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  • Hi snetman,

    I’ve just posted something that may get your ‘Y’ (total number of posts for a single category). It’s at

    (To get your ‘X’ (ordinal for a single post within its category) you may improve the function querying the mySQL DB for the position of the required post in a list of posts ordered by date.)

    Have a good day,

    Hi daltonrooney,

    I’ve just posted what may be a solution to your q.

    Have a good day,

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Number of posts

    Make it a function (to be included within the ‘function.php’ in your theme folder, for example):

    function number_postpercat ($idcat, $post_status='publish') {
    global $wpdb;
    $result=$wpdb->get_col("SELECT c.post_id FROM {$wpdb->post2cat} c INNER JOIN {$wpdb->posts} p ON c.post_id = WHERE c.category_id = $idcat AND p.post_status='$post_status'");
    echo $number;

    Then trigger it including the following in the appropiate place of your template:
    <?php number_postpercat (4); ?>
    …where ‘4’ is the required category id.

    Have a good day,

    I’d like to know, too.

    Still there?

    I’m thinking (searching in/out WP) for a 3-level access to the events calendar:
    -user: who can comment, rate & report bugs on events
    -editor: who can post an event (showing its name) and will be moderated by user ratings
    -admin: as usual, gets over editor permissions, posts & comments

    On top of the ‘user features’ I agree with the need of having recursive dates, several days events and different categories to be found within the calendar.

    For all these ‘date features’ I believe it should be kept appart the ‘posting date’ from the ‘event date’, making extensive use of WP Custom fields, instead.

    I may be implementing some event application for a client in a month time. I’d love to have it integrated within WP-2.0 and wouldn’t mind to help if needed to deploy it.

    Too many features? You asked for it ??

    Thanx for any efforts done,

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Multi-user calendar

    I may need something similar.

    I’m getting some general documentation at the moment, even out of WordPress. As far as I know you (& me) may need a heavily modified version of eventcalendar2 or 3 WP plugins.

    I give myself a few days before heading (shamely) out of WP.

    I’ll be back with news if any improvement.


    Interested too, in any system for having issue numbers to add to each post, and an application as link + URL to browse posts with through their issue number as in a journal. This could be, as mentioned above, a ‘custom field’.

    In general I’m interested in any application, tweak or plugin to achieve WordPress being something like a press newspaper, journal or magazine.

    Thanx for any help/ advice,

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