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Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Review My Site: DomainStick.comYeah, the loading problem is surely a big problem, as it takes more than a few minutes to load properly… here is a few things that i guess can be responsible for the slow loading,
1) The 3 sliders – Why would you need to have 3 sliders anyway, why not just one for all that you got. Also perhaps you can delay loading the slider, let the whole site load up first, then load the slider,
2) Am not sure, but your site looks busy. Perhaps you can get rid of some of the plugin that you might not need, or optimize your java script if you are using… if you are using any custom plugin, you can get the coding checked and optimised…
Over all it is a unique site, i guess it is meant to sell websites and domains. Best of luck with it,
cheers,Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Pimped My WP!Interesting concept, also a very good theme. This will be helpful for a lot of people who are looking for good twitter profiles to follow on the real estate niche. Also, i like the logo very much, absolutely brandable.
best of luck with it,
cheers,Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Where my visitors are coming from@marshall2000,
about the message/comments – I would suggest you to have the akismet plugin, it is by default present however it will require an API key which is free to get. also, another plugin bad-behaviour helps in keeping those messages away. If it still does not helps, then perhaps having that re-captcha plugin might be your final option.Now here are some suggestion for your blog.
1) Why don’t you select a more friendly permalinks structure. Your current links are based on default permalinks structure. Having friendly links improves your search engine traffic.
2) I see that you have a facebook fan page with 0 fans. Perhaps you should have the fan widget in your sidebar, that is a great way to get some facebook fans for your fan page. Also on that note, perhaps you should get a twitter id too and look for some followers.
3) In your original post you asked, why you are not getting global audience. I guess a bit of SEO can help you with that. Get an seo plugin to start with. Also, are you writing recipe’s that target your local place, if so, try writing recipes which attracts others as well.
4) I suggest you to have your recent posts appear on the homepage, it will help your posts to rank better on the search engines and that way you will get more traffic.
Overall, it is a nice theme, good logo as well. I see that you got the facebook like button on the posts as well, perhaps you can consider putting a few more buttons there, like twitter/delicious etc. Best of luck with your blog,
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: review my wordpress site@barbarasmiller,
let us know the link to your blog so that we can give you feed back. Also, let us know what specific help you need.Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Thanks so much for creating this software!!I agree totally with you jeffersblog, wordpress is just amazing, i don’t know what we would do without it..
You have chosen a colour full theme, it looks good too, but staring it for some time, i think my eyes hurt a bit. Am never really a fan of those striking colors but overall the these looks good.
The site loading time is a bit too much, it is still loading. My internet connection is not fast, but i will suggest you to check the loading time of your blog on some public computers to have a better idea.
You have chosen the default permalinks structure, i would suggest to visit your permalinks option under the wordpress admin panel and make it something friendly. I like to keep only the post title in the permalink option.
You don’t have anything much on the sidebar and it looks empty. Perhaps a few social media widgets and buttons will make your sidebar look more full.
Best of luck with your blog, keep it updated,
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Our WordPress Flash Games SiteNo, the site did not loaded fast, it also tried to land some pop-up on my computer, but firefox prevented that from happening. Is this site on wordpress, because if it is, then it is very nicely customized.
On the brighter side though, you got a great logo and a brandable domain name. Also, it seems that you got some good amount of traffic coming to your site, which is great.
I still think you have too many ads, but they are blended well, if the ads are working for you then there is no reason to remove them. Just keep an eye on which ads are performing well and which are not, and remove the ones that are not working well for you. the adsense channels are particularly helpful in determining that,
best of luck with your game site,
cheers,Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My non-typical money making guidethat is a good design, you have made a very good, “above the fold” display which will certainly make your reader click one of your article links or scroll down. Wish you would slow down the rotator though, it is a bit fast…
Here is a few things you can still consider,
1) Your permalinks as the /archieves/ in the link structure, perhaps you can get rid of it unless you got a reason to keep it.
