Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Smiley Styles?How do I make my smilies align with my text? They site about 7px above the text line at the moment.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: max character limit?Just as a follow up on this, I tried posting a page and a post with copy/paste plain text with no formatting at 65742 characters 12,400 words. The page failed to save, stripping all content out on page and post. So, there is a limit, but as you say, probably memory related to server.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Replacing WP Lightbox 2 with jquery-lightbox-balupton-editionThis plugin breaks the site if using wp-polls or alknor post thumbs. as soon as ut’s activated, I’m seeing a continuous black loading screen on the home page, as if trying to load an image. Deactivating post thumbs or polls clears the fault.
Thanks for the feedback, brilliant news. I’ll check out what you’ve done so far.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Featurific For WordPress] Produces xml links thatI used a robots file as found here which is supposed to exclude bots from various parts of the file system, including /plugins/ However, checking my google index results recently proves that this has NOT worked and the xml files are still being parsed. I still have 38 xml files not found by Google bot. So … still looking for a solution.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Featurific For WordPress] Produces xml links thatHi Rich. Here is one particular URL of about 40 similar. I have loads of these in my Google site crawl report and they all give a 404 in google. I have plugged the hole in my htaccess to prevent google crawling my files and directories, so this probably won’t happen again. Thought you needed to know about this, however as other users may not be locking down their site files so tightly.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Post private per defaultThere are 2 recent plugins that do this. First is role scoper found here Good plugin but not a 5 minute job to set up. The other is in development at the moment called wp sentry found here Both these plugins are very new and both do exactly what has been missing for so long; a decent permission layer on wordpress! wp sentry is still growing features, and I think will be maturing soon. Scoper will do anything you want, but be prepared for a learning curve first. Hope that helps.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Blogroll or links done properly?Thanks Dan for that comment. I guess I should have said that I want a propper links page, not a sidebar thing. They soon run out of space. However, what you posted could be used to build a page template, so thanks for that idea!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Post private per default$post->post_status = ‘draft’;
Unable to find this line in 2.5.1 Did they change it again? any other ideas to do this. It must be such a simple switch, can’t imagine why it’s not a standard WP option
Make all wordpress posts private by default ‘YES/NO’
Make all wordpress pages private by default ‘YES/NO’Any other ideas ????
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Blogroll or links done properly?Thanks mosey, but I’ve seen this. It’s all rather basic and as the developer states, does not handle sub cats very well.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Profiler and Cimy Extra Field PluginYes, Please,PLEASE add Register Plus support ?? Plus sort entries by fields. Really needed for a club environment where users fall into different categories.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: How to make front page show a feature storyThanks for your help guys … jaclyn’s code snippet does the job pretty well. Thanks! (‘_’)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 2.5.1 permalink problem with some pluginsI use popularity contest 1.3b3 here. This is a modified version of the original plugin. Modifications by Wessley Roche in order to work with WordPress 2.5. The plugin works correctly, except for the URLS. Rob Marsh is aware of the same problem I’m having with his plugins (similar posts and recent comments), but they are all 2.5 compatible. There is no problem with the sites standard URL sttings, only permalinks. I’m really stuck where to look for a solution on this.
Thanks for the comment and interest.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Widget Logic] widget_content not persistingThe readme file still shows the conditional tags as eg: is\_home() where it should read is_home() and is\_category(5) instead of is_category(‘5’). Can you update this please
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: steady offload wp-offload, does it work?Ok, thanks to a fast and helpful response from Steady-Offload support, Ive got this working and here’s how we did it.
On my theme I use custom fields, which seemed to cause a problem with Steady offload. To get around this we used a different method to ‘offload images’ that meant using the wp-offload plugin was NOT necessary and allowed the use of custom fields as well as ordinary image placements.
1- There is no need to install the plugin.
2- On your Steady offload account, go to control panel and then ‘Integration’
3- You will see a one line java script with your unique key in it
4- Copy that line of java script and paste it into the header.php of your theme between the head tags.
5- Now do a search and replace of all your theme files and replace ‘src ‘with ‘srcx’
6- This will now offload all your images to your ‘Steady offload’ account.I’m still evaluating this system, but one thing is for sure, images DO play a large part in bandwidth, so this maybe a great concept. The downside is that image names are rewritten and will not be any good for SEO purposes
I’ll post back here in time to make an evaluation of how well this improves my page loads, site efficiency and bandwidth.
Thanks to bl0wfish for all your help. This counts for a lot these days!