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  • smart tip: do a multifilesearch on all php-files when wondering about a function.. lead me to create this example for you guys ??

    $size = 150;
    $medium_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment->ID, array($size, $size), false);

    i haven’t checked but you might replace second value (the array) with “small”, “medium” etc. or just a single value..

    these three will do your work

    $att_img = wp_get_attachment_image($attachment->ID, array($size, $size), false); // gives <img src="...." />
    $att_src = wp_get_attachment_url($attachment->ID); // gives url to original size
    $att_src_thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment->ID, array($size, $size), false); // gives url to givven size..

    what harjeetsg said worked perfectly for me using the “old browser uploader”.

    he wrote wrong thou’. should be wp-content/uploads instead of wp-contents/uploads

    Hi there little fellow.

    I suppose you know how to modify your theme. The codex is usefull to search in ??
    in short: you may copy and paste this where you want it (e.g. in you sidebar.php-file):
    <?php wp_list_categories(); ?>

    hmm. i hate how WP have to spit everything out automagiacally. i found the same solution as you thou’… but there’s a huge problem. it can’t exclude several categories… i’m going crazy..
    and as you say in link-template.php it says:

    function get_previous_post($in_same_cat = false, $excluded_categories = '') {
    	return get_adjacent_post("$in_same_cat", $excluded_categories);

    two parameteres.. but refers to another function.. aaaaaaaaaaa. while reading that function. cats are exploded not by comma but by “and”… crazy inconcistent writing..

    ok.. so here’s the nice solution for excluding categories:

      $exclude_cats = "5 and 8 and 12"; // example - yes, use quotes!
      $prevPost = get_previous_post(false, $exclude_cats);
      if($prevPost != '') { $prevURL = get_permalink($prevPost->ID); }
      $nextPost = get_next_post(false, $exclude_cats);
      if($prevPost != '') { $nextURL = get_permalink($nextPost->ID); }

    remember if parameter inside get_permalink is blank then it will get link for current post, that’s why you should have that if-statement.
    first parameter in get_next_post / get_previous_post is if browsing the same category. Second is that exclusion list seperated by ‘and’, and with use of “quotes”.

    happy coding

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