Forum Replies Created
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Parse Error?From what i know about php i see no errors in syntax, except possibly the line “case 6: // range” I am not sure what the hell the whole case 6 thing is… try commenting it out and uploading. Other than that syntax is perfect. I’m really starting to think some unescaped value from your database that is being run through here is what is causing your trouble.. Make sure all of your punctuation marks are escaped.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: RSS Feed In HTMLYah a lot of popular readers have trouble with this. If I were you I would have two versions of your rss feed. With the links to each one clearly stating one is html and one is just pure text
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: trouble uploading on Windows serverhad the same issues and heres what i did. I went in to the wp-options table of the database using php admin and manually entered the directory, keep in mind that the back slash in php is the “escape this” flag soo if you are typing C:\apache\htdocs for a php app you would need to type c:\\apache\\htdocs because the first slash gets escaped away… or something like that. I hope that makes sense, it worked for me
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Parse Error?From my experience of php its usually within 5 lines of your error tho so try reading the context of the situation. Look for absolutely any syntax errors not just random $’s. Look for unclosed clauses (no }’s) or quotation issues. Another thing that could be causing this is something in your database, some sort of input you put in is not getting escaped and is therefore creating a parse error. Something like a slash or quotes… Try checking through all your input via myphpadmin and escaping all your punctuation…
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Can login with Firefox, but not IEProblems with internet exploder… lol umm try editing your security settings… blast im a mac user and im trying to remember how to get to that cp, but its under like internet settings or some other wonderful microsoft term meaning the same thing… anycase if you have custom settings, set them back down to medium or medium-low. thats all i can suggest. other than that, dont use internet exploder and dont encourage those that do lol
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Fatal error: main(): Failed opening requiredOdd, very odd, it worx fine for me. I was able to register, browse the site, and update my profile without seeing anything wrong. This is really weird b/c php is server side, so any php errors should be universal no matter who the client is…
Try going on thru php admin, going to the table wp-options and editing the value for ‘site url’ You might have given wordpress an invalid site root referenceForum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Parse error in wp-config.phpI’d like to see the source of your config file, could u post it here? Or email it to me ([email protected])?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Installation and Blank Page ProblemsOk you are running apache… did your host configure apache for you? b/c i think they must have changed something. You are getting the error because (this is just a guess) in programming convention you declare a function “function myfunction ($parameters);” twoards the beginning of your code and then define it at a later point. It would seem that php is terminating before or cutting out (mabye comments is set up differently and it is commenting out some code…?) the definition of the function wherever it is in the code. I would guess that either the host has set up apache to disable some function php calls upon or has in some other way disabled something that causes the script to terminate and return prematurely… My suggestion is, if you have access to the apache directory on your server, replace the httpd.conf file with one that you configure yourself. That way you can rule out restrictions your host may have placed upon you. If you cant access the httpd.conf, why not just host the site yourself of your pc? Its free, its fairly simple todo once you get someone to set it up, and you have complete controll over all the settings on your server…
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Installation and Blank Page ProblemsI know the blank pages could be the server software you are using. I know that when I wasnt using apache i had blank pages all over the place. upload a php file with phpinfo(); running and see what your server software is.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Error establishing a database connectionlol I sense some hostility… If you are sure that you have the correct username and password, have you tried juggling the cases around? Though mysql is not indimicly case sensitive, the php file that you are putting your user information into is and therefore may be kicking back an error. While you are at it, try using the default config username=”root’ and password=””
Hope to help -whit
You need to fix the root location in your mysql db. Using myphpadmin go into your wordpress database, open up and browse the wp-options table. The first entry should be ‘site’ Edit this to properly reflect the location of wordpress. From what i see, it would be “wp/” or “https://seekerblog.com/wp/” If I were you I would use the first. Hope this helps, if you need further help and no one is responding send me an aim (hidden premise). <br>-whit
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Resolved: Blank Page IssuesI FOUND OUT WHAT WAS WRONG YAY! *performs victory dance*
I wasnt using the apache server… I was using a little app called xerver (great system by the way). Anycase I installed and configured apache and disabled xerver and boom! it worxForum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Resolved: Blank Page IssuesAhh I like this software a lot in concept, but this is irrating me, everytime i perform an action I am left with a blank page… I have to use the back button and refresh buttons constantly to use the site…I have tried from several computers now and get the same results… Anyone got any ideas?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Resolved: Blank Page IssuesNone of that works
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blank PagesYah I have the exact same issue fresh out of install… drr!