‘page.php’ into the child theme and rename it to, say, ‘page-staff.php’ and put in whatever customizations you want. Create a ‘page.php’ in the child theme and enter this code into it:
<?php if($post->post_title=='Staff') { include_once(get_stylesheet_directory().'/page-staff.php'); } else { include_once(get_template_directory().'/page.php'); } ?>
Using this method, you can modify any template in the main theme though the child theme but only for those posts (or whatever other query able item) you want. WordPress looks first in the child theme for certain template names. By providing it one you get to decided which *actual* template gets used.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Staff Directory] grid display and adding link to each staff pagesThere is no shortcode to use in the custom template that would include the link. I had to modify a PHP file to get what I wanted. Works for now, but when the plugin gets updated I loose my custom changes.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Staff Directory] Search by categoryI find this would be helpful also.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Staff Directory] Editing the Permalink pageI just started using this plugin myself. I have the same request.
I tried using the [staff-directory] shortcode with a custom template, but all the custom field entries I wanted are looped for each staff member and it does not return just the staff member you are on. I tried it without using the [staff_loop] shortcode but it didn’t help. It appears that the loop code only really calls in custom CSS code.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Staff Directory] Linking to Biography PageI just started using this plugin myself and have searched for the same thing. Unfortunately, it appears it does not do this. I had to modify one of the php files to get this to work for me.
I am getting this on the “From” email. I am using a mail-tag so the sender can enter their email address. The form submitter will *never* have an email address with a domain equal to the site domain.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Page redirect does not work after form submission.@homesickj, I too am having a problem seeing the events in analytics. I am hoping that whatever issue the redirect has is the same one preventing the analytics event from posting. Both come from the ‘on_sent_ok’
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Page redirect does not work after form submission.@buzztone. Thanks for the rpely. I had previously gone through that entire page before I posted. All checks test fine, the green confirmation at the bottom appears, and the email is sent and received. The redirect is the only ting that appears not to work. I can not find where to look to test that functionality and all other places to look on that page appear fine, as indeed the email does work. Since I no longer have a working redirect (even those forms that worked in the past no longer work), I have no reference to compare to in order to find anomalies.
I am not that good atjavascript, but usually can find what I am looking for. Doing a packet capture during the post and resulting answer from the web server, the POST command send the post packet to the server and the server answers with the page that includes the “successful” gren bar at the bottom of the contact form, but nothing in the returning data packets show any signs of doing a re-direct so I have to believe that the issue is not a javascript collision, but a failur in the plugin to generate the redirect code in the first place.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP RSS Multi Importer] Receive error when adding feedsI am getting the same thing when viewing a previously active feed. Using RSS_MI version 3.13 on WP version 4.1. Had same issue on 4.0x before I upgraded.
Also see this when running diagnostics ( …/diagnostics.php on line 35)
Somewhere in trying to do a little debugging, I think I saw this particular feed timed out when retrieving it. It could be that my hosted server is blocking this feed, but it would be nice to see a time-out or some other message, rather than a Fatal Error. (however removing the feed from production still does not alleviate the issue on the diagnostics page)