I have sorted the menu problem, but these issues are still there:
I tried changing the option you sent a screenshot of, clicking ‘hide’ amp pages to STOP a post being amp, but it doesn’t do anything and the page is STILL linked to in the site and tries to load an AMP version.
Also the non amp version link issue is still there, and the link you sent for that just goes to an update log on github, it doesn’t explain how you or I can fix the problem, and for the record I have the latest version of all plugins, and wordpress installed..?
And for the sitemap,
BEFORE I installed ths plugin, my sitemaps were fine, and created using Yoast SEO in XML format. Now, the PAGE sitemap, found here https://howtolucid.com/page-sitemap.xml
is just a huge block of code and text, and NOT the format yoast usually makes for the sitemaps.. Any idea why this is?
Also at the bottom of every AMP page on mobile there are 4-5 dots at the very end like bullet points but with nothing next to them? I can’t get rid of them.. Any ideas?
Thanks for your support