Forum Replies Created
Hi i just try to login again using my phone and see there is changes I can now see it looks similar to your video instruction. So I can do the mapping now. Since I have set to auto sync I don’t have to do anything to the feed in merchant correct?
What should I do now to see my product in Google please? Create campaign in Google ads is it using the Google merchant feed I have?
Hi how do I solve this issue please. As you can see I did try to enter mapping name here and save but nothing happen.
HelenHi, i did what you said.. Set the Mapper name and scroll down, and Save. You will see the mapper has been saved.–> i can’t see mapper been saved.
I then go to create feed i cant see the saved category mapper which i created.
Hi, when i go to my google merchant and click on the feed property, it shows MANUAL. If it’s auto-sync feed what should it shows pleases? i did setup the auto sync.If i did everything correctly, how do i view my product in google? Do i have to setup Google Ads too?
Hi, once I’ve uploaded to Google Merchant, if i make any changes to the feed, i don’t have to re-upload my xml file correct? Because I’ve setup the auto sync and I saw it was authorised earlier.
But now when I go back and click on Google Merchant Setting, it shows You are not authorized.
Your access token has expired. This application uses OAuth 2.0 to Access Google APIs. Please insert the information below and authenticate token for Google Merchant Shop. Generated access token expires after 3600 sec.What should i do please?
Hi, Thanks for your reply. https://jumpshare.com/v/XBYeYIO8IO1G2GEmNfMd I did try to scroll all the way to bottom and i can see Category mapping but it doesn’t allow me to select it. Video code is the last one which i can select. Doesn’t allow me to scroll further.
As I mentioned earlier, i also see different screen from this too.
https://rextheme.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/006-G-Product-Category-Mapping-1024×474.jpgI tried this one too under category mapping. Is this correct?
https://jumpshare.com/v/yTj1aS7CosgmTq3Nz94Qmy website is currently selling all greeting cards so i use the code 2559 in google category, it is gift giving. Although greeting cards consist of wedding card, christmas card or birthday card I don’t have to enter all those right?
But i can always add new category Toys which I’m going to bring in again, by then i need to create another new category is it?
- This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by hsl222.
Hi, am i doing this correctly for the category mapping.
https://jmp.sh/HaTQJy9 –> I saw this code 2559 so in category mapping i just enter the code as shown on screenshot below? Is this correct?
2559 – Arts & Entertainment > Party & Celebration > Gift Givinghttps://jmp.sh/B6j0PRE –> Do I select category map? It doesn’t allow me to select though.
Please help. I’m stuck here. ??
Thanks for the guide.
Here’s how my category mapping screen looks like https://jmp.sh/Y8SGPEu
It’s different from the screenshot on your guide. https://rextheme.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/006-G-Product-Category-Mapping-1024×474.jpg
Example for my anniversary category on the left, what should be written on the field on the right? when i click on right field nothing happen.Thanks,
HelenHi, I also want to follow up on my post i sent out 3 weeks ago. Please see below.
I did exactly what you said. Added the following code below <?php wp_head();?>
but doesn’t show any result.https://bodyologyfranchising.com.au/store/ – I tried not to login
https://bodyologyfranchising.com.au/store/products/ – but when i go straight to this url, it still accessible which is not suppose to. Please assist. ??<?php wp_head();?>
global $post;
if ($post->post_parent && post_password_required($post->post_parent))
wp_redirect(get_permalink($post->post_parent));?>By the way, is this forum content accessible to public? I can’t have anyone see the above link. It’s private login.
HelenHI, I set Force login to “No”.
The flow seems not right.1. This is my product page https://bodyologyfranchising.com.au/store/products/
2. When user click “Buy Now”, it will come to this “Review Cart” page.
3. I understand by setting Force Login to “No”, client gets to checkout directly.
4. Once I click check out directly, it prompts me to enter all my details like address, email and etc. After that I click “Continue checkout” and it goes straight to paypal.My objective is i don’t want regular clients to keep having to enter all their details all over again everytime they come to shop here. From the flow above, where is the process that ask me to enter my Username and password? Because under point 3 above, there’s a username and password login. I didn’t get the chance to enter password. I hope you get what I mean.
Urgently need your help.
HelenHi, I want to continue to use your plugin but I need some help here please.
Under store setting, I set “Force Login” option to “No”.
I tried to purchase a product, enter all details in forms and there is a message on top “Made a purchase here before? Login now to retrieve your saved info ?”
1. Does the system store the details when I first enter them so I don’t have to re-enter again?
2. Where does the info saved to? Where is the wp can I see which user save the info?
3. Under “Review Cart” page, I can see “have a user account” then Username field and password field. because I set Force Login to No, the next column shows “Check out Directly”. My question is the system doesn’t ask me to enter username and password, how do I know what’s my username and password please?Thanks,
HelenHi David,
I did exactly what you said. Added the following code below <?php wp_head();?>
but doesn’t show any result.https://bodyologyfranchising.com.au/store/ – I tried not to login
https://bodyologyfranchising.com.au/store/products/ – but when i go straight to this url, it still accessible which is not suppose to. Please assist. ??<?php wp_head();?>
global $post;
if ($post->post_parent && post_password_required($post->post_parent))
wp_redirect(get_permalink($post->post_parent));?>By the way, is this forum content accessible to public? I can’t have anyone see the above link. It’s private login.
Desperately need your help here.
HelenHi, please assist me with me where exactly should i paste my code please?
HelenHi Jorge,
I tried to paste your code below
global $post;
if ($post->post_parent && post_password_required($post->post_parent))
wp_redirect(get_permalink($post->post_parent));to header.php file after opening of php tag. I don’t know exactly where is it. I tried to paste a few places but then the whole code shows on top of the website.
I copied the top section of the code here. Could you please tell me exactly where I should paste your code please?
<?php session_start(); ?>
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