Forum Replies Created
Hi james, I already change my theme into twenty nineteen and disable all of my plugins, but nothing works, the error_log keeps coming, i try to disable the error log by putting this code on my htaccess
php_flag log_errors Off
but nothing’s change. The error still coming.. Any suggestion??
i have deleted the error log file this morning and now everything works okay, no error with the situation i have disable all of my plugin except woocommerce, and still using my theme.
I will change my theme into twenty nineteen and see if there’s any error, but i think i have to wait until next morning to see if the error_log file back again.. I will update it tomorrow.
Thank you for your reply James Huff,
it actually already error even before i update the theme. I already disable my plugin, but no difference..
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: The ( error_log ) file size is very largeHi,
I have the same problem with class wp_hook.php, the error_file got so big, 25GB, and crashed my site.. Has your problem been resolved??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Sitemap PriorityHi, Nile..
I already read the following link you give to change the priority and it works, but i also want to change the priority of product_category and tag. I try adding category in the end like this code below but it doesn’t work,add_filter( ‘wpseo_xml_sitemap_post_priority’, ‘my_custom_post_xml_priority’, 10, 4 );
function my_custom_post_xml_priority( $return, $type, $post) {
if ($type == ‘page’)
$return = 1.0;
else if ($type == ‘post’)
$return = 0.6;
else if ($type == ‘product’)
$return = 0.6;
else if ($type == ‘category’)
$return = 0.9;
return $return;
}maybe, if you can help me with this…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] No product title in thumbnailshey Mike, thank you. You right it’s just a temporary theme update.
now its back again…Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Product name/title missing from thumbnail imageshai, i have the same problem. My product title also missing showing only the price. I have already try the code @lorro give and paste it in my theme/custom.css file but nothing happen. I’m using bazar theme. Anyone can help?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Email notification for custom order statusHi Andreas,
I put that in my functions.php file in my bazar theme folder. I’m using bazar theme right now.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Email notification for custom order statusHi Andreas,
Thank you for your answer, but i’m really a novice and i’m not a coder. Can you give me a little explanation? I don’t know where to put that code and what it means to trigger woocommerce emails.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: php error_log showing SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWSThank you for explaining juggledad,
so, it’s really about the theme? because i do update bazar theme before this start happen. Can you really explain what about the
'ORDER BY wp_postmeta.meta_value+0'
because i’m still new with this..Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to remove footer in bazar themeThankyou yomisimie. I already solved this problem.
<?php if( !is_page('390') ) :?>
390 is my checkoutpage id