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  • Long story short, changing ID worked.
    Though it was not that simple and required few manual fixing on page here and code there to display everything correctly. But it was doable.

    But this work around is not doable for people who do not know SQL or some other web basic.

    I would appreciated future update will be less painful.
    It would have been lot easier if table is generated with corresponding ID number from older database.

    But, I am excited about new database table… I am sure there are lot of thing we can use now with all new parameter.

    Thank you for responding to my post. Hope you will have great day.

    I did delete maxbuttonv3 table and did turn off plugin then turn it off to create new table.

    Dimension is now looks like correct.

    However, ID is problem.

    My buttons table ID is start with 2, but on new table it start with 1.

    The one I posted has ID that is first number you see.
    First blockquote has 2 as ID, but corresponding maxbuttonsv3 table got 1 as ID#.

    And it appeared to be the cause of all issue.
    I am now thinking about manually changing these number… so it will work for now.

    Should I try to delete cp_maxbuttonsv3 and try deactivate/activate routine to see if it will correct or not?

    Hmm, issue is something like this.

    Right now library is displaying buttons minus proper dimensions. At least that part of order is in order. ID=1 is looks like what ID=1 button was… howerver it is displaying different button when loaded.

    I checked with MySQL database itself with older
    And I think current issue is right here.

    here is entry from this one

    2 テストキット テストキットページへのリンク I removed URL LINK Arial 34px normal bold center 5px 5px 0px 0px 始めてのお客様は 先ずテストキットを お買い求め下さい。 Arial 24px normal normal center 15px 5px 0px 0px #ffffff #dbdbdb #ffffff #ffffff -1px -1px 0px #618926 #12295d 4px 4px 4px 4px solid 1px #618926 #0f2557 0px 0px 2px #333333 #333333 #98ba40 #2270df #618926 #12295d 45 100 100 100 80 800px 125px on fa-eyedropper top 25 5px 0px 0px 0px on on publish

    Now, corresponding database entry at maxbuttonsv3 should be this one.

    1 テストキット publish NULL a:6:{s:4:”name”;s:18:”テストキット”;s:6:”status”;s:7:”publish”;s:11:”description”;s:42:”テストキットページへのリンク”;s:3:”url”;s:37:”I removed URL LINK“;s:10:”new_window”;s:1:”0″;s:8:”nofollow”;s:1:”0″;} a:2:{s:12:”button_width”;s:3:”0px”;s:13:”button_height”;s:3:”0px”;} a:24:{s:4:”text”;s:18:”テストキット”;s:4:”font”;s:5:”Arial”;s:9:”font_size”;s:4:”34px”;s:14:”font_size_unit”;s:2:”em”;s:10:”font_style”;s:6:”normal”;s:11:”font_weight”;s:4:”bold”;s:23:”text_shadow_offset_left”;s:4:”-1px”;s:22:”text_shadow_offset_top”;s:4:”-1px”;s:17:”text_shadow_width”;s:3:”0px”;s:11:”padding_top”;s:3:”5px”;s:13:”padding_right”;s:3:”0px”;s:14:”padding_bottom”;s:3:”5px”;s:12:”padding_left”;s:3:”0px”;s:5:”text2″;s:0:””;s:5:”font2″;s:5:”Arial”;s:10:”font_size2″;s:4:”16px”;s:11:”font_style2″;s:6:”normal”;s:12:”font_weight2″;s:6:”normal”;s:12:”padding_top2″;s:4:”15px”;s:14:”padding_right2″;s:4:”25px”;s:15:”padding_bottom2″;s:4:”15px”;s:13:”padding_left2″;s:4:”25px”;s:10:”text_align”;s:0:””;s:11:”text_align2″;s:0:””;} a:14:{s:10:”text_color”;s:7:”#ffffff”;s:17:”text_shadow_color”;s:7:”#618926″;s:20:”gradient_start_color”;s:7:”#98ba40″;s:18:”gradient_end_color”;s:7:”#618926″;s:12:”border_color”;s:7:”#618926″;s:16:”box_shadow_color”;s:7:”#333333″;s:16:”text_color_hover”;s:7:”#dbdbdb”;s:23:”text_shadow_color_hover”;s:7:”#12295d”;s:26:”gradient_start_color_hover”;s:7:”#2270df”;s:24:”gradient_end_color_hover”;s:7:”#12295d”;s:18:”border_color_hover”;s:7:”#0f2557″;s:22:”box_shadow_color_hover”;s:7:”#333333″;s:10:”icon_color”;s:7:”#ffffff”;s:16:”icon_color_hover”;s:7:”#ffffff”;} a:9:{s:15:”radius_top_left”;s:3:”4px”;s:16:”radius_top_right”;s:3:”4px”;s:18:”radius_bottom_left”;s:3:”4px”;s:19:”radius_bottom_right”;s:3:”4px”;s:12:”border_style”;s:5:”solid”;s:12:”border_width”;s:3:”1px”;s:22:”box_shadow_offset_left”;s:3:”0px”;s:21:”box_shadow_offset_top”;s:3:”0px”;s:16:”box_shadow_width”;s:3:”2px”;} a:10:{s:11:”use_fa_icon”;i:0;s:13:”fa_icon_value”;s:0:””;s:12:”fa_icon_size”;s:4:”30px”;s:8:”icon_url”;s:0:””;s:8:”icon_alt”;s:0:””;s:13:”icon_position”;s:4:”left”;s:16:”icon_padding_top”;s:3:”0px”;s:18:”icon_padding_right”;s:3:”0px”;s:19:”icon_padding_bottom”;s:3:”0px”;s:17:”icon_padding_left”;s:3:”0px”;} a:5:{s:13:”gradient_stop”;s:2:”45″;s:22:”gradient_start_opacity”;s:3:”100″;s:20:”gradient_end_opacity”;s:3:”100″;s:28:”gradient_start_opacity_hover”;s:3:”100″;s:26:”gradient_end_opacity_hover”;s:2:”80″;} a:8:{s:17:”container_enabled”;s:1:”1″;s:25:”container_center_div_wrap”;s:1:”1″;s:15:”container_width”;s:0:””;s:20:”container_margin_top”;s:0:””;s:22:”container_margin_right”;s:0:””;s:23:”container_margin_bottom”;s:0:””;s:21:”container_margin_left”;s:0:””;s:19:”container_alignment”;s:0:””;} a:2:{s:13:”important_css”;s:1:”0″;s:12:”external_css”;s:1:”0″;} NULL

    ID is assigned different and I guess this is one of the issue at this moment?

    still trying to make button actually works again… it has pretty odd dimension etc.

    Basically issue of poster at the top of this thread…
    wrong short code, dimension, color etc.

    Never mind, remigrate button worked after I wrote to this thread.

    Give time for this button to work, which takes time to do the work if your button library is extensive and it might do the trick.

    Same as poster earlier,
    All of buttons are gone.

    Initially when I updated, plug-in disappeared from dashboard.
    It did not appeared until I updated to 4.2.
    And when it reappeared, it asked me to reenter license info.

    After it is activated, was not very happy to find all button is gone.

    So, question is how do i recover from this?

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