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can we make this change to address the changing market? Its not a complicated deal
Just need to database a unique tag when random user makes use of the form and have a dedicated page for drawing up the page from template we setup.
Formpage submissiton generates https://website.com/publicform/XYZ123User can share the form page generated and others can see it without login. This helps with my public event service and I am certain Bands/DJ’s and even school clubs could use the same system for their type of event.
Email has too low of a response rate and doesn’t meet the goals of traffic generated income. The single method you have means I would have to charge users to use my system and I know how low the response rate is to that method.
Do not mark my topic as resolved as you wild ass guess and tell me to take YOUR problem to a dark ally. As the last matter of updating the site was to upgrade to premium wordfence.
The Main user was ME was being brute forced as per your log but the security software didn’t flag the IP.
Frankly I went to submit a ticket only to find your navigation directing me to a $149.00 Have you been hacked charge.
I really don’t like the implication that this is my problem of being breeched when I pay to not be.
Lets also point out that a current scan doesn’t flag any of the 250 articles that all contain links to sites with pulled certificates or that the IP that was brute forcing me has reports filed for brute forcing in the past.
So the hack wasn’t an out of date plugin.
Wasn’t dormant waiting per your own logs
Next time say we need a ticket to work on this? Don’t add butt covering wild ass guessing. I am not some new to the world website owner. I usually secure my own sites by not allowing any logins this one site I opened up to word press features only its a walking talking spam hole to every Russian on the planet and has been for more than 8 years.The minute you install a wordpress platform you get spam registrations which is your claim to have us PAY YOU. Not even that worked I had to shut down wordpress registration all together even with wordfence installed and country blocking active. Your security software doesn’t even log open relay log ins and
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Categories, tags and other things not working.Going to add to this in more Detail as I have the same problem with various verisons of wordpress.
I have installed 3.2.1 fresh on a new domain. Using cpanel and manually still shows NO categories or none found (4 have been inserted but can’t be edited as they don’t even display in admin area).
Went through this link Installed both the “is yoru server wordpress ready plugin” and yes I would love to BBQ:) (developers will get it)
I also installed the hotfix .7
Updated the theme to 20 11
disable and renabled all plugins
Uninstalled and reinstalled all plugins.https://www.merrymarauders.com
Two differnt verisions themes plugins etc same problem its definetly Server level BUT WHERE, WHAT could not be enable or IS enable and shouldn’t be to allow wordpress cates and only the cates not to work? Simple questionAny and all suggestions will be followed and I will post a response if this is fixed.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Server Move lost CatagoriesSimple bump
Is an example of NO categories problem that is serverside.