2) Why not use the feedburner feed, it has quite a lot of features.
3) Good to see that you got a facebook fan page and a twitter id, you have even incorporated a few social buttons at the end of the posts. I like the facebook share and the retweet buttons instead of those static buttons at the end of the posts, it sort of makes your reader share you content, kind of call to action.
over all it is a good blog, best of luck with it,
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: A blog about a genre of electronic musicHere are the social plugins i would suggest:
1) digg digg – just search it in the plugins option, this is an excellent plugin, am using this one on my blog.
2) sexy bookmarks – this is a web2.0 style plugin for social media buttons, am using this one as well.
3) on the sidebar you can use the twitter and facebook widgets, that way you can get more facebook fans and twitter followers. Also, try getting your blog, it’s facebook fan page, if you haven’t already,
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: A blog about a genre of electronic musicNo idea about the text, can’t understand anything, however here’s some feedback about your blog in general.
1) I would suggest you to populate your sidebar a bit, it kind of looks empty. Perhaps a few of your recent or popular posts, some social buttons etc. would look good there.
2) Make the logo clickable and link it with the homepage, that way the navigation back to the homepage becomes easy.
3) Would definitely suggest some facebook share and tweeter buttons on the posts, on blogs like this, social media helps a lot to bring visitors,
overall it is a good blog, keep it updated.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Guest BloggersGuest blogging is an excellent way to increase the amount of content in ones blog. Good to know that you are allowing guest post, i have bookmarked your blog and will soon come up with a guest post for your blog.
Here are a few suggestions though,
1) I see that the permalink structure of your blog is not friendly, perhaps you would like to choose a more friendly permalink structure.2) Image resolution – some of your images are of a resolution too big, so they are kind of covering the sidebar as well. You can resize your images off line before uploading them.
overall, it is a new blog, as your blog grows old and more popular, you will find more guest bloggers who would like to post on it.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My personal website, pengbos.comnice theme, will give it a try soon. and thanks for writing that detailed tutorial for the theme installation, it will surely help.
you can post the link of your blog on this thread, that way it will be easy to click and reach your blog. I had to copy/paste to open your blog…
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: I Can't Believe It's Not WordPressno one could have guessed that the CMS behind the site is wordpress, excellent customizations. Nice logo as well. Good to see some content there, fresh and unique content will help your traffic grow.
overall everything is good, the design, the ads placement, thumbnails of the images of the homes on the frontpage. And good loading time as well due to the minimalist design. best of luck with your blog, keep it updated.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Photography blogfirstly, your blog takes ages to load, but that can be due to the amount of images you have. Perhaps you can cut down on the number of images to show up on the homepage, or make them of lower resolutions. However, do not re-size them on the browser, do it offline before you upload them.
Am not a fan of black backgrounds and white fonts, and in this case, it is hard to read the fonts because the text is a lighter shade of black.
also, i do not find single post pages. somehow the post titles on the homepage are not click-able and they do not take me to the single posts.
Among other things, you got an excellent and brand able logo, i like it very much. the logo is linking to the /blog1 page, perhaps you can link it to the homepage itself. Good to see the language translator on the blog, that helps a lot. The image quality is good though, it is slowing your front page, but on single pages, those images at current resolution will look excellent.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Music Magazineabout the comments without subscribing, you can use plugins like akismet, bad-behaviour and re-captcha, the combination of these 3 plugins will finish the spam completely. but then, if you still feel it exposes your security, then perhaps leaving it as it is, is a good idea ??
about the permalinks, surely it does change all the post urls, that is why i just like it at /%postname%/ and i never change it after that…
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My new movie review websitea sidebar will definitely help, or you can consider making it at 800 pixcels rather than 600 which it currently is. am watching it on my laptop which is 1300+ pixcel wide and your blog is looking quite narrow.
i read a few articles about the movie reviews that you have written, and your content is very good. nicely optimized images, a nice about us page, good use of social media, overall, everything is good,
keep it updated,