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  • Thread Starter harwooje


    There’s been no reply on this forum, so I’ve paid $25 to open a ticket at the VFB website. They haven’t responded to this paid support ticket for a couple of weeks.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by harwooje.

    After updating to ACF (free) to version 5.7.6 there is a prompt to update the database, and to be sure the add-ons are up-to-date. I have version 2.1.0 of the repeater plugin, but can’t find a web page for the repeater plugin to check for a newer version.

    Is the repeater feature now only available wrapped the the ACF Pro plugin?


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by harwooje.

    I did this update to 2.0 on my local MAMP setup and it seems to have fixed the problem. I’ll try it on the Production (live) site when this update comes out.



    I’ll add to this:

    In WooCommerce coupons, the “Usage Restrictions” fields for “include’ and “exclude” don’t allow input.

    I’ve done this:

    I disabled all plugins
    I installed the “2017” theme in case our custom theme was a problem.
    Then I activated WooCommerce. Everything is “OK”
    Then I activated “Advanced Custom Fields” and, (to my surprise), everything is “OK” — I thought ACF was the problem
    Then I activated “ACF: Font Awesome” and the error returns!
    So, I activated all plugins, then deactivated “ ACF: Font Awesome” – and everything is “OK”

    I’ve seen some posts about a conflict between WordPress and some function called “select2” — I notice “ ACF: Font Awesome” has a lot of hits for the term “select2″

    version 3.0.1 — The Products and Exclude Products fields do not allow input.

    Permission issue — that’s right — I ran a “Repair Permissions” feature from the wpengine dashboard and that resolved the “false byte” issue.


    We recently migrated our site to wpengine and the “false byte” error started up.

    Everything works fine on my local environment. I dropped the plugin version back to “5.5” but that didn’t help.

    I tried the “CSV Importer” sample file and that produced the “false byte” error as well.

    Below is pasted the first few lines of my file.


    “2014-07-10 10:03:12″,”harwooje”,”Accessing the General Education Curriculum: Inclusion Considerations for Students with Disabilities”,”This module highlights classroom considerations that promote access to the general education curriculum for students with disabilities.”,”Module”,”Standard 1: Content and Pedagogical Knowledge”,”Standard 4: Assessment”,””,”Standard 6: Assessment”,”Standard 1: Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Professional Dispositions”,””
    “2014-07-10 10:03:12″,”harwooje”,”Accommodations: Instructional and Testing Supports for Students with Disabilities”,”The resources in this module offer helpful tips on setting up the physical aspects of your classroom and will introduce types of equipment used by students with visual disabilities.”,”Module”,”Standard 1: Content and Pedagogical Knowledge”,”Standard 3: Curricular Content Knowledge|Standard 5: Instructional Planning and Strategies”,””,”Standard 2: Learning Differences|Standard 6: Assessment|Standard 7: Planning for Instruction|Standard 8: Instructional Strategies|Standard 10: Leadership and Collaboration”,”Standard 1: Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Professional Dispositions”,””
    “2014-07-10 10:03:12″,”harwooje”,”Assistive Technology: An Overview”,”This module offers an overview of assistive technology (AT) and explores ways to expand students’ access to it in the classroom.”,”Module”,”Standard 1: Content and Pedagogical Knowledge”,”Standard 5: Instructional Planning and Strategies”,”Topic 2: Environment|Topic 4: Instruction”,”Standard 2: Learning Differences|Standard 3: Learning Environments|Standard 5: Application of Content”,”Standard 1: Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Professional Dispositions”,””

    I replaced version 3.5.4 with 3.5.1 and the import went successfully.

    That’s right — here are the errors I get on the live site, where I can’t import the file:

    [Error] TypeError: ‘undefined’ is not an object (evaluating ‘$.trim’)
    (anonymous function) (ultimate-importer-pro.js, line 5)
    j (load-scripts.php, line 2)
    fireWith (load-scripts.php, line 2)
    ready (load-scripts.php, line 2)
    K (load-scripts.php, line 2)

    [Error] TypeError: ‘undefined’ is not a function (evaluating ‘$(‘#fileupload’)’)
    (anonymous function) (admin.php, line 312)
    fire (jquery.js, line 974)
    fireWith (jquery.js, line 1084)
    ready (jquery.js, line 406)
    DOMContentLoaded (jquery.js, line 83)

    I get this error on my local setup, but I can still process the CSV file:

    [Error] TypeError: ‘null’ is not an object (evaluating ‘document.getElementById(‘checkfile’).value’)
    (anonymous function) (ultimate-importer-pro.js, line 18)
    j (load-scripts.php, line 2)
    fireWith (load-scripts.php, line 2)
    ready (load-scripts.php, line 2)
    K (load-scripts.php, line 2)

    Same problem.

    I have the latest plugin version.

    I can import files in my local WordPress setup (MAMP) but the same file won’t upload to the live site. I tried both the “drag and drop” and the “browse” methods with no luck.

    This is the same CSV file I used before that worked fine.

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