I also have the same problem with few menu items – using Swedish WordPress-version 4.4.2 med tema Storefront 1.6.1 och Wocommerce 2.5.2, Jetpack 3.9.1.
In the middle of my work with my product pages there seems to be a troll in action – The Navigation labels changed to 15 random numbers(!?). WordPress is keeping the Title attribute, and I cannot find any reason to why it happens with some Menu Labels. I have only three menu items (Home, Shop and About).
In my research I can see that the random numbers for the Navigation labels are created when I choose “Add to menu” for any new menu items (except the first item that is a static link). When choosing Save menu, the items again changed to a random number …
Further research shows that not all menu items are making noise with random numbers for Navigation labels … sometimes the main items is affected, and sometimes the sub menu items are affected.
I removed the menu and built it up again with the same problem. There was not a large menu originally – and I shortened it down. See https://studentskylt1.se/ where the Om oss (About us) > Villkor (Terms), sub menu Navigation label is changed to a random number.
Thank you for your kind help and suggestions.
Best regards,