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  • Thread Starter hokua


    Thanks Deepak, great to know. Hopefully this helps someone else too.

    Thread Starter hokua


    Thanks Deepak. I followed up with a message to your support form to be safe. I’ll come back here with the resolution in case it helps others.

    Thread Starter hokua


    Hi, and thanks for your response. I discovered the issue accidentally while troubleshooting something else. It had to do with an undefined function call in functions.php that was intended to send visitors to the 404 page.

    All is working as expected now.

    Thread Starter hokua


    I still got the error when adding the filter, but you led me to believe it is due to content in ACF Blocks. So I did some testing, and it was, but the error was on my end. A duplicate get_footer() in one of the blocks was killing the footer. That’ll do it.

    Long story short: problem solved. Sorry for taking your time, and thank you for leading me in the right direction.

    Thread Starter hokua


    Thanks, Mikko. This does happen always for any search that yields results. If there are no results, then it doesn’t happen. A couple of things I’ve tested since I last wrote:

    • I checked the error log. The only thing in there is the following notice: Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in [project-name]/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 2809. That error goes away if I try to downgrade to a 7.x version of PHP.
    • Tested the removal of the while loop that includes the_post() and the_excerpt() from the template if it has results and replaced it with a simple string that states “You have results.” It still happens.

    I’m sort of at a loss for the time being. I’ll keep pushing on my end to see if I find a solution.

    One thing I didn’t mention earlier – I’m building the site using ACF Blocks. Not sure if that plays a part but figured I’d bring it up.

    Does anything I’ve mentioned here sound odd to you?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by hokua.
    Thread Starter hokua


    Hey Richard,

    Thanks for the quick update on this! I applied the latest patch and everything looks and works great.

    Completely understand using get_file_contents. Makes perfect sense. I’m confident any warnings on my end are specific to my local SSL setup.

    Thanks again,

    Thread Starter hokua


    You are most welcome! And it was very gracious of you to thank me on the plugin update.

    I applied the update and did notice that our layout was still broken. I see the closing div for #other_amount on line 409, but the one inside the $mode2 if/else block is missing. Adding a close div on line 361 fixed it for me.

    I did notice that the get_file_contents function threw a bunch of errors in my local environment, but I believe it’s because my local SSL couldn’t be verified for some reason. It isn’t happening in production, so not worrying about it as it’s probably just a setting on my end. I only mention it in case it helps someone else who may also experience the errors.

    Thanks again!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by hokua.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by hokua.
    Thread Starter hokua


    Update: Resolved with version 2.76 update.

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