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  • @andronidko
    Thank you! Your fix did the trick for me.

    Please see the other post earlier. The final answer fixed the problem. Unfortunately, you have to change the code manually.

    I just posted this in another thread, then I see yours.

    Try putting this in your theme’s style.css

    #s-share-buttons .pinit-btn-div span { visibility: hidden; }

    Hope that works for you.

    Try putting this in your theme’s style.css

    #s-share-buttons .pinit-btn-div span { visibility: hidden; }

    Hope that works for you.

    need to fix “header” function in “dcwp_jquery_vertical_mega_menu.php” file. Unfortunately, since this plugin doesn’t seem to be maintained anymore, you’ll have to make the fix in your plugin.

    It’s not the most elegant way to fix, but this gets the job done (replace your header function with this):

    function header(){
            $temp_plugin_dir = WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/jquery-vertical-mega-menu';
            echo "\n\t<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"".$temp_plugin_dir."/css/dcverticalmegamenu.css\" media=\"screen\" />";
            // Scripts
                wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );
                wp_enqueue_script( 'jqueryhoverintent', $temp_plugin_dir . '/js/jquery.hoverIntent.minified.js', array('jquery') );
                wp_enqueue_script( 'dcjqverticalmegamenu', $temp_plugin_dir  . '/js/jquery.dcverticalmegamenu.1.3.js', array('jquery') );

    To fix the problem, need to modify the ‘header’ function in ‘dcwp_jquery_vertical_mega_menu.php’ file.

    This isn’t the most elegant fix, but it gets the job done:

    function header(){
            $temp_plugin_dir = WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/jquery-vertical-mega-menu';
            echo "\n\t<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"".$temp_plugin_dir."/css/dcverticalmegamenu.css\" media=\"screen\" />";
            // Scripts
                wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );
                wp_enqueue_script( 'jqueryhoverintent', $temp_plugin_dir . '/js/jquery.hoverIntent.minified.js', array('jquery') );
                wp_enqueue_script( 'dcjqverticalmegamenu', $temp_plugin_dir  . '/js/jquery.dcverticalmegamenu.1.3.js', array('jquery') );

    To avoid the warning, need to fix the ‘header’ function in ‘dcwp_jquery_vertical_mega_menu.php’

    The problem stem from the author trying to call an internal function using static call, I am not sure this is the best fix, but it does fix the problem by simply avoiding the static call and get the plugin directory into a temp variable.

    Unfortunately, it seems this plugin is no longer supported, so I am not sure if it’ll ever be fixed…

    function header(){
            $temp_plugin_dir = WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/jquery-vertical-mega-menu';
            echo "\n\t<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"".$temp_plugin_dir."/css/dcverticalmegamenu.css\" media=\"screen\" />";
            // Scripts
                wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );
                wp_enqueue_script( 'jqueryhoverintent', $temp_plugin_dir . '/js/jquery.hoverIntent.minified.js', array('jquery') );
                wp_enqueue_script( 'dcjqverticalmegamenu', $temp_plugin_dir  . '/js/jquery.dcverticalmegamenu.1.3.js', array('jquery') );


    By the way, thanks for the tip about putting in <div id=”commentform”> so facebook-comments-notifier will insert the facebook comment form. I couldn’t figure out how to get away from using comment_form to avoid spammers, now your solution works great.



    Without SMTP send it could be finicky… did you try using SMTP send? Notes from the FAQ:

    I have installed the plugin but am not receiving emails

    This sometimes exists on a WordPress website running on IIS. The Facebook Comments Notifier plugin uses the wp_mail() function to send email and IIS is not always configured to handle mail this way. A work around to this mail issue is to use a plugin to authenticate your mail via SMTP protocol. For the SMTP authentication, we have found this plugin to work: WP Mail SMTP by Callum Macdonald (

    Thread Starter hh3


    I look deeper into this and have found it’s not necessarily the plugin’s problem, but it could be e-mail program’s problem in encoding the URL.
    To get around the issue, it would be great if the plugin can have the option to use post-id instead of permalink for e-mail sharing. In the mean time, I am simply going to modify the code to give me post-id URL instead.


    Never mind…, I found a tutorial on how to link to image file in a gallery. It doesn’t solve my problem, but answered my question.

    hi hunia,
    I think I have similar problem while trying to Lightbox-Plus on WP E-Commerce product page which seem to utilize 2 galleries.
    The FAQ mentioned that

    Link thumbnails to: Image File or use [gallery link=”file” for the gallery options

    But I can’t figure out how do I do this… I have WP 4.3.1 and Lightbox-Plus 2.7.2.

    Thanks for any hints you can give.

    Same problem here. Google did say they have changed to OAuth 2.0. OAuth 1.0 was deprecated and no longer supported as of April 20, 2015.

    I’ll try to submit the bug request on GitHub.

    UPDATE: this was already reported at GitHub earlier today, but no response yet.

    I don’t read Spanish, but most likely the problem is in your setup at Facebook Apps.

    Make sure you have the Domain and Site URL (Need to add “Website” as a “Platform”) setup correctly.

    Hope that helps.



    Hi cdiazg,
    I only tested on my ‘test’ site, not live site, and I haven’t had the chance to test it some more… Here are the changes:

    All important changes are in fb-comments.js

    1. Change all reference of “#commentform” to “#FatPandaFacebookComments” (without the “)
    2. block comment out the area between “//comment form” and “//add listener” with /* and */

    Like this:

       // comment form
      // add listener

    That’s it!

    Optional – The “Facebook Comments Notifier” is named “Facebook Comments” in the plugin pages, so it’s a bit confusing with Fatpanda’s plugin name. You may want to customize the name so it’s not so confusing. This is a cosmetic change that’s not required.

    1. Change the folder name to fb-comments-notifier
    2. Change the file: facebook-comments-notifier.php to fb-comments-notifier.php
    3. In fb-comments-notifier.php, change
    • “Plugin Name:” line to “Plugin Name: FB Comments Notifier”
    • Change “add_options_page” line to
      add_options_page('FB Comment Notifier Options', 'FB Comments Notifier', 'administrator', 'fcn', 'fcn_admin_options_page');

    If you do make the optional change, it’s probably better to repackage the file and upload it as a zip file. Hope it’s not too confusing.

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