Forum Replies Created
@ggedenidze1982 I’m just sent the email you requested.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Is there a carousel widget that shows the slide number?@papai40515 Thank you for the response. I know I can create it using custom code but that would take too much time. Is there a widget that comes with it already?
@aurangajeb Thank you very much. I tried your suggestions and am hoping this will fix it in a few days.
@israelaz If it’s not available in Elementor options then how do you directly edit the code that Elementor uses?
@israelaz Hi thank you for your response but you didn’t answer the question. How do I prevent hidden sections from loading, or only allow them to load after the page has already loaded? They are having a massive effect on page loading speed, as I have tested and verified this.
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Hidden Elementor sections slow down website. How to fix?@threadi in any case, do you know how to fix the issue? ??
@bcworkz hey, I’m still stumped about how to set autoplay to true or false outside of the declaration of qodefSwiper. Meaning can I call a function like this:
?@bcworkz Ok thanks. I’ll try it and report the results.
@bcworkz I tried seeking advice from official Deon support but they don’t provide help with CSS or coding.
Is it possible perhaps that I first call the
while setting autoplay to false, when the page loads, and then when the user scrolls to the position of the carousel then set autoplay to true and call theinit();
function again. So can I call theinit();
function twice? Would that cause issues?@bcworkz after setting autoplay to false on page load, how do I then set it to true when user scrolls to it? I know this should be inside a scroll listener but how exactly do you set autoplay to true?
I found “autoplay” inside the getOptions function:
autoplay = sliderOptions.autoplay !== undefined && sliderOptions.autoplay !== '' ? sliderOptions.autoplay : true,
and also found this
if (autoplay !== false && speed !== 5000) { autoplay = { delay: speed }; }
and of course in
var options
:autoplay: autoplay,
I can’t find any function related to qodefSwiper besides init(). There doesn’t seem to be a function to start autoplay.
- This reply was modified 2 years ago by hellopeepeepoopoo.
- This reply was modified 2 years ago by hellopeepeepoopoo.
@bcworkz How do I change the value of autoplay?
The only function that I can see is qodefSwiper.init();
@bcworkz I found the code that controls the plugin, it’s in main.js:
$(document).ready( function() { qodefSwiper.init(); } ); /** * Init swiper slider */ var qodefSwiper = { init: function(settings) { this.holder = $('.qodef-swiper-container'); // Allow overriding the default config $.extend(this.holder, settings); if (this.holder.length) { this.holder.each( function() { qodefSwiper.initSlider($(this)); } ); } }, initSlider: function($currentItem) { var options = qodefSwiper.getOptions($currentItem), events = qodefSwiper.getEvents($currentItem, options); var $swiper = new Swiper($currentItem, Object.assign(options, events)); }, getOptions: function($holder, returnBreakpoints) { var sliderOptions = typeof $holder.data('options') !== 'undefined' ? $holder.data('options') : {}, direction = sliderOptions.direction !== undefined && sliderOptions.direction !== '' ? sliderOptions.direction : 'horizontal', spaceBetween = sliderOptions.spaceBetween !== undefined && sliderOptions.spaceBetween !== '' ? sliderOptions.spaceBetween : 0, slidesPerView = sliderOptions.slidesPerView !== undefined && sliderOptions.slidesPerView !== '' ? sliderOptions.slidesPerView : 1, centeredSlides = sliderOptions.centeredSlides !== undefined && sliderOptions.centeredSlides !== '' ? sliderOptions.centeredSlides : false, sliderScroll = sliderOptions.sliderScroll !== undefined && sliderOptions.sliderScroll !== '' ? sliderOptions.sliderScroll : false, loop = sliderOptions.loop !== undefined && sliderOptions.loop !== '' ? sliderOptions.loop : true, autoplay = sliderOptions.autoplay !== undefined && sliderOptions.autoplay !== '' ? sliderOptions.autoplay : true, speed = sliderOptions.speed !== undefined && sliderOptions.speed !== '' ? parseInt(sliderOptions.speed, 10) : 5000, speedAnimation = sliderOptions.speedAnimation !== undefined && sliderOptions.speedAnimation !== '' ? parseInt(sliderOptions.speedAnimation, 10) : 800, slideAnimation = sliderOptions.slideAnimation !== undefined && sliderOptions.slideAnimation !== '' ? sliderOptions.slideAnimation : '', customStages = sliderOptions.customStages !== undefined && sliderOptions.customStages !== '' ? sliderOptions.customStages : false, outsideNavigation = sliderOptions.outsideNavigation !== undefined && sliderOptions.outsideNavigation === 'yes', nextNavigation = outsideNavigation ? '.swiper-button-next-' + sliderOptions.unique : $holder.find('.swiper-button-next'), prevNavigation = outsideNavigation ? '.swiper-button-prev-' + sliderOptions.unique : $holder.find('.swiper-button-prev'), pagination = $holder.find('.swiper-pagination'); if (autoplay !== false && speed !