Forum Replies Created
I installed Twenty Fourteen last week, and have been looking for a way to eliminate the tags at the top of the posts too. The ones at the bottom are sufficient for me. Not being a fan of JetPack, I used your suggestion to use a CSS plugin and pasted that code in there and the problem was solved in less than 5 min.. Upon further experimentation, I found that the stuff between the commas are individual commands. I wanted the date of the post to remain so I plucked “.entry-meta .entry-date,” out of it and viola, it looks just right.
Thanks for the fix.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Restaurateur] Size of Slider PicsWell this is weird. I manually resized the three pics to about half their original size, and they still appear the cropped in the same manner as when they were their original size.
After looking at what I think is the window size in the script file, 1000×600, I figured that anything less would be shown in its entirety, with blank space around it. I was wrong.
What do I have to do to get a picture to display w/o the top and bottom being chopped off?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Restaurateur] method for adding images for slider?I found the solution to my problem after delving into the forum some more. If you want to change the images, you first have to delete them from the media library. And delete them from the page. THEN you can add them to the page via the “add media” button in the page editor. And since they’re not yet in the media library, choose the upload selection, and viola.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Restaurateur] method for adding images for slider?The first time I did it (when it worked), I used the ADD MEDIA button that appears when you open the subject page. And it worked as advertised. UNTIL I deleted the pics to change them to different ones.
After adding replacement pics into the HOME page, instead of showing the pics in slider format like it used to, is displays this instead: “IMAGES ADDED TO THIS PAGE WILL APPEAR HERE”
And I can’t figure out why or how to make the page see the pics that are in the page. Here’s my work in progress:
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Restaurateur] Sort by category and then by nameI’m with you on this one Frances. Putting order to the categories themselves would be nice too. I used a club to do it. ie. 1) first catgegory 2) 2nd category etc.. At least that way they are positioned in the menu bar the way I want them. It will sort by the numbers.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Restaurateur] Order dishes list by category, then by creationAm beginning to add menu items. After entering the second menu item (in the order I want them to appear) I see that the last item entered is the first one presented. Same as posts in a WP blog work. Seeing that there is no sort option, it seems that the “solution” is to enter them in reverse order in order to get the desired result.
After that, I guess manipulating the date and time of the entry would be what you’d have to do to place the “newly added” item anywhere but first place, at the top.
Realizing that a sort order wouldn’t be the fix-all solution for everyone. A “placement” option of some design would probably work for everyone. IE; if you could specify a number to each menu item (1 to 40) if there were 40 menu items on your menu. With 1 being the first item displayed and 40 being the last. That way, with minimal juggling, a new item could be added and placed somewhere down in the middle or bottom of the menu. Just a thought or suggestion.
thanks. UTC-6 produced the right time in the stats page. I guess that’s right for Central time zone in Standard Time (CST).
same problem for me too. I’m in the central time zone too. I emailed their support link and haven’t rec’d a reply. That was about a week ago.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: I don't like the new toolbar and admin navigationPlease ignore all this . . .
“Also, sort of on the same subject, the ‘short-url’ Custom Field used to give me the url. Now it is blank. Wazzupwidat? “
. . . that was in my previous post. I found out that it was the Jetpack share feature that caused the sort url to go away.
I went back to using the Share and Follow plugin for sharing purposes. It works a lot better for me than the Jetpack feature.
So my basic question is still out there, and I want the shortcode button back in the admin bar.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: I don't like the new toolbar and admin navigationWhy did the ‘get shortcode’ button get scrapped and replaced with a delete cache’ button? There’s plenty of room to have both.
Also, sort of on the same subject, the ‘short-url’ Custom Field used to give me the url. Now it is blank.
That is correct. Updated it earlier todcay. Thanks! Nice plugin btw.
https://rosscalloway.comThat was quick. Thanks. Got another issue I just noticed. I can’t seem to un-check the ‘show page’ box. After ‘saving’ the unchecked box configuration, it gets checked after being saved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ Stats] wordpress stats plugin out of sync/placeI found a ‘fix’ for it. There’s something new out there by Automattic called Jetpack. Jetpack is more than just a replacement for the wordpress stats plugin, although that is all I downloaded it for.
Jetpack is actually a plugin that offers a suite of functions, stats is one, that you can configure or turn on/off as needed. Since installing it last night, I’ve already turned on a couple of the other features it offers.
The stats feature looks nice. Nicer than what it replaced. It uses the admin bar feature in 3.1 too, like the other stats did. Only this one seems to work.
You can find it here:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Why is my comments closed in all posts – open in all pages…!??I check my ‘discussion’ tab on a daily basis for the recurring problem. It just recurred today.
Running the SQL command fixes it, but only until the next time.
UPDATE wp_posts SET comment_status = REPLACE (comment_status, ‘closed’, ‘open’) WHERE post_status = ‘publish’ AND post_type = ‘post’;
If anyone knows why it occurs, they’re sure keeping it a secret.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Why is my comments closed in all posts – open in all pages…!??I’m using i-power too.
I wonder if they’re not doing some machinations to everyone’s database when they mess with their version of WordPress?
When I first installed WP, I used their tool in the control panel. Since then, I’ve done all the updates on my own since they are way behind on updating it on their own. Now I’m wondering if setting it up that way and updating it on my own is part of, if not, the problem?