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  • Thread Starter hellopeepeepoopoo


    @ggedenidze1982 I’m just sent the email you requested.

    Thread Starter hellopeepeepoopoo


    @papai40515 Thank you for the response. I know I can create it using custom code but that would take too much time. Is there a widget that comes with it already?

    Thread Starter hellopeepeepoopoo


    @aurangajeb Thank you very much. I tried your suggestions and am hoping this will fix it in a few days.

    Thread Starter hellopeepeepoopoo


    @israelaz If it’s not available in Elementor options then how do you directly edit the code that Elementor uses?

    Thread Starter hellopeepeepoopoo


    @israelaz Hi thank you for your response but you didn’t answer the question. How do I prevent hidden sections from loading, or only allow them to load after the page has already loaded? They are having a massive effect on page loading speed, as I have tested and verified this.

    Thread Starter hellopeepeepoopoo


    @threadi in any case, do you know how to fix the issue? ??

    Thread Starter hellopeepeepoopoo


    @bcworkz hey, I’m still stumped about how to set autoplay to true or false outside of the declaration of qodefSwiper. Meaning can I call a function like this: qodefSwiper.setAutoplayValue(aValue); ?

    Thread Starter hellopeepeepoopoo


    @bcworkz Ok thanks. I’ll try it and report the results.

    Thread Starter hellopeepeepoopoo


    @bcworkz I tried seeking advice from official Deon support but they don’t provide help with CSS or coding.

    Is it possible perhaps that I first call the init(); while setting autoplay to false, when the page loads, and then when the user scrolls to the position of the carousel then set autoplay to true and call the init(); function again. So can I call the init(); function twice? Would that cause issues?

    Thread Starter hellopeepeepoopoo


    @bcworkz after setting autoplay to false on page load, how do I then set it to true when user scrolls to it? I know this should be inside a scroll listener but how exactly do you set autoplay to true?

    I found “autoplay” inside the getOptions function:

    autoplay = sliderOptions.autoplay !== undefined && sliderOptions.autoplay !== '' ? sliderOptions.autoplay : true,

    and also found this

    if (autoplay !== false && speed !== 5000) { autoplay = { delay: speed }; }

    and of course in var options:

    autoplay: autoplay,

    I can’t find any function related to qodefSwiper besides init(). There doesn’t seem to be a function to start autoplay.

    Thread Starter hellopeepeepoopoo


    @bcworkz How do I change the value of autoplay?

    The only function that I can see is qodefSwiper.init();


    Thread Starter hellopeepeepoopoo


    @bcworkz I found the code that controls the plugin, it’s in main.js:

