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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Fast Velocity Minify] How to exclude one folder within “plugins” folder@alignak o.k I understand. It was just the question if there is some hidden code which can exclude specific items. I understand the logic and it’s a little bit laborious to add everything manually. Especially, if you change things, you have always to remember to update FVM. So I think it would be more straight forward to change the logic here maybe in the future.
Thanks for your help, best
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Fast Velocity Minify] How to exclude one folder within “plugins” folderHi Raul, thanks for your answer, but maybe you got me wrong.
There is an option, where I can input pathes to defer js files. So when I use /plugins/ path, all in js files plugins folder will be defered.
And there is exactly one folder, which I want to exclude from being defered. So hwo do I do that?
E.g. /plugin/something/ should not be defered?
(@moderators: how many years do you want to keep on reviewing any comments, because I once wrote a wrong line?)
- This reply was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by hirschferkel.
@nathanbradycolonelduck I switched back with a backup of my wordpress, deinstalled RankMath and installed it again and it worked out. It seems like somehow database of RankMath got corrupt somehow and was fixed with this procedure randomly.
Enabling webp support from nginx will instantly reduce the page speed and show bad results in pagespeedweb.dev! This is why I disabled it.
Without nginx support, at least webp images will be served by WP-Optimize but not for background-images. AP Optimze seems a littly buggy, and there is no change to find the reason …
I’m currently working on the site so your testing was rong. Webimages are being served:
<img decoding="async" width="1200" height="1200" class="lazy-load attachment-full size-full wp-image-8868 is-loaded" alt="AOK PPP Pharmacs PowerPoint Folien" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" src="https://ixtract.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/214_0674_AOK_PPP_Pharmacs_PowerPoint_Folien_1.jpg.webp" srcset="https://ixtract.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/214_0674_AOK_PPP_Pharmacs_PowerPoint_Folien_1.jpg.webp 1200w, https://ixtract.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/214_0674_AOK_PPP_Pharmacs_PowerPoint_Folien_1-150x150.jpg 150w, https://ixtract.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/214_0674_AOK_PPP_Pharmacs_PowerPoint_Folien_1-768x768.jpg 768w">
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Prosodia VGW OS] Z?hlmarkenprüfung findet keine ?ffentliche Z?hlmarkeAntwort vom METIS-Support, der wahrscheinlich auch deinen Fall betrifft:
allem Anschein nach haben Sie die Z?hlmarken nicht richtig eingebaut. Es sind zu viele andere Komponenten im Imagetag enthalten. So wird natürlich auch keine Z?hlung gestartet. Im nachstehenden Link zur Systembeschreibung für Urheber finden Sie auch nochmal alles zum Einbau von Z?hlmarken. Weitere Informationen zu Urheber*innen-Meldungen in METIS finden Sie unter https://tom.vgwort.de/Documents/pdfs/dokumentation/metis/DOC_Urhebermeldung.pdf
Ich habe dasselbe Problem. Vom METIS-Support hie? es lappidar: In der Z?hlmarke stehen zu viele Parameter wie z.B. der Titel drin, daher w?re es “Natürlich”, dass die Marken nicht starten. Allerdings wei? ich nicht wie man das ?ndert. Meine Plugin Einbettung der marken sieht derzeit so aus:
<noscript><img decoding="async" src="https://vg09.met.vgwort.de/na/Z?hlmarkennummer" width="1" height="1" alt="Z?hlmarkennummer" class="wpvgw-marker-image" loading="eager" data-no-lazy="1" referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade" style="display:none;" title="Hier stehe ein sehr langer Titel, wo ich nicht wei? wie der da hinger?t"></noscript><div id="wpvgw-marker" data-src="https://vg09.met.vgwort.de/na/Z?hlmarkennummer" style="display:none;"></div>
I see … any idea what can be done to temporarily fix it with any possible hook?
I just use Elementor, that’s all.
You can see it e.g. in the top row of images on the website. Here is a screenshot where you can see the image is placed in the background and is still delivered as .jpg while there is a .jpg.webp image available, which is not being displayed: https://imgur.com/a/2hZhYDy
There is no static robots.txt file. Seems like the “virtual” file gets overwritten by other plugins, like WordPress Optimize, still. Dealing with a virtual robots.txt seems to be the root cause of the problem.
Now I know why I ran into these troubles. I fixed the issue meanwhile.
So I found the issue with missing webp images. WOP will never serve background images as webp, so this is why it seems to work sometimes and sometimes not.
Any idea how I can get sure that WPO is serving webp images for all background images, too?
- This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by hirschferkel.
- This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by hirschferkel.
- This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by hirschferkel.
- This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by hirschferkel.
I had to replace all single quotes with PHP 8.3. now it works. But is this the way it should work, to hook WP-Optimize?
It does not work. See error message: ?
Uncaught Error: Undefined constant "‘after_setup_theme’"
Even I changed the robots.txt in Rank math, the wrong robots.txt is still available and not the Rankmath one. Any idea how to fix it? https://ixtract.de/robots.txt
I have excluded it, now, but it is still the wrong robots.txt which is visible at: https://ixtract.de/robots.txt
What can I do to stop WPO to mix it up?