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  • Thread Starter head1ess


    Hey Frank,

    sorry I have been so busy recently, but just wanted to post a positive note that I got the plugin to work on a test site using the same set up as before.

    Few little design issues here and there but they where all at my end. & I’m sure bit of tinkering with styles would have it looking amazing! (Not that your setup doesn’t! just my theme was causing few issues)!

    I will be using now for a future project and will post + feedback then too, in relation to any assistance I can offer like I said I am no coding expert but do love the plugin & think I just needed to slow down a bit before, and work through thoroughly.

    Many Thanks & kind regards

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: 3.1 Admin Bar

    Well I eventually did but am trying to learn why and how not just copy and paste! hence why my question was a question not a statement.

    was wondering what diff was thats all


    lol good luck with that, in interim is this the correct link to use?

    Would like to have a look at new v.


    Hi Byron,

    not sure if you picked up my thanks on another forum somewhere out there but I just wanted to re iterate my thanks for what was a fab plugin, and excellent support.

    And the guys are right very different to nextgen, imho far better for my needs. anyway good luck fella.

    And this isnt directed to Byron as I don’t want to compound this issue of support but to the general community! unless I do anything as silly as upgrading to 3.1 etc etc my install of PS will keep working right?

    wow its like watching Shane this!!!!! (thought you might like that one)

    ha ha made myself laugh there! ??


    rev voodoos solution will only turn it off for your eyes, it will still appear for other users.

    dont use a plugin its not worth adding more plugin codes etc to a problem that should never have been there in the first place.

    just add this to your themes functions.php

    /* Disable the Admin Bar. */
    add_filter( ‘show_admin_bar’, ‘__return_false’ );

    wordpress should never have added this ugly mess without global turn off option!


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: 3.1 Admin Bar


    I added this code to themes function.php


    ya think that’s ok too????

    ps is no one really annoyed that we have to scrabble around for code snippets or use yet another plugin to globally turn this ugly thing off?

    see so many of community switching off via user profile, and little do they know its still active for other users on their site!

    Why didn’t wordpress add a global turn off?

    makes me mad the more I think about it!

    how bout just adding this to functions.php



    to stop admin bar just add this line to your themes php


    Personally I’m really annoyed that when adding this ugly bar wordpress did not think they would add a global turn off.

    Sure you can add yet another plugin, but come on for this?
    oh and you can turn it off per user? great how bout if you have 500 users?

    why should we? I’m not impressed wordpress!

    hey ryan,

    I totally understand how much time and effort needs to go into support, definitely more than the original development.

    So good luck and like I intimated in my post earlier it looks like a great plugin, apologies for using the term “sneaky” as I am sure it was not your intention, I believed that all on was free code to a point!

    Obviously I understand that the field in which the plugin works is bound to drive more user queries than say a share button!

    and we all need to make a living

    I will check out your easy csv free when ready, and I have paid for premium code before so am not totally against it.


    will do in future cheers Otto

    Seven, just bought this I am very excited to set up on

    Been looking for something like this for ages

    cheers! will work into the night trying to set up

    Good Luck with it hope I Can set it up as well as your demo!!!!!

    Thread Starter head1ess


    Sorry Frank been absolutely swamped for the last week or so, will make some time this weekend. Have a project deadline for tomorrow! so soon as
    that completed will be able to set up as promised.

    Much appreciated Jay

    Cheers all worked a treat! ??

    Thats great mate thanks

    whats wrong with your lost password stage? I will see If I can repay the favour?????

    Thanks Again

    Thread Starter head1ess


    thanks for coming back to me’

    stupid but have no idea how to do that see there seems to me to be

    2 onload.js files the one pasted above is from the source folder and there is another! which looks like this

