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  • Thread Starter henesuo


    Yes I got it already first time thank you. That is why I mentioned in my last message that it seems to be problem with the paid extension “Ocean Sticky header” therefore I created suppor request directly to developer. The Ocean Extra?and?OceanWP are free so I think it was too early for you to say that I do not get support in here as problem could have been in also those two.

    Thread Starter henesuo



    Sorry didn’t remember that.

    Also when I disabled Sticky header the problem disappeared so must be some problem in that extension.


    I use this plugin

    Delete product images for WooCommerce

    “Removes product assigned images (featured and gallery only) on product delete.”

    Unfortunately seems that it probably will not delete picture added in description.

    Thread Starter henesuo


    Alright thank you. Hopefully you can add it.

    Had the same issue that when trying to edit pages it just showed blank page. I updated all my plugins (there was many as I was on holiday for a moment and WordPress was updated during that time) and after that it started to work. Also did the basics as CTRL + F5 with Google Chrome to really download page again and flushed cache in WordPress admin panel.

    To me it could have been probably Seopress plugin which caused it as stated in error log:




    I have the same warning after updating Woocommerce to 7.9.0. But I do not see it affecting my website so I have not tried to roll back or do anything. Would be still nice to know what it means or does and eventually getting fixed.

    Same problem here.

    When clicking update on product it will delete first attribute and its value every time.

    It happens with normal product so no need to be even variable product.

    Gladly you can save attributes list separately without need to update product page again to avoid this but still time consuming to add the deleted attribute every time you make new product.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by henesuo.


    I use Finnish on my website and to change translation for some words I use Loco Translate – works for Woocommerce and other plugins quite well. Try it out.

    Hello. I understand your pain even with my 2 languages; Finnish main language (Woocommerce + Loco translate works fine for this) and extra language in English. I have few hundred products that are added and deleted regularly. They are divided in about 10 categories and products in same category has same product texts – only basically name changes between products.

    I tried some translators that creates multiple backend pages ( WPML, Translatepress ? etc. can’t really remember all of them) and they are really not an option. You need to go through products one by one and translate them. What a nightmare. Also doesn’t like the duplicated content. Maybe works for blogs and Woocommerce with only few products, but not in your and my situation.

    So far bests have been translators that do the translation in their servers and send it back to visitor on the fly. You do not need to edit anything under the products in Woocommerce. They automatically translate content and you can (=need to) edit it manually in their web interface. Also there is nice editor where you can see your actual web page and edit different texts / buttons etc. through it.

    My saviour has been that I have for example 100 products with same text and another 100 with same text etc. Once I edit one product then the other 99 are translated also! It recognises same text and paraghraps so I need to go through different texts only once. I think you might not be this lucky and you have different text under each product?

    Weglot did quite nice job but price is based on language quantity and translated words count – and this counting is broken on their side. My website has about 6000 words that really need to be translated and rest is just copy of the same paraghaps. Still it counts like 10 000+ words and keeps increasing even when content stays the same which is ridiculous. Why wouldn’t it if the pricing is based on that…

    Gtranslate I am testing at the moment and it works same way as Weglot but there is no word limit and pricing is a lot better. But there is huge issues to make the Woocommerce Cart to work. If you add products and delete them the Cart will show wrong products etc. – it doesn’t update immediately as should. Also there is some settings need to be done to server files manually (remove caching and allowing some priviledges that Gtranslate need to be able to work) so it is not working out of the box. I had year ago same issues when I tested it so no progress…. So really not Woocommerce compatible. I am checking it with their support and hopefully they make it to work this time.

    Does anyone else know similar options than these two mentioned above?

    WordPress / Woocommerce really should have built in feature to be able to have separate languages.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by henesuo.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by henesuo.
    Thread Starter henesuo


    After a while seems that it recovered from this and gave me note that “finishing of the update failed – please try again” or similar and version was still 6.9.3. I tried again and update was successfull to 6.9.4.

    Would still be nice to know where to look root cause for this. Everytime I update Woocommerce there is some error, usually related to Cloudflare so shouldn’t be nothing to do with Woocommerce plugin itself. But this time error was different.

    Thread Starter henesuo


    I do not see theis being a feature, more like a bug that should be fixed.

    Thread Starter henesuo


    Hello @chiape

    Ok thank you for pointing out that Woocommerce handles orders differently based on how they were created. This explains some of my problems.

    I made a test as you suggested for me to manually decrease stock:

    1) Made manual order for product X 2 pieces
    2) Decreased manually product X stock from 2 to 0 (to reserve them)
    3) Went to payment site via link and paid it with direct bank transfer method (in some cases there was immediately error when link was opened that order can’t be paid because there is not enough stock, no idea why sometimes it happens and sometimes not)
    4) Order went to “On hold” status and product X stock decreased from 0 to -2…

    I bet also that in other payment method it would have gone to “Processing” status and decrease stock incorrectly also “twice”.

    So that option to decrease stock manually (or with automatic plugin) beforehand is not working either because you need to again adjust stock quantity afterwards.

    In my opinion Woocommerce should reserve products already in “Pending payment” status no matter how the order was created. There should be just two different scenarios how long this reservation lasts; for fronted it already exists in options (hold stock x minutes). For manual made orders it should maybe reserve products untill customer pays via payment link and it switches to “Processing” or “On hold” or if I cancel order in backend.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by henesuo.
    Thread Starter henesuo


    Hello @rainfallnixfig

    When you’re saving the order with “Pending payment” status the stock is not reduced and the invoice you send to the customer contains a payment link. On the other hand if you save the order with the “On hold” status the stock is reduced but the invoice doesn’t have a payment link. This is all correct and default behavior.

    -> This is correct and I understand it. “On hold” works fine if I am waiting customer to make payment via for example direct bank transfer which they have chosen in checkout page. In this case customer makes payment manually and doesn’t use my payment service provider. I need to go and check that payment is done from my bank account and then I switch order manually to “In progress”.

    I do not send actual invoice; just a link that goes to my website where they can see what order content is and where they can choose what option to use for payment. Similar view to what they see in fronted checkout page but little bit simple; only products and their prices etc. No need to fill in address etc.

    Also “On hold” status doesn’t allow customer to make payment via that link, as already mentioned so it is not an option.

    I understand that you want to save the order with the “On hold” status, decrease the stock quantity and send an invoice to pay for the order, correct?

    -> I want to have “Pending payment” status for order I made manully, Woocommerce to hold/reserve stock and wait for customer payment in my payment provider website, switch order automatically to “In progress” and then decrease stock. This is how it seems to work when customer makes order in frontend but not when I do it in backend; when we talk about difference in reserving ordered products.

    My problem basically is why the Woocommerce doesn’t use “hold stock” feature when order is in “Pending payment” status when I make the order myself for customer versus it works when customer does it in fronted by themselves.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by henesuo.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by henesuo.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by henesuo.
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