== 5000) { autoplay = { delay: speed }; } var slidesPerView1440 = sliderOptions.slidesPerView1440 !== undefined && sliderOptions.slidesPerView1440 !== '' ? parseInt(sliderOptions.slidesPerView1440, 10) : 5, slidesPerView1366 = sliderOptions.slidesPerView1366 !== undefined && sliderOptions.slidesPerView1366 !== '' ? parseInt(sliderOptions.slidesPerView1366, 10) : 4, slidesPerView1024 = sliderOptions.slidesPerView1024 !== undefined && sliderOptions.slidesPerView1024 !== '' ? parseInt(sliderOptions.slidesPerView1024, 10) : 3, slidesPerView768 = sliderOptions.slidesPerView768 !== undefined && sliderOptions.slidesPerView768 !== '' ? parseInt(sliderOptions.slidesPerView768, 10) : 2, slidesPerView680 = sliderOptions.slidesPerView680 !== undefined && sliderOptions.slidesPerView680 !== '' ? parseInt(sliderOptions.slidesPerView680, 10) : 1, slidesPerView480 = sliderOptions.slidesPerView480 !== undefined && sliderOptions.slidesPerView480 !== '' ? parseInt(sliderOptions.slidesPerView480, 10) : 1; if (!customStages) { if (slidesPerView < 2) { slidesPerView1440 = slidesPerView; slidesPerView1366 = slidesPerView; slidesPerView1024 = slidesPerView; slidesPerView768 = slidesPerView; } else if (slidesPerView < 3) { slidesPerView1440 = slidesPerView; slidesPerView1366 = slidesPerView; slidesPerView1024 = slidesPerView; } else if (slidesPerView < 4) { slidesPerView1440 = slidesPerView; slidesPerView1366 = slidesPerView; } else if (slidesPerView < 5) { slidesPerView1440 = slidesPerView; } } if (direction === 'vertical') { slidesPerView = 1; } var options = { direction: direction, slidesPerView: slidesPerView, centeredSlides: centeredSlides, sliderScroll: sliderScroll, spaceBetween: spaceBetween, autoplay: autoplay, loop: loop, speed: speedAnimation, navigation: { nextEl: nextNavigation, prevEl: prevNavigation }, pagination: { el: pagination, type: 'bullets', clickable: true }, breakpoints: { // when window width is < 481px 0: { slidesPerView: slidesPerView480 }, // when window width is >= 481px 481: { slidesPerView: slidesPerView680 }, // when window width is >= 681px 681: { slidesPerView: slidesPerView768 }, // when window width is >= 769px 769: { slidesPerView: slidesPerView1024 }, // when window width is >= 1025px 1025: { slidesPerView: slidesPerView1366 }, // when window width is >= 1367px 1367: { slidesPerView: slidesPerView1440 }, // when window width is >= 1441px 1441: { slidesPerView: slidesPerView } }, }; if (slideAnimation.length) { switch (slideAnimation) { case 'fade': options.effect = 'fade'; options.fadeEffect = { crossFade: true }; break; } } return Object.assign(options, qodefSwiper.getSliderDatas($holder)); }, getSliderDatas: function($holder) { var dataList = $holder.data(), returnValue = {}; for (var property in dataList) { if (dataList.hasOwnProperty(property)) { // It's required to be different from data options because da options are all options from shortcode element if (property !== 'options' && typeof dataList[property] !== 'undefined' && dataList[property] !== '') { returnValue[property] = dataList[property]; } } } return returnValue; }, getEvents: function($holder, options) { return { on: { beforeInit: function() { if (options.direction === 'vertical') { var height = 0; var currentHeight = 0; var $item = $holder.find('.qodef-e'); if ($item.length) { $item.each( function() { currentHeight = $(this).outerHeight(); if (currentHeight > height) { height = currentHeight; } } ); } $holder.css('height', height); $item.css('height', height); } }, init: function() { $holder.addClass('qodef-swiper--initialized'); qodef.body.trigger( 'deon_trigger_swiper_is_initialized', [$holder, options] ); if (options.sliderScroll) { var scrollStart = false; $holder.on( 'mousewheel', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!scrollStart) { scrollStart = true; if (e.deltaY < 0) { $holder[0].swiper.slideNext(); } else { $holder[0].swiper.slidePrev(); } setTimeout( function() { scrollStart = false; }, 1000 ); } } ); } } } }; } }; qodef.qodefSwiper = qodefSwiper;
How do I change qodefSlider so that it only starts autoplay when in view?
- This reply was modified 2 years ago by hellopeepeepoopoo.
- This reply was modified 2 years ago by hellopeepeepoopoo.
@bcworkz “Expand a likely event like DOMContentLoaded. Remove a likely candidate using the appropriate button. Click the refresh icon (circular arrow) above”
Hi I tried this and the carousel did not stop. In fact I removed every single script in the Event Listeners Tab and none of the animations on the page stopped working. Is it possible I need to do something other than pressing the refresh icon in the Events Listener Tab?
@bcworkz already raised a support ticket with Deon, they said they don’t provide this level of customization to their customers.
I want to do it by myself but I don’t know how to find the specific script that triggers the carousel. How exactly in chrome’s developer tools do you find the script associated with an element?
- This reply was modified 2 years ago by hellopeepeepoopoo.
- This reply was modified 2 years ago by hellopeepeepoopoo.
- This reply was modified 2 years ago by hellopeepeepoopoo.