    /*	Dynamic design functions and onLoad events
    /*	----------------------------------------------------------------------
    /* 	Creates added dynamic functions and initializes loading.
    /*	For editing, use source file located in "js/source" folder.
    jQuery(document).ready(function($){if(jQuery.browser.msie&&parseInt(jQuery.browser.version,10)<7){$j("ul.sf-menu").superfish({delay:400,animation:{height:"show"},speed:275})}else{$j("ul.sf-menu").supersubs({minWidth:12,maxWidth:27,extraWidth:0}).superfish({delay:400,animation:{height:"show"},speed:275})}jQuery('a[href$="#popup"]').addClass("zoom iframe").each(function(){jQuery(this).attr("href",this.href.replace("#popup",""))});jQuery('a[href$="#login"]').addClass("login").each(function(){theHref=jQuery(this).attr("href");if(theHref=="#login"){theHref=themePath+"login.html"}jQuery(this).attr("href",theHref.replace("#login",""))});jQuery("a.zoom[href*='']").each(function(){jQuery(this).addClass("fancyYouTube").removeClass("zoom").removeClass("iframe")});jQuery("a.zoom[href*=''], a.zoom[href*='']").each(function(){jQuery(this).addClass("fancyVimeo").removeClass("zoom").removeClass("iframe")});var overlayColor=jQuery("#fancybox-overlay").css("background-color")||"#2c2c2c";jQuery("a.zoom").fancybox({padding:12,overlayOpacity:0.2,overlayColor:overlayColor,onComplete:modalStart});jQuery("a.login").fancybox({padding:12,overlayOpacity:0.2,overlayColor:overlayColor,showCloseButton:false,frameWidth:400,frameHeight:208,scrolling:"no",titleShow:false,hideOnContentClick:false,callbackOnShow:modalStart});jQuery("a.fancyYouTube").click(function(){jQuery.fancybox({padding:12,overlayOpacity:0.2,overlayColor:overlayColor,onComplete:modalStart,title:this.title,href:this.href.replace(new RegExp("watch\\?v=","i"),"v/"),type:"swf",swf:{wmode:"transparent",allowfullscreen:"true"}});return false});jQuery("a.fancyVimeo").click(function(){jQuery.fancybox({padding:12,overlayOpacity:0.2,overlayColor:overlayColor,onComplete:modalStart,title:this.title,href:this.href.replace(new RegExp("([0-9])","i"),"moogaloop.swf?clip_id=$1"),type:"swf"});return false});$j('.topReveal, a[href$="#topReveal"]').click(function(){$j("#ContentPanel").slideToggle(800,"easeOutQuart");$j.scrollTo("#ContentPanel");return false});$j("a.img").hover(function(){if(jQuery.browser.msie&&parseInt(jQuery.browser.version,10)<=8){$j(this).stop(false,true).toggleClass("imgHover")}else{$j(this).stop(false,true).toggleClass("imgHover",200)}});$j("input[type='text']:not(.noStyle), input[type='password']:not(.noStyle)").each(function(){$j(this).addClass("textInput")});if($(".portfolio-description").length>0){var pi=$(".portfolio-description");pi.each(function(i,val){if(pi[i].scrollHeight>120){pi.css("height",pi[i].scrollHeight+"px");return false}})}$j("label.overlabel").overlabel();searchInputEffect();buttonStyles();if(!jQuery.browser.msie){$j("a.img, div.img, .pagination a, .textInput, input[type='text'], input[type='password'], textarea").addClass("rounded");roundCorners()}});function searchInputEffect(){searchFocus=false,searchHover=false,searchCtnr=$j("#Search"),searchInput=$j("#SearchInput"),searchSubmit=$j("#SearchSubmit");if(searchCtnr.length>0){searchCtnr.hover(function(){if(!searchFocus){$j(this).addClass("searchHover")}searchHover=true},function(){if(!searchFocus){$j(this).removeClass("searchHover")}searchHover=false}).mousedown(function(){if(!searchFocus){$j(this).removeClass("searchHover").addClass("searchActive")}}).mouseup(function(){searchInput.focus();;searchFocus=true});searchInput.blur(function(){if(!searchHover){searchCtnr.removeClass("searchActive");searchSubmit.hide();searchFocus=false}})}}function buttonStyles(){jQuery("button:not(:has(span),.noStyle), input[type='submit']:not(.noStyle), input[type='button']:not(.noStyle)").each(function(){var b=jQuery(this),tt=b.html()||b.val();if(!b.html()){b=(jQuery(this).attr("type")=="submit")?jQuery('<button type="submit">'):jQuery("<button>");b.insertAfter(this).addClass(this.className).attr("id",;jQuery(this).remove()}b.text("").addClass("btn").append(jQuery("<span>").html(tt))});var styledButtons=jQuery(".btn");styledButtons.hover(function(){jQuery(this).addClass("submitBtnHover")},function(){jQuery(this).removeClass("submitBtnHover")})}function roundCorners(){jQuery(".rounded, .ui-corner-all").css({"-moz-border-radius":"4px","-webkit-border-radius":"4px","border-radius":"4px"})};

    and have never used js before so how do you comment something out?

    cheers again

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