• Resolved Keith


    If I manually convert all earlier images to AVIF on the server, will WP serve AVIF instead of JP(E)G/PNG automatically? or is it just for images after I activated this plugin?

    If needed, what value in DB should I change, after converting all earlier images to AVIF on the server?

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  • Plugin Support James Osborne


    Hi @keithkhl,

    Rather than manually converting images to a different format, if you use a plugin to convert all earlier images to AVIF, there should be settings within that plugin that search and replace all references to ensure your content serves the newly image formats. That way you don’t need to manually convert any images to other formats. Here’s an example of such a feature of the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin.

    If needed, what value in DB should I change, after converting all earlier images to AVIF on the server?

    Making database changes via PHP admin may be not as straightforward as using a plugin, given there are responsive images and possibly third party plugins that also make changes to the images on your site.

    Before making any changes on your live site, have you considered creating a copy of your site and testing changes from there?

    Thread Starter Keith


    Thank you for the detailed guidance. It is always better to stick to plugins with long experience. Besides, as you said, given the presence of responsive images, I should stick to proven plugins.

    Wasn’t sure that Regenerate Thumbnails also creates Medium/Large size images as well. The same question goes with your plugin’s command option. wp media regenerate – WP-CLI Command When it creates thumnais (say 150×150), does your or Regenerate Thumnails also create Medium/Large size images as well?

    Plugin Support James Osborne


    Happy to help @keithkhl.

    Wasn’t sure that Regenerate Thumbnails also creates Medium/Large size images as well. The same question goes with your plugin’s command option. wp media regenerate – WP-CLI Command When it creates thumnais (say 150×150), does your or Regenerate Thumnails also create Medium/Large size images as well?

    The Modern Image Formats plugin does indeed create AVIF or WebP versions for all newly uploaded responsive images, including responsive image variations.

    Regarding using WP-CLI to do so, all images, including responsive images are regenerated. Whatever method you use to regenerate older images, I would suggest doing so from a staging site or when backed up first. A user did raise a topic regarding some broken images after regenerating, something we’ve so far been unable to replicate.

    Thread Starter Keith


    This indeed is a great news!

    I’ve lost a number of websites due to errors here and there, so I am testing it on a sample site now. I am happy to do it with WP-CLI, but later when this function becomes a part of WP default, admin menu for previous images should help less experienced users.

    Thank you for the support so far. Guess my image folder is going to be way smaller in a few days.

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