• I have included WordPress as a section of a larger site. I have customized the the template to match the rest of my site. All through my site, I use a menu that is included using php. Until till last night I was able to include the same menu by using an absolute url. For some reason, the server no longer allows absolute urls (https://domain.com/includes/menu.php). So.. the problem comes in when I switch to relative paths like (../../../includes/menu.php) WordPress tells me that it is outside the allowed paths.

    Now that I have lost most with the long explaination…

    How can I modifiy the allowed paths?

    Thanks in advance.


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  • I would hazard a guess that something else might be wrong, the server shouldn’t just stop allowing absolute URI’s out of nowhere – have you checked with your host to see what’s wrong?

    How can I modifiy the allowed paths?

    That’s exactly the issue: do not use “url” as you did earlier but “path! They are two different things.

    Sorry, I missed the include part! You can use an absolute file-path, I always do for PHP includes. The file path will be something like /home/user/www/path/to/file.php I’ve always found the relative paths confusing myself ??

    Good luck,

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