      function() {
     * Init swiper slider
    var qodefSwiper = {
      init: function(settings) {
        this.holder = $('.qodef-swiper-container');
        // Allow overriding the default config
        $.extend(this.holder, settings);
        if (this.holder.length) {
            function() {
      initSlider: function($currentItem) {
        var options = qodefSwiper.getOptions($currentItem),
          events = qodefSwiper.getEvents($currentItem, options);
        var $swiper = new Swiper($currentItem, Object.assign(options, events));
      getOptions: function($holder, returnBreakpoints) {
        var sliderOptions = typeof $'options') !== 'undefined' ? $'options') : {},
          direction = sliderOptions.direction !== undefined && sliderOptions.direction !== '' ? sliderOptions.direction : 'horizontal',
          spaceBetween = sliderOptions.spaceBetween !== undefined && sliderOptions.spaceBetween !== '' ? sliderOptions.spaceBetween : 0,
          slidesPerView = sliderOptions.slidesPerView !== undefined && sliderOptions.slidesPerView !== '' ? sliderOptions.slidesPerView : 1,
          centeredSlides = sliderOptions.centeredSlides !== undefined && sliderOptions.centeredSlides !== '' ? sliderOptions.centeredSlides : false,
          sliderScroll = sliderOptions.sliderScroll !== undefined && sliderOptions.sliderScroll !== '' ? sliderOptions.sliderScroll : false,
          loop = sliderOptions.loop !== undefined && sliderOptions.loop !== '' ? sliderOptions.loop : true,
          autoplay = sliderOptions.autoplay !== undefined && sliderOptions.autoplay !== '' ? sliderOptions.autoplay : true,
          speed = sliderOptions.speed !== undefined && sliderOptions.speed !== '' ? parseInt(sliderOptions.speed, 10) : 5000,
          speedAnimation = sliderOptions.speedAnimation !== undefined && sliderOptions.speedAnimation !== '' ? parseInt(sliderOptions.speedAnimation, 10) : 800,
          slideAnimation = sliderOptions.slideAnimation !== undefined && sliderOptions.slideAnimation !== '' ? sliderOptions.slideAnimation : '',
          customStages = sliderOptions.customStages !== undefined && sliderOptions.customStages !== '' ? sliderOptions.customStages : false,
          outsideNavigation = sliderOptions.outsideNavigation !== undefined && sliderOptions.outsideNavigation === 'yes',
          nextNavigation = outsideNavigation ? '.swiper-button-next-' + sliderOptions.unique : $holder.find('.swiper-button-next'),
          prevNavigation = outsideNavigation ? '.swiper-button-prev-' + sliderOptions.unique : $holder.find('.swiper-button-prev'),
          pagination = $holder.find('.swiper-pagination');
        if (autoplay !== false && speed !== 5000) {
          autoplay = {
            delay: speed
        var slidesPerView1440 = sliderOptions.slidesPerView1440 !== undefined && sliderOptions.slidesPerView1440 !== '' ? parseInt(sliderOptions.slidesPerView1440, 10) : 5,
          slidesPerView1366 = sliderOptions.slidesPerView1366 !== undefined && sliderOptions.slidesPerView1366 !== '' ? parseInt(sliderOptions.slidesPerView1366, 10) : 4,
          slidesPerView1024 = sliderOptions.slidesPerView1024 !== undefined && sliderOptions.slidesPerView1024 !== '' ? parseInt(sliderOptions.slidesPerView1024, 10) : 3,
          slidesPerView768 = sliderOptions.slidesPerView768 !== undefined && sliderOptions.slidesPerView768 !== '' ? parseInt(sliderOptions.slidesPerView768, 10) : 2,
          slidesPerView680 = sliderOptions.slidesPerView680 !== undefined && sliderOptions.slidesPerView680 !== '' ? parseInt(sliderOptions.slidesPerView680, 10) : 1,
          slidesPerView480 = sliderOptions.slidesPerView480 !== undefined && sliderOptions.slidesPerView480 !== '' ? parseInt(sliderOptions.slidesPerView480, 10) : 1;
        if (!customStages) {
          if (slidesPerView < 2) {
            slidesPerView1440 = slidesPerView;
            slidesPerView1366 = slidesPerView;
            slidesPerView1024 = slidesPerView;
            slidesPerView768 = slidesPerView;
          } else if (slidesPerView < 3) {
            slidesPerView1440 = slidesPerView;
            slidesPerView1366 = slidesPerView;
            slidesPerView1024 = slidesPerView;
          } else if (slidesPerView < 4) {
            slidesPerView1440 = slidesPerView;
            slidesPerView1366 = slidesPerView;
          } else if (slidesPerView < 5) {
            slidesPerView1440 = slidesPerView;
        if (direction === 'vertical') {
          slidesPerView = 1;
        var options = {
          direction: direction,
          slidesPerView: slidesPerView,
          centeredSlides: centeredSlides,
          sliderScroll: sliderScroll,
          spaceBetween: spaceBetween,
          autoplay: autoplay,
          loop: loop,
          speed: speedAnimation,
          navigation: {
            nextEl: nextNavigation,
            prevEl: prevNavigation
          pagination: {
            el: pagination,
            type: 'bullets',
            clickable: true
          breakpoints: {
            // when window width is < 481px
            0: {
              slidesPerView: slidesPerView480
            // when window width is >= 481px
            481: {
              slidesPerView: slidesPerView680
            // when window width is >= 681px
            681: {
              slidesPerView: slidesPerView768
            // when window width is >= 769px
            769: {
              slidesPerView: slidesPerView1024
            // when window width is >= 1025px
            1025: {
              slidesPerView: slidesPerView1366
            // when window width is >= 1367px
            1367: {
              slidesPerView: slidesPerView1440
            // when window width is >= 1441px
            1441: {
              slidesPerView: slidesPerView
        if (slideAnimation.length) {
          switch (slideAnimation) {
            case 'fade':
              options.effect = 'fade';
              options.fadeEffect = {
                crossFade: true
        return Object.assign(options, qodefSwiper.getSliderDatas($holder));
      getSliderDatas: function($holder) {
        var dataList = $,
          returnValue = {};
        for (var property in dataList) {
          if (dataList.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
            // It's required to be different from data options because da options are all options from shortcode element
            if (property !== 'options' && typeof dataList[property] !== 'undefined' && dataList[property] !== '') {
              returnValue[property] = dataList[property];
        return returnValue;
      getEvents: function($holder, options) {
        return {
          on: {
            beforeInit: function() {
              if (options.direction === 'vertical') {
                var height = 0;
                var currentHeight = 0;
                var $item = $holder.find('.qodef-e');
                if ($item.length) {
                    function() {
                      currentHeight = $(this).outerHeight();
                      if (currentHeight > height) {
                        height = currentHeight;
                $holder.css('height', height);
                $item.css('height', height);
            init: function() {
                [$holder, options]
              if (options.sliderScroll) {
                var scrollStart = false;
                  function(e) {
                    if (!scrollStart) {
                      scrollStart = true;
                      if (e.deltaY < 0) {
                      } else {
                        function() {
                          scrollStart = false;
    qodef.qodefSwiper = qodefSwiper;

    How do I change qodefSlider so that it only starts autoplay when in view?


    Thread Starter hellopeepeepoopoo


    @bcworkz “Expand a likely event like DOMContentLoaded. Remove a likely candidate using the appropriate button. Click the refresh icon (circular arrow) above”

    Hi I tried this and the carousel did not stop. In fact I removed every single script in the Event Listeners Tab and none of the animations on the page stopped working. Is it possible I need to do something other than pressing the refresh icon in the Events Listener Tab?

    Thread Starter hellopeepeepoopoo


    @bcworkz already raised a support ticket with Deon, they said they don’t provide this level of customization to their customers. 

    I want to do it by myself but I don’t know how to find the specific script that triggers the carousel. How exactly in chrome’s developer tools do you find the script associated with an element?

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