Forum Replies Created
@jakramer if you have a chance, please install this version and confirm the issue is solved
We appreciate your feedback!
Hi @jakramer
thanks for reporting this issue. We’ll prepare an updated version with the fix.
Hi @ipanis
I recommend to take a look to Flexslider docs to get more details about how to manipulate the slideshow instance
About the undefined errors, be sure that flexslider library loads before your custom code, otherwise you’ll keep seeing these errors.
Hi @pleinx
code is already added and executed through MetaSlider, so be careful to not duplicate flexslider instances. Additionally the error$(…).flexslider is not a function
means you added your custom code before loading the library that requires that code, in this case flexslider.Regards
The method is
(where ID is the actual slideshow id).Regards
MetaSlider uses Flexslider library as default. There are some methods to change the status/content of the slideshow such as
in case you want to add new slides content on the fly. Use with caution.Link to Flexslider docs:
Hi @pleinx,
you can use ‘metaslider/initialized’ event
(function($) {
$(document).on('metaslider/initialized', function (e, identifier) {
/* Your code goes here */
which PHP version are you using?
Now please remove the custom CSS I suggested before and see if the alignment issue is gone.
It seems you are using 10Web Booster plugin to handle CSS optimization. Deactivate the plugin or skip the Flexslider CSS files (if the option is available) so files can load normally. Hopefully this will solve the issue.
the theme CSS is messing the slideshow and/or the plugin that compress the whole site CSS. Please try adding this custom CSS to fix it:
.flexslider ul li {
margin-left: 0 !important;
}Also make sure “Print CSS” setting while editing the slideshow is enabled.
To enable back Nivo as option, go to MetaSlider > Settings & Help. Look for “Disable Legacy Libraries” and turn off.
Not sure if could be related, we disabled copying settings from previous edited slideshow, to new created slideshows. This means new slideshows uses the same default values. I recommend to check the settings for the new slideshows.
The slideshow images being cut-off could be a CSS issue. Hard to tell without having access to your site.
If you rollback to version 3.91, does the issue is solved? You can download 3.91 from here and install it as any regular plugin to downgrade to that version. Remember to make a full site backup before performing any change.
If you need advanced support, we have pro plans to login and debug the issue for you
Thanks for sharing your feedback @zimbo000 !
About the broken images in preview, if you click to edit those slideshows, does the images exist in the slide and/or Media manager?
About the ordering, you can filter by clicking on columns headers, and also change default ordering at MetaSlider > Settings & Help menu. Look for “Dashboard Settings”
Please share more details about the issues on the slideshows created under 3.92.0 version. The more details, the better please.