Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Translate Wordpress with GTranslate] Difference between Gtranslate pluginsThanks for replying, but prospective users shouldn’t have to install each of them to find out what they do that’s different than the other. Would it not be better to make the distinction clear in the product descriptions?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Post Type UI] Disable single post viewThanks very much, Michael! I’l experiment with that.
Hi Riza:
It looks like this:Somehow missed the notification for this reply. I’d of course looked at that page before, but hadn’t noticed the “T” option. This did the trick:
#_{h:i a T}
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Footnotes] Title Header for FootnotesYes, ie:
h4,.easy-footnote-title {
font-weight: bold;
}Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Footnotes] WP-Footnotes plugin not working — how to replace it?Because I’m easily distracted from what I should be doing, I just noticed that one of my sites is still using an old plugin called simply “footnotes” (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/footnotes/), which also uses double brackets as footnote indicators. However, it is also no longer maintained or available for download, though it seems it still works.
However, I tried installing Easy Footnotes to see if I could change the efn_note shortcode to double brackets. The author’s provided function only lets you change the shortcode though, not the square brackets around it, so not likely to work for conversion (at least at my level of php competence).
Instead, I did a database search-and-replace of my _posts table to change the double brackets in all of my posts to the plugin’s shortcode (instead of phpMyAdmin, I use Better Search and Replace Pro, which I highly recommend). It worked perfectly. All old footnotes still work with the new Easy Footnotes plugin.
(However, if you prefer, let me know and I’ll send you the zip of my old footnotes plugin).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Footnotes] WP-Footnotes plugin not working — how to replace it?Check this out for possibilities of changing the insertion indicator :
https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/change-shortcode-7/Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Footnotes] WP-Footnotes plugin not working — how to replace it?It’s been years since I’ve used WP-Footnotes and can’t remember how it functioned now – were footnotes embedded using double brackets? ie:
((footnoted content))
I recently installed Easy Footnotes (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/easy-footnotes/) on a site, and it seems to be working well. The insertion indicators are:
[efn_note]footnoted content[/efn_note]
I’m not sure if Easy Footnotes lets you easily change the method of insertion from the default to double brackets, but if not could do a database search/replace of all your insertion labels (making sure not to replace any double brackets in php code, of course).
where ‘good’ = for instance, to avoid this situation again in the future
I don’t think there’s high demand for footnotes in WordPress, so there’s not much incentive for developers to create or maintain them. My guess is that as long as you want to use footnotes, you’ll encounter this issue again in future.
There may be other choices, but this one seems to be the most used, currently.
Okay, I see what you’re getting at more precisely now.
You can possibly avoid GDBR legal issues by disabling Google Maps integration, as described previously – testing this appears to remove the Google API from the page source (even if it doesn’t remove from the source the Geolocation javascript that would normally use the API). One would hope that without the API, the script isn’t actually communicating with Google, and therefore not compromising anyone’s privacy. (Admittedly, hope alone likely isn’t sufficient assurance…)
As far as removing the Maps functions from the search bar – I haven’t been able to locate any shortcode parameters or arguments for [location_search_form] in the documentation, except for ajax. Perhaps there’s a way to modify the style using functions, but I haven’t dug into that.
A temporary (partial) workaround, maybe, is to use CSS to hide the ‘View Types’ button class (em-search-views).
If I look at one of your events (ie: this), I see an OpenStreetMap in the main body (likely generated by Events Manager), but what looks like a Google map in the sidebar. Are you embedding content in your pages from another website (like maybe extremetrail-nrw.de) that might be providing the maps content?
In Events Manager settings look for the section “Google Maps and Location Services” and change “Enable Google Maps integration?” to “No”.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Media files created by WordPress: Why so many?Thanks for these responses. I guess Twenty Twenty-one is creating the extras.
It seems to me that increased numbers of images *can* make sense, if they are used/usable, but I’m not convinced that’s the case – I’m not seeing much evidence, in looking at source code of pages, that these *are* being used, and obviously I have no option to selectively use them at will, since within WordPress admin there’s no way of knowing that they even exist.
And do I really benefit from having both “test-image-1568×958.jpg” and “test-image-1536×938.jpg”?
Obviously I’m just going to have to live with this, though, unless I want to develop my own themes. I guess I can always use a plugin to delete all unattached images from my server, if I feel that inode usage is getting out of control.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress image editor – using new copy and originalHey, thanks George!
I was aware of the “Restore original” box, but hadn’t clued in to how it actually works. The intricacies of media management often seem like the least elegant aspect of WordPress. Given the apparent impossibility of keeping track of edited vs. non-edited images over time, I think I’d prefer to continue editing images offline.
Seems I was overthinking this – looking for a complicated solution instead of the obvious easy one. Removing the post info module altogether and replacing it with shortcodes in an HTML module (and a custom post layout for the archive page) was the way to go.
Further testing with a default theme suggests that this plugin is not intended to display multiple authors in the post info area, whatever the theme, only in bio boxes. I don’t see any code for this purpose, either.