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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Fixed Widget and Sticky Elements for WordPress] CSS structure break errori have the same issue
i have this issue
when scroll down the sidebar come to the center of screen.
thanks.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flowplayer HTML5 for WordPress] rtmp play<!– flowplayer with RTMP configuration option –>
<div class=”flowplayer” data-rtmp=”rtmp://rtmp://”><video>
<!– consumed by the flash engine –>
<source type=”video/flash” src=”flv:adab”>
i use this code and some other code but neither dont work.
when i insert below link in jw player it easily play it
rtmp://, how can i insert this link by code in flowplayer (html5 and flash). please give me an example by my link.
thanksForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flowplayer HTML5 for WordPress] hls play fileyes i removed it
i stream again
the length of the file is amproximately 7 seconds.because in the hls stream the .m3u8 permanently change to play continue of file.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flowplayer HTML5 for WordPress] hls play filei created it by ffmpeg that send permanently a video or sound to my server and i can live play it by that player, but i want to play it in my post in wordpress no html page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flowplayer HTML5 for WordPress] hls play filehi
i updated the flowplayer but still not playing.
please test with my file.
that player easily play it: Plugins
In reply to: [Flowplayer HTML5 for WordPress] hls play filehi mr Ulrich
please answer this question because it is very important for me.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Mmm Simple File List] Way to list directory outside uploads?hi
i found a solution for this problem
edit the line of plugin to below:
for example of my site:
$dir = ‘/home/xxx/domains/your-domain.com/public_html’ . ‘/’ . $folder;
$outputDir = home_url() . ‘/’ . $folder;‘xxx’ and ‘your-domain.com’ related to your ftp directorys
now you use below link in your post: for example:
[MMFileList folder=”dl/mp3/” format=”table” /]
that the ‘dl’ directory is in the root directory.
be successful.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flowplayer HTML5 for WordPress] hls play filein my m3u8 file are codes that flowplayer can’t read them
i want to play my file not any other
i know that flowplayer can play your file but i want to play my file.
for example below player can play my file but i only can use it in html page not in my post on wordpress like flowplayer.
https://www.momovi.com/do you know any way to play my file?
can i use hls.js in flowplayer? and how?
in the readme.md of this plugin wrote that this plugin can play below tag:
#EXT-X-STREAM-INF (adaptive streaming)
#EXT-X-ENDLIST (Live playlist)
#EXT-X-DISCONTINUITYif flowplayer can play these tags then can playing my file