Forum Replies Created
Great! Thanks for the confirmation. If we face any issues after upgrade, will reach out to you.
Great! Thanks for the confirmation. If we face any issues after upgrade, will reach out to you.
Thank you @talextech for the confirmation.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Edit/Delete Forum Topic MessageHi @jdembowski,
Thanks for your quick revert. Please note though the topics are not extreme cases, the posts are causing a security issue because the customer’s domain name and email addresses are? mentioned. Hence the request to delete or provision to edit some of the details so that we can remove the sensitive information.
- In issue https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/failed-to-open-stream-rules-php/ [ Request you to just remove the PROD URL]
- In issue https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/application-timeout-error-in-capabilities-plugin/ [ In this post I have multiple references of the clients PROD URL and SQL query with customer name and images that display the URLs of other environments. ]
- In the issue: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/web-application-firewall-is-disabled-2/ [Screenshots carry admin email address and domain URLs.]
Thank you.
- This reply was modified 2 years ago by hemasusi.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Edit/Delete Forum Topic MessageHi team,
Please note , the request for deleting the URLs as the customers’ URLs are exposed. The posts that needs to be deleted include:
Kindly help us.
Thank you.
- This reply was modified 2 years ago by hemasusi.
Hi Team,
I am waiting for yur response. Kindly help us.
Thank you.
Hi @wfpeter
Note : We are already using MySQLi storage engine. (found in Tools > Diagnostics > WordFence Firewall > Active Storage Engine)
HI @wfpeter
Kindly check my last message and this.
In WF Diagnostics page seeing like – https://prnt.sc/PHHIrYrpSJ7Z
What should do to solve this ?
Please answer.
Thank you.
Hi @stevejburge,
Okay, I have now created issue ticket in github.
Kindly check and update.
Thank you.
Hi @rizaardiyanto & team,
We have installed the beta version that you shared here in our Production WP. In that the Roles page & Capabilities page are working.. But facing same timeout issue when we click the user count from the Roles page – https://prnt.sc/Yu7xptJG5k_d (Loading time is too long & faced the timeout at most of the time)
The URL of the page is – https://www.statueofliberty.org/wp-admin/users.php?role=administrator
[Here administrator is one of the role]
Can you please check this and update us?
So apart from this, i can ignore the error ‘[10-Feb-2023 12:42:03 UTC] PHP Warning: fopen(/code/wp-content/wflogs/rules.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /code/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/vendor/wordfence/wf-waf/src/lib/waf.php on line 332’ …
This will not create any impact/issue right?
To solve the error, there is an option to go for MySQLi storage engine… But its not mandatory? So we can ignore the warning errors?
Hi @wfpeter
“If you wish” – So no need to do anything for the rules.php error?
or the MySQLi storage engine is must to solve the error in log file?
Kindly reply.
I am waiting for your response.
Hi @wfpeter
In my First Screenshot – I attached the continues errors lines in the error log file from our Production.
In second screenshot – i have sow you how patheon team describe about the mentioned warning in their documentation. You can also see this in this link – https://pantheon.io/docs/plugins-known-issues/#wordfence (In that, please check 10th Step, they listed the warning errors and mentioned as “You can safely ignore the warning messages”)
We have not intalled Query Manager. The error messages logged every date in our server php error log file.
So for this no such files rules.php, i need to add
define('WFWAF_STORAGE_ENGINE', 'mysqli');
in wordfence-waf.php ? or can ingore?Hi @wfpeter and WF team,
We have successfully activated WordFence in our dev/test/live sites using our server pantheon’s documentation – https://pantheon.io/docs/plugins-known-issues/#wordfence
Now seen below errors in all env. https://prnt.sc/7Lp90X6Q3b4K
[10-Feb-2023 12:42:03 UTC] PHP Warning: fopen(/code/wp-content/wflogs/rules.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /code/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/vendor/wordfence/wf-waf/src/lib/waf.php on line 332
[10-Feb-2023 12:42:03 UTC] PHP Warning: include(/code/wp-content/wflogs/rules.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /code/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/vendor/wordfence/wf-waf/src/lib/waf.php on line 335Once i seen this in TEST env, i ignored it because that is the warning we can safely ignore as per their documentation – https://prnt.sc/FR1cOrphLbKQ
Now i am curious about this error in production. Do we need to do anything?
Kindly assist, because this is in production.
Our PROD URL – https://statueofliberty.org/