Forum Replies Created
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [3D WP Tag Cloud-S] Almost everything's coolHi yes.cool,
Now plugin supports Shortcodes. Enjoy!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [3D WP Tag Cloud-S] DNA shape – request for horizontalHi Dr9,
Save your instance with the new values selected and reload your page.
Here is an example, showing that everything is OK:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [3D WP Tag Cloud-S] DNA shape – request for horizontalHi again,
A horizontal DNA shape will be added in the next version.
On your second question I would say this: If I get a formula that creates such a shape I will add it.
As to the size of the cloud: I have deliberately limited it to 1024×1024 but since you ask for a bigger one I will provide it in the next version. Most probably I’ll use pixels and not percentage as units.Regards,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [3D WP Tag Cloud-S] Can we draw lines between the individual tags?Hi sudiptajinsoft,
This is a very interesting idea. At first glance I would say following:
There must be some criteria for joining tags. It is important that all tags should meet these criteria. Otherwise there should be some manual way of joining separated tags. On another hand we should not forget that in most of shapes the tags take places on points that belong to a curve. Connecting them in that way would be easiest but not nice, because we will get some kind of a spiral. In the end – the plugin is based on Graham Breach’s JS TagCanvas library, so it can do only things that this library can do. Anyway I’ll discuss the idea with Graham so we will see what can be done.
So at this moment drawing lines between tags is impossible.
Regarding circular tags you can make it only with image tags using a proper value for Image Radius (49 or 61). I will discuss with Graham if another type of weighting can be implemented where the radius of a circle around a tag depends on the tag’s usage.
As to number of posts where particular tags are used, I’m adding it to my to do list, so hopefully this feature will be available in the next plugin version.
Thank you for your suggestions!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [3D WP Tag Cloud-S] Long Description on WP Admin PanelHi billhi,
Thank you for your suggestion.
Actually I’ve been considering for some time a solution on that issue. So it will be implemented in the next version.Regars,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [3D WP Tag Cloud-S] DNA shape – request for horizontalHi Dr9,
I will consider your suggestions and come back to you soon.Regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [3D WP Tag Cloud-S] Adding Portfolio types to cloudHi henrykeller,
Your suggestion is implemented. You can download the new plugin version.
Now you can put in the cloud following 5 types of content:
– Portfolio Categories;
– Portfolio Items;
– Portfolio Filters;
– Slider Categories; and
– Slider Items.All you need to do is this:
1. Create a menu in WP through ‘Appearance > Menus’ panel.
2. Click on ‘Screen Options’ (top right corner of the page) and tick the Portfolio’s or Slider’s Custom Taxonomy you want in the cloud.
3. Then save the menu and go to your widget instance.
4. Choose ‘Menu’ for ‘CONTENT’ of your cloud, select the ‘Menu Name’ you’ve just created and save the instance.Regards,
I mark this topic as resolved.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [3D WP Tag Cloud-S] Adding Portfolio types to cloudHi henrykeller,
Thank you for your suggestion! I will consider what can be done in that regard and I’ll let you know.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [3D WP Tag Cloud-S] incompatibility with wp minifix plugin??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [3D WP Tag Cloud-S] incompatibility with wp minifix pluginHi Atilio,
I would suggest you to start with 3D WP Tag Cloud and WP Minify Fix activated only. Then begin activating the rest of plugins one by one in order to see which one encounters with WP Minify Fix. By the way do you feel any difference in terms of improved speed performance when WP Minify Fix is on?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [3D WP Tag Cloud-S] incompatibility with wp minifix pluginHi atiliofrancois,
Here is a link of a WP 4.3 post under Twenty Ten theme with activated WP Minify Fix 1.4.0 (see the footer) and 3D WP Tag Cloud-S, as well as 3D WP Tag Cloud-M:
Everything is fine.
From what I see on your site, something else causes a JS conflict which reflects in not recognizing some inbound_settings, which probably causes another problem with some WPGroHo and in the end with TagCanvas.
See a screenshot from your page:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [3D WP Tag Cloud-S] ShortcodeThanks Josh, I’ll check it up.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [3D WP Tag Cloud-S] New windowHi yes.cool,
3D WP Tag Cloud-S v. 4.6.3 is released. Now Target option is available for tag links of all types of content.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [3D WP Tag Cloud-S] New windowBy the way tag links of menu items are not object of setting by the plugin, because they are set by the customer in WP Appearance > Menus > Menu Structure.
So you can go there and tick “Open link in a new window/tab” option for each item.Archives, Categories and Post Tags are the types that I will include later.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [3D WP Tag Cloud-S] New windowHi yes.cool,
Due to the specific way tags in the other types of content are formed it will take me longer to do it for them. But anyway you will have it soon. So do not worry.