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  • hwpguru


    invalid username just means that your username isn’t what you think it is. You can see what it actually is by looking at the database you have for the wordpress (if you only have one wordpress it should be the only one you see in the phpmyadmin – otherwise you can see what the database for that wordpress is if you look at your wp-config.php file – on the line that starts like this:
    define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘shows_up_here’);


    The table its in ends with _users (user_login) but the password that is there is in code



    Its probably a good idea to focus on updating the theme to a more recent version… If you leave old themes or plugins that havent been updated on your site for long periods of time, it would be a recipie for getting hacked eventually. But, while you’re figuring this out you could just set the account to use php5.2

    Also recent versions of wordpress work better/faster on php 5.4 (so theres a lot of other benefits other than just not getting hacked which is “huge”).

    Also 2 things, make sure that you have a php.ini file that has these lines (without a semicolon in front of it), display errors by default is on – not off (
    display_errors = Off
    error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_STRICT

    and that in wp-config.php (near the bottom) there is a line that says:
    define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);



    Just to add to what bemdesign said, wordpress premium is a service that you get on top of the service (adds features -onlocks a few more of them- to the free services), is software that you can install on a web server.

    If you just want to install a wordpress on a webserver, and *actually* don’t need any of the additional abilities that makes available then you could just go with Premium. But you would not need both of them, ever. Because “premium” would only be available on, not on a self-hosted

    as far as features: with
    Depending on the host the storage space would vary, and depending on the theme you chose your design options would vary, and the only ads you got would be ones you put there (that are paying you rather than paying – premium eliminates’s ads, “videopress” replaces video plugins that you can install on, “custom design” replaces the way some themes have additional customization features in their themes dashboard widgets, the extra space that you get (13 gigs) is relative to however much space you sign up for with the host that you pick (typically all hosted accounts are going to have more space than that anyway – bluehost would start at 100 gigs and go up from there), to have a hosted account you would get a domain name through the host.

    You would just need to look at both and see which one works for you.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Static Homepage


    like a featured post?
    there’s this



    one thing there is you have to figure out where the domain is registered through right now in order to change it. Sites like this show you who the registrar is.

    on that one it calls it a Registrar WHOIS Server and Registrar URL (once you look it up), to change the nameservers you just go to the url of whoever currently controls your domain for you and use that to contact their support (or login on their control panel whichever is easier). Registrars can change nameservers pretty fast, changing them through ICANN can take a while.



    It looks like you got your wordpress moved (nameservers are there and wordpress displays), but just in case anyone else runs into this:

    It really shouldn’t matter how you install wordpress as long as you can view it once you have installed it. There should be an option to install it on a temporary domain,

    like this:

    and either move the files like this:

    or move the export information – this
    and then

    But, at the end of it you would have to change you urls with a tool like or

    If you did install it to a different url.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Admin Pages Blank


    Other things that can cause that, if you’re using an older version of wordpress are:

    If you are using a newer version of php than wordpress is setup for, (for instance php5.4 when the wordpress version is below 3.8). In that case try using php 5.2 -> upgrade anything on the wordpress that says it has an upgrade (themes/plugins) then upgrade wordpress to the current version.

    A plugin or theme that displays info in the admin that doesnt work on the current version of wordpress, or version of php. Usually your error_log will have something in it that lets you know what plugin is doing it.

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