Forum Replies Created
Thank you @satollo, I decided to check if the X-Newsletter-Email-Id header is present, and if so, not to apply my custom email template.
Thank you, @niklasinpsyde!
Returning the empty renderer hook works per se but for some reason I couldn’t make it work when certain conditions meet only. Probably because the mini cart uses Ajax, right?
So I ended up setting WooCommerce session variables to determine whether my conditions are met and then modifying mini cart fragments using the
hook to remove the element#ppc-button-minicart
from the mini cart completely.This way the buttons will be removed as soon as I add a product which requires a coupon code and will be present again after I remove the product from my cart.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Contact form 7 DB] Excel Export doesn’t workHey @mathiasmadsen,
I just tried changing the curly braces to square brackets as you suggested. Thank you for that!
Warning for everyone who wants to try this: After fixing the advanced-cf7-db/admin/class/PHPExcel/Shared/String.php file the error will persist because there are a couple of other files with the same curly brackets in them. If you want to fix it yourself, you will have to edit many files manually.
It would be great if this plugin worked with PhpSpreadsheet rather than PHPExcel in the future!
Hey @mguenter,
ich glaube, wir k?nnen das Thema schlie?en. Es erscheinen nun keine out of memory oder Warnungen/Fehler bzgl. Real Cookie Banner mehr beim Debuggen.
gute Frage – ich hatte den Wert vorher nicht manuell nachjustiert, es müsste dann die Standardeinstellung gewesen sein.
Ich schaue Montag nochmal in die debug.log uns poste dann hier die relevanten Eintr?ge, das ist bestimmt aufschlussreicher.
Danke dir erstmal!
Hi @mguenter,
laut Auskunft einer Supportmitarbeiterin des Webhostinganbieters kann ich das PHP MEMORY LIMIT selbst auf maximal 728M hochschrauben. Das habe ich sowohl in der php.ini als auch in der wp-config.php Datei eingetragen.
Normalerweise müsste 728M mehr als genug sein, oder?
Es l?uft übrigens PHP Version 8.1.
Hey @mguenter,
schade, aber danke für deine schnelle Antwort!
Ich habe gefragt, weil ich eine Seite betreue, auf der Real Cookie Banner im Adminbereich ?fters meldet, dass ein Scan nicht abgeschlossen werden konnte.
Au?erdem finde ich in der debug.log regelm??ig PHP Errors wie “out of memory”. Ich dachte, das k?nnte vielleicht etwas miteinander zutun haben.
Okay so I found out the configurations are stored in the postmeta table in the database.
I am having trouble importing the configuration values via csv though. I have exported my existing pricing rules and product lists and tried importing the file. The rules are imported without giving errors. But I can not open/edit their details in WordPress admin because the page keeps loading as soon as I click on one of my imported rules.
I think the problem is trying to import the configuration array which looks like this (example product list configuration):
This looks like this in the database after import:
How can I fix this?
- This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Machtnix.
Thank you!
Is there a hotfix or something that I can use to temporarily fix the pricing table in the customer invoice while you’re working on the update?
The update fixed it, thank you!
Thank you, the update fixed the issue.
Hello Hannah,
thank you for looking into this.
I created a WordPress Sandbox for you where you can see both the Google Maps block with “Use Javascript API” turned on and off.
Visit sandbox
Access code: 3813Please note that this sandbox will expire in 33 days from today.
What I descibed above occurs only when there is a theme.json file present in the folder of the active theme.
Also, it doesn’t matter if theme.json contains these layout settings or not:
{ "settings": { "layout": { "contentSize": "840px", "wideSize": "1100px" } } }
When there is no theme.json file present (or temporarily renamed), alignment options work for nested row layout blocks as expected.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Machtnix.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Contact form 7 Cc: and Bcc: don’t workAgaf,
could you please elaborate what you think the problem was in your case?I am currently encountering a similar problem with my forms and could use any clue.
Many thanks