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  • Thread Starter hath


    Hello i just want to update that i got my problem sorted, i found an answer in this thread while trying to sort a seperate problem, second post from bottom in that thread.

    Thanks ??

    Hello, i know this thread is 3 months old but i want to say thank you, basially i did what is mentioned in the last post here UPDATE: Re-saved all php files using notepad++ as UTF-8 “without BOM” and all is well.

    And it has sorted 2 problems for me, i wasn’t actually getting that strange character on pages, did in WP admin though, i was though experiencing the often mentioned functions.php errors, i also had this problem with my first theme that i had created.

    And i had saved mine in UTF-8, so i resaved as you did andyfarmerboy to UTF-8 without BOM and it sorted that but also its sorted a sidebar problem in IE where one sidebar was stretching and a sidebar next to it was pushed out of line, slightly wider than the footer.

    From now on instead of notepad il use Notepad++ and save as UTF-8 without BOM.

    Thread Starter hath


    Im already using a faux column, thats what the image is in wrapper CSS.

    Thread Starter hath


    Thread Starter hath


    Thread Starter hath


    Hi jonimueller, i apologise for no URL, im working locally so have not got the theme online yet, i did post image links but they didn’t show up, il try again posting the images.

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    Note: I have included links to images, just incase they still dont show up.

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