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  • homebillsave


    Additional info to above:

    As for the fact that the code won’t of itself filter out automated spam, I use Peter’s Custom Anti-Spam plug-in which seems to stop blank comments being notified or uploaded and requires a commenter manually to complete an anti-spam code entry line (if not completed, no upload and no email).

    Christopher Whitby



    I’ve posted one solution on a thread on the same matter at:

    As for the fact that it won’t of itself filter out automated spam, I use Peter’s Custom Anti-Spam plug-in which seems to stop blank comments being notified or uploaded and requires a commenter manually to complete an an anti-spam code entry (if not completed, no email and no upload).



    I also have had terrible problems trying to get email notification of comments being posted or waiting moderation, and no plug-ins or suggested workrounds produced any result. I then realised that the ‘Submit Comments’ button must execute a form action file and if I could get a simple php mailer into that action file, it would execute when the form was submitted. I finally tracked the correct file down to wp-comments-post.php which is in the root part of the blog.

    I have added the following just above the $location = ( empty($_POST[‘redirect_to’])etc line near the bottom, so ensuring it’s not in an if statement (substitute your appropriate domain/email addresses where you see sample@, etc and the messages could be as you wish).

    $SendFrom = "[email protected]";
    $SendTo = "[email protected]";
    //there can of course be more than one email in $SendTo, separated by commas
    $MsgBody = "A new comment awaits moderation on your blog";
    $SubjectLine = "New comment submitted to your blog";
    mail($SendTo, $SubjectLine, $MsgBody, "From: $SendFrom", "[email protected]");

    This essentially gives notification that the Submit Comments button has been clicked, executing the form action file. It gives no email control over comment moderation etc; it’s just a simple notifier that there’s something submitted, but that’s what was so annoyingly not occurring.

    Note: the “[email protected]” at the end of the mail line may not be necessary, but when my host upgraded their php a while back, I found php mail on new domains was not sending anything and they advised that php5 was likely to need that extra header and that it would have no bad effect if the php version did not need it. I’ve found it is necessary and works.

    Christopher Whitby

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