Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook Comments by Fat Panda] Can't moderate commentsDdogjr: Which moderation button? The one below the Facebook comments? Maybe you didn’t login as the admin; or maybe you logged out of Facebook account on your browser.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook Comments by Fat Panda] Can't moderate commentsModeration is either at the Facebook’s own Comment Moderation Tool
Or directly at the Comment on each page where you have the comment. The comments doesn’t go into WordPress’ Comment system until it’s approved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook Comments by Fat Panda] Responsive WebsitesForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook Comments by Fat Panda] href URL is not properly formatted ErrorActually, it looks like it’s the line above it that’s causing the problem… the one that says <div class=”comment-meta…
My href includes full http address of my site, but your only starts with the last part of the http address. Did you enter the domain URL in your Facebook App screen?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook Comments by Fat Panda] Administrator notifications for new commentsFigured out a way to tweak the plugin “Facebook Comments Notifier” email functionality, but disable its own facebook form. Seem to be working. Let me know if you are interested.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook Comments by Fat Panda] Administrator notifications for new commentsSame question here… couldn’t even see the comment as pending on the dashboard. Not having pending notification would make the “require admin approval” all but useless.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Nextend Social Login and Register] Cookies issue with different FB AccountComziz,
I had ran into other issues too many to list regarding this plugin, so I have switched to another plugin that’s more manageable… it’s not bug free and also not currently being supported either, but at least I got it to work.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Social Login] Avatar not importThat article was for those using Buddypress. If you are using standard WordPress, you just need to:
- Enable WordPress’ Avatar (Settings — discussion)
- Settings – WP Social Login – Widget – Basic Settings – Users avatars: set to “Display users avatars from social networks when available”
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Social Login] Login doesnt workAhh, I wasn’t so good at searching for solutions on-line as I thought. OK, his solution is quite a bit cleaner, but there might still be a bug where it doesn’t notify the admin of the pending approval… but then again, you are not using the admin approval option, so it should be fine for you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Social Login] Login doesnt workWPyogi,
Thanks for the info. I’ll try to summarize the changes instead then…In function wsl_process_login_create_wp_user, right after “Send Notification”
// Send notifications /* HH begin move notification here */ if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_moderation_level' ) == 101 ){ @ Theme_My_Login_User_Moderation::new_user_activation_notification( $user_id ); } if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_moderation_level' ) == 102 ){ //HH_log(sprintf('calling admin notify on user_id %d', $user_id)); @ Theme_My_Login_User_Moderation::new_user_approval_admin_notification( $user_id ); } /* HH end move notification here */
In function wsl_process_login_authenticate_wp_user, right after lines:
// store user hybridauth user profile if needed wsl_store_hybridauth_user_data( $user_id, $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile );
put in:
/* HH add begin - modified from Theme My Login's user-moderation.php's authenticate function */ /* HH only do moderation if it's in pending */ $HH_mod_level = get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_moderation_level' ); global $wpdb; $tmp_cap_key = $wpdb->prefix . 'capabilities'; if ($tmp_user_data = get_user_by('id',$user_id)) { if (array_key_exists('pending', (array) $tmp_user_data->$tmp_cap_key)) { /* HH add end */
Make sure to add a closing } before the line that says:
// otherwise, let him go…That’s the summary of changes to get the fix… I made other changes to make it nicer, but in consideration of the copyright and all… I guess it’s better that I don’t post the whole thing. Hope you can follow this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Social Login] Login doesnt workby the way, all my changes are noted with “HH” comments. Hope it works for you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Social Login] Login doesnt workI ran into the same issue also… fortunately for you, I have a fix; I was just about to e-mail the developer about the fix when I came upon your question!
You’ll have to replace a file:
With this (I made multiple fixes so I am giving you the updated file instead of where to make the fixes):[Excessive code removed]
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin] 9/10 Love this pluginYou could use the “Import Redirect –> Add to Quick Redirect” option…
Hi there, I was wondering what those lines of “set_site_transient” do… now I know. Those things are supposed to expire, but there are some cases that they don’t get removed even when expired according to this article: Does WordPress delete expired transients from the database?
The article suggests:
Grab the plugin Purge Transients from Github, put it in your plugins folder and activate it in your WordPress admin. Now any expired transients will be deleted from your database after 7 days.
Or you might try “Delete Expired Transients” plugin, but I found some transients are still left behind. It could be because the “Facebook” object destructor doesn’t exists. In any case, I have given up on this plugin… too many issues. I would suggest trying WordPress Social Plugin, which I got to work correctly.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Nextend Social Login and Register] Facebook prefixYou can’t without modifying the plugin code. The code checks if that field is set. If not set, then it defaults the prefix to facebook-. It’s probably a good idea to set to something anyway to know whether it’s a Facebook login user vs. regular login user. I like to use FB-.