Forum Replies Created
Hi mattyrob,
I am also struggling with this warning message.
To get rid of it, I followed exactly your recommendation on creating a new user with an email address same like the domain. Done, de-activated plugin, re-activated plugin and guess what : warning message still is present. I have no clue why: domain name is ‘siedelwood.de’, email is ‘[email protected]’ and ‘Send email from’ is set to user ‘siedelwood’.
Does the warning check IP addresses? Because this is different. My email server is not on the same IP as my web server using a MX record.
Or what else could cause the warning then?
Users report that email notification is unreliable – sometimes they get emails, sometimes not. Sending wp_mail direct from my code always works – nothing is lost.Yes, I can.
Which one do you need? The migrated or un-migrated version?
And how? It is 11.6MB zipped.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wp_editor in fancyboxActually, I tried it in another configuration in comments:
It works just fine in the comment_form but not in the reply-to-post link. There, it has the same behaviour as in fancybox.
What is the difference between normal comment_form and reply-to?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity Forms WYSIWYG] [Plugin: Gravity Forms WYSIWYG] CSS StylesheetThe css styles can be overridden using ‘!important’ in your own style.css or editor-style.css.
Now, everything works fine with my intended use case.
Also tested it in conjunction with the TinyMCEAdvanced Plugin and worked nicely.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity Forms WYSIWYG] [Plugin: Gravity Forms WYSIWYG] CSS StylesheetKept on testing some things and came across another small problem:
when I try to show my form containing the editor textarea in a Fancybox like described here no buttons are shown in the editor menu toolbar. Looks like a conflict of javascripts/jquery.
Not a big issue because the form displays o.k. on a normal page – just a would-have-been-nice feature.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity Forms WYSIWYG] [Plugin: Gravity Forms WYSIWYG] CSS StylesheetFrom what I found out so far, it is the /wp-includes/css/editor-buttons.css where most of the styling is coming from.
And most classes can be overridden by your e.g. style.css and some of them cannot -like i.e.‘.quicktags-toolbar, .wp_themeSkin tr.mceFirst td.mceToolbar’ . Still testing, maybe I’ll find out why not and post it here.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity Forms WYSIWYG] [Plugin: Gravity Forms WYSIWYG] CSS StylesheetForgot one thing to mention: it is only in visual mode where the text area is transparent – in HTML mode the background is opaque and kind of white.
Tried to override ‘<iframe>’ and ‘<textarea>’ in my theme’s stylesheet, but to no avail.
But finally, I found this article Link and that did the job for now. I just wanted the tranparent backgroud go away.
And another one: the popup window under the ‘Link’ button is coming up with white letters on light-light-grey background – almost impossible to read.
I believe, it would be very helpful to know what CSS stylesheet is defining all this in order to be able to change it according to local requirements.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity Forms WYSIWYG] [Plugin: Gravity Forms WYSIWYG] CSS StylesheetHi bradvin,
this is what Firebug says:<td class="mceIframeContainer mceFirst mceLast"> <iframe id="input_20_19_ifr" frameborder="0" src="javascript:""" allowtransparency="true" title="Textfeld mit Formatierungsm?glichkeiten Drücke ALT + F10 für die Werkzeugleiste. Drücke ALT + 0 für die Hilfe." style="width: 100%; height: 156px; display: block;"> </td>
for the rich text area. It seems that transparency is explicitly allowed. But I cannot find out where the class “mceIframeContainer” is coming from. Any idea? It is not the tinyMCE default skin.
Otherwise, I have to override it again at the end of my stylesheet again for td, this class and iframe – but no idea what this will do to the rest of my site.
Also, in the GF_wysiwyg_class.php file, you hand over an editor_class=>’frontend’ to the wp-editor. Afaik, this is an extra css class, but where does it come from and what does it do?o.k. you insist in continuing this!
Here you are:
Your help consisted of one short sentence, was completely misleading and did not solve the problem at all. What kind of thank do you expect for that??
You left your customer uninformed!
You told me several times that I am too stupid to read and understand your intelligent comment! What reaction do you expect from that?
And hopefully, you do not expect me to be thankful for this discussion here.
What an attitude!Ey! I can’t believe it . You can write more than one sentence in an answer.
Good path, keep on going.
BTW, I did not remove the plugin just the shortcode and it did not work in the version of 3 months ago like you describe here!
And to put an end to this fruitless discussion here: you knew that you have a new version solving this, you knew our discussion in your forum 3 months ago and you did not even place a short message there so that one could learn that the problem is solved. Only after reading my post here, you posted that information in your own forum.
Sad story!
Learn and listen! Learn to listen!No sir,
not this easy! You take it from the light side again and declare your customer guildy for not reading properly.
I read it properly and, although I saw no reason to do so, I removed the shortcode for Subscribe2 as well and guess what: no more display of the profile as expected – neither through your remaining S2FE shortcode nor elsewhere. And yes, the backlink had disappeared. In so far, your help was correct but for the price of the Subscribe2 functionality.
Question: what is a plugin addon worth without the plugin? And what is a addon worth without the addon?
And guess again: my problem is completely solved now by not using your addon for any price or even if it were free!Stiofan,
you’ll wait until eternity for my apology.
I did explain my problem – if you are able to read – and sorry, your advice was bull. ‘Remove the S2 shortcode’ simply means: do not use my software, but pay for it. There are megatons of excellent free software in the net, but never experienced a support like yours for paid software – and if it were only 2 bucks.
And believe me, there is nothing wrong with my tone, it’s just a reflection of yours.
If you are ready for this kind of negative ad here, I am as well.Stiofan,
not very polite how you treat your customers in public as ignorant idiots without taking the pain of trying to understand what they are talking about. Even now, you have not understood!
You are going to have a hard time in your business and in life, I guess.What a plenty of reactions and wisdom – all of a sudden – after 3 months of no communication.
What happened?
If that was so easy with css, why then the new version?
No automatic update or even update message from WP?
I will have a look on it and judge then wether it is now worth the 2 bucks.This addon for the magnificent Subscribe2 plugin has problems:
it does not provide a solution to hide or replace the link back to the admin page. Thus, users are still able to edit their profiles on the admin page and therefor the addon is useless.
I placed this question on the author’s support page now 3 months ago – no reaction, not even an answer.
Lost 2 bucks.