Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity Fieldset for Gravity Forms] fieldset showing despite the conditionHi cars,
Thanks for the reply. We have recreated the issue but currently there is no quick fix at hand. Best would be, for now, to roll back to version 0.1 until we got this sorted. We will send you a message when we have done so.
Best Regards, Harro
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity Fieldset for Gravity Forms] version 0.2.1Hi adrian,
The css class you are using belong to the default styling of gravity forms. However, the new HTML output is no longer a hack within the li elements of gravity forms but creates proper HTML fieldsets. Because of this, the gf_left_half and gf_right_half classes only apply to actual input field and not to the fieldsets. So this means you will have to add some custom css yourself in order to make the fieldsets go left or right.
So .gform_wrapper .top_label li.gfield.gf_left_half
will need to be
.gform_wrapper .gf_left_half
or add your own custom classes to the fieldsets.
Cheers, Harro
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity Fieldset for Gravity Forms] version 0.2.1Hi Adrian,
Just to make sure; we had to rename the main file. This might require you to re-activate the plugin again.
Best Regards, Harro
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity Fieldset for Gravity Forms] fieldset showing despite the conditionHi cars,
Can you maybe send us a screenshot of the settings you used and explain to us what kind of fields you are using and what settings per field you used? Cause we are unable to reproduce the issue you are having but wanna help you out solving this issue.
Cheers, Harro
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity Fieldset for Gravity Forms] version 0.2.1Hi Adrian,
Can you tell us exactly what is breaking and what is not working. Please paste the HTML our plugin is outputting for you?
Cheers, Harro
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity Fieldset for Gravity Forms] Issue with Aria Gform PluginHi Bryan,
We just released a new version of our plugin with better HTML output. This should fix the issue you have with the Aria Gravity forms plugin. Hope you can test it and give us your feedback.
Cheers, Harro
Hi jphilung,
We just released a new update that should solve your issue. We now have HTML output with proper HTML, no more hacks. Which also means that the closing field no longer will be visible when the HTML is rendered.
Cheers, Harro
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity Fieldset for Gravity Forms] Please remove extra empty in fieldsetHi Mkormendy,
We just updated the plugin and the HTML output is much neater then before. Therefore we also removed the empty li’s and ul’s. Hope you like the new output.
Cheers, Harro
Hi jphilung,
Thanks for your feedback. We will look into it but this is a very specific third party gravity forms plugin that I’m not sure we can support with the way we hack gravity forms to make the fieldsets possible. We will look into for the next release but don’t want to get your hopes up for an actual solution for this specific problem.
Cheers, Harro
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity Fieldset for Gravity Forms] Please remove extra empty in fieldsetHi mkormendy,
Thanks for your feedback. We will look into this for our next release. We are now ‘hacking’ the structure of GF in order to make fieldsets possible but we are looking into GF itself in order to make it more native and output proper HTML. We will take a look at the spare list item as well.
Cheers, Harro
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Page Manager] Question: similar for Custom Post TypesHi Marios,
Is there any change you will make this plugin compatible with custom post types? Especially wiki like structures that can be build up with the page like post type can fill up really quick and this plugin would be a blessing to manage them.
Cheers, Harro
Hi Guys,
We had the same issue. Problem is that Gravity Forms uploads its images in a separated folder, not wanting to contaminate the media library with uploads via forms. A noble idea but that creates a problem with this plugin as the get_cupp_meta() function only checks for images that are in the media library. So when using Gravity Forms User Registration, Gravity Forms actually does update the correct meta values but the get_cupp_meta cannot find the image and will return your gravatar image or blank.
So what you need to do it hook into the Gravity Forms after submit hook and run a sideload to put the image into the media library and update the cupp meta values. This way get_cupp_meta() can find the image and will return the correct URL.
Example code:
add_action( 'gform_after_submission, 'gf_process_user_update', 10, 2 ); function gf_process_user_update( $entry, $form ) { foreach ( $form['fields'] as &$field ) : if ( strpos( $field->cssClass, 'gform_user_photo' ) !== false ) : if ( !empty( $entry[$field->id] ) ) : if ( !function_exists('media_handle_upload') ) { require_once(ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . '/includes/image.php'); require_once(ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . '/includes/file.php'); require_once(ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . '/includes/media.php'); } $new_photo_url = $entry[$field->id]; $new_photo_src = media_sideload_image( $new_photo_url, 0, null, 'src' ); if ( !is_wp_error( $new_photo_url ) ) : global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); update_user_meta( $current_user->ID, 'cupp_meta', '' ); update_user_meta( $current_user->ID, 'cupp_upload_meta', $new_photo_src ); update_user_meta( $current_user->ID, 'cupp_upload_edit_meta', '' ); endif; endif; endif; endforeach; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [oAuth Twitter Feed for Developers] Search FeedHi hendecasyllabic,
Very nice addition. Worked well for me.
Two points of feedback however:
searchTweets and getTweets in twitter-feed-for-developers.php are almost identical. So that can be written more efficient I guess.
And remove the line:
when the results are fine it returns an array, which will make this function give an error on E_ALL as error_log can only process strings.But again, nice work!
Hi JanJonas,
This did the trick. Thanks for the quick reply.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: nocache_headers error after moving serverFor those who have the same problem, here the answer; it was a server config error. Here is how to solve it:
First of all check if you have php-apc installed. if you have it, edit the apc.ini (it should be /etc/php.d/apc.ini on CentOS), and disable the include_once optimization:
restart your web server!