Forum Replies Created
btw, im using php 7.4 and wordpress 5.9.3 and your plugin is working like a charm
Another vote to keep this plugin running! it is amazing and theres nothing that matches it on wordpress
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Purchase note on checkout pageI just would like to display specific product info on the checkout page that is currently not shown and I thought product note would be a good way to do it… as simple as that ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pix por Piggly (para Woocommerce)] op??es n?o alteram a tela de pedidovcs s?o foda!
Outro detalhe que notei: quando o cliente faz um pedido via pix, n?o existe nenhuma possibilidade dele voltar atrás e mudar o método de pagamento, nem mesmo na tela do pedido dele.
Quando puderem checar isso, será maravilhoso! Valeu
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce] Pagamento recorrente automáticoCom certeza essa fun??o vai aumentar o alcance do plugin. N?o vejo a hora dessa fun??o ser disponibilizada
Salve querido! obrigado pela gentileza e pela resposta!
Esqueci de mencionar que os produtos s?o cursos online do plugin learndash que se comunica com o woocommerce diretamente, criando uma classe de produtos específica chamada “courses”. Nào há quest?o de inventário nesse caso.
seja como for, eu tirei essa limita??o do inventário e o problema persiste.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields] Custom Field and Divi 4 TemplateHey mate, maybe that’s not all. I cant seem to use any kind of custom fields from Pods, even simples text. oEmbed is not only the issue here…
Divi4, however, seems to recognize custom fields from ACF plugin. WordPress core recognizes both.
Would it be too expensive for you to take a look and sort this out? Could I get a quote on this? Cheers
- This reply was modified 5 years ago by hfogli.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields] Custom Field and Divi 4 Templatehaving trouble with pods and divi4 as well… divi does not recognize any of the custom fields I created for my custom posts… Im trying to export it all to code to chek but I cant tseem to understand how to deal with the code generated by the “export to code” plugin.