Thank you. I think that will work as a short-term fix since I only have a few categories. If I use Post List Block, I have to select the category through the gui. That means I have to create a new page for each category (trip). Is that right?
I have another post ordering issue that I think is a bug. Do I make a new thread? Report it somehow? If I have posts A, B, C, and D and then I insert post X with a publication date between B and C, the next/previous links get confused. Post B is fine. Post X points back to B (correct) but has no forward link (wrong). Post C still points back to B (wrong) and forward to D (correct). I fixed it by going into wp-content/themes/crio/inc/boldgrid-theme-framework/includes/class-boldgrid-framework-api.php and changing “p.ID >” to “p.ID <>” in the get_next_post_where and get_previous_post_where filters.
I swing wildly between having no clue what I’m doing to being able to dig through